Work with thought leaders and academic experts in Physics

Companies can greatly benefit from working with experts in the field of Physics. These researchers bring a unique perspective and skill set that can enhance innovation, problem-solving, and technological advancements. Here are five ways companies can collaborate with academic researchers in Physics: 1. Research and Development: Academic researchers can contribute to the development of new technologies, materials, and processes. Their expertise in Physics can help companies solve complex problems and create innovative solutions. 2. Data Analysis: Physics researchers are skilled in analyzing large datasets and extracting meaningful insights. Companies can leverage their expertise to analyze and interpret data, leading to informed decision-making and improved business strategies. 3. Product Design and Optimization: Physics researchers can provide valuable input in the design and optimization of products. Their understanding of fundamental principles can help companies create more efficient and effective products. 4. Simulation and Modeling: Academic researchers in Physics have expertise in simulation and modeling techniques. Companies can collaborate with them to simulate real-world scenarios, test hypotheses, and optimize processes. 5. Training and Education: Physics researchers can provide training and education to company employees. They can conduct workshops, seminars, and training programs to enhance the technical skills and knowledge of the workforce.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in Physics include Keiran Thompson, Joshua Cohen, Siddharth Maddali, Jim Samuel, Ryan Howell, Juan Ignacio Peralta, Dr. Ekaterina Ponizovskaya Devine, Ben Bartlett, Keisha Walters, Tej Lamichhane, Mengying Li, Yuan Yang, and Weijun Luo, Ph.D..

Dr. Ekaterina Ponizovskaya Devine

University of California, Davis
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (3)
Quantum communication
I am interested in new technology in optics, photonics, and quantum systems. I am motivated to find new solutions and develop new applications, constantly learning and improving my skills. I have a strong background in Physics and experience solving Multiphysics problems numerically with commercial software and using in-house code. I have experience with experimental equipment and automation. • Optics and Photonics. Design, modeling, and theoretical simulations and experiments for photonics components from UV to IR (high-speed photodetectors, metasurface structures, APD, SPAD, laser, VCSEL, lenses, interconnectors, sensors, fibers) for communications, sensors, image sensors, and quantum applications. Signal and image processing, temporal and special noise, stochastic process, stochastic resonance. Digital holography, wavefront reconstruction. Digital holography. Multi-physics simulation, non-linear optics. • Numerical methods (Monte-Carlo, FDTD, FEM, FFT, RCWA, BPM, TMM) for modeling complex multi-physics simulations, sparse matrices, ordinary and partial differential equations. Signal processing algorithms, machine learning, optimization, modeling probability distribution, time-dependent density functional theory, non-equilibrium Green’s functions. C++, Python, Matlab , Commercial software: Lumerical, Comsol, Zemax, Silvaco, LabVIEW, computer clusters parallel coding with CPU, parallel programming with CUDA and GPU. • New materials: quantum dots, photonic crystals, 2D materials, negative index materials, chirality, broken RT-symmetry, and non-Hermitian structures. Si, Ge, and III-V semiconductors. Turbulence, Mie and Raman scattering. • Quantum communication and quantum computing. Quantum to a classical interface. Quantum networks and Quantum Key Distribution system with noise and crosstalk. Quantum communication protocoles. • Experience with optical lab equipment, experiment automation, experimental setup, and alignment, data processing. Electrical and optical testing and data analysis. • Automation of a variety of systems, optical, cryogenic fuel loading, and storage systems. Physics-based models for a variety of physical systems (optics, photonics, fluid and gas dynamics, two-phase flow, cavitation). Prognostics for automated systems for NASA, using machine learning in combination with physics-based models. • Patents and publications in peer-reviewed journals: over 150 publications, conferences presentations at IEEE, APS, Optics • Supervising students

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Tej Lamichhane

Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Postdoctoral Associate | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Nuclear Science and Engineering
Research Expertise (0)
Experience, research and interests include: Additive manufacturing of bonded permanent magnets Additive manufacturing of hybrid Halbach arrays and design Additive manufacturing of brushless permanent magnet motor and magnetic properties simulations using EMworks software package Synthesized several (more than 15) types of inter-metallic single crystalline, poly-crystalline, and nano-materials samples Maintained and used Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) for 5 years to measure low (down to 50 K) and high temperature ( up to 1000 K) magnetic and transport properties Characterized these samples using XRD, SEM, resistivity, TGA, and DSC Published 10 peer-reviewed journals as a lead author and working for 4 more Co-inventor of the two provisional patents An experienced physics teacher, lab mentor for graduate and undergraduate students Interested in public speaking and social service A clean-handed experimentalist maintained lab safety and equipment properly Can design, plan, execute, data analyze, and write a manuscript of a research project independently Good research collaboration experience, adaptable to diverse working conditions Self-motivated, goals oriented researcher Enjoy critical thinking, instrumentation, and outdoor exercises Additive manufacturing of bonded permanent magnets Additive manufacturing of hybrid Halbach arrays and design Additive manufacturing of brushless permanent magnet motor and magnetic properties simulations using EMworks software package Synthesized several (more than 15) types of inter-metallic single crystalline, poly-crystalline, and nano-materials samples Maintained and used Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) for 5 years to measure low (down to 50 K) and high temperature ( up to 1000 K) magnetic and transport properties Characterized these samples using XRD, SEM, resistivity, TGA, and DSC Published 10 peer-reviewed journals as a lead author and working for 4 more Co-inventor of the two provisional patents An experienced physics teacher, lab mentor for graduate and undergraduate students Interested in public speaking and social service A clean-handed experimentalist maintained lab safety and equipment properly Can design, plan, execute, data analyze, and write a manuscript of a research project independently Good research collaboration experience, adaptable to diverse working conditions Self-motivated, goals oriented researcher Enjoy critical thinking, instrumentation, and outdoor exercises <br>

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Example Physics projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on Physics?

Optimizing Solar Panel Efficiency

A company in the renewable energy industry can collaborate with a Physics expert to optimize the efficiency of solar panels. The researcher can analyze the physics behind solar energy conversion and suggest improvements in panel design and material composition.

Improving Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes

A semiconductor manufacturing company can work with a Physics researcher to improve their manufacturing processes. The researcher can apply principles of Physics to analyze and optimize the deposition, etching, and lithography processes, leading to higher quality and more efficient semiconductor devices.

Developing Quantum Computing Algorithms

A technology company interested in quantum computing can collaborate with a Physics expert to develop advanced algorithms. The researcher can apply principles of quantum mechanics to design algorithms that can solve complex problems more efficiently, opening up new possibilities in computing.

Enhancing Medical Imaging Techniques

A medical imaging company can partner with a Physics researcher to enhance their imaging techniques. The researcher can apply principles of Physics to improve image resolution, reduce noise, and develop new imaging modalities, leading to more accurate diagnoses and better patient care.

Optimizing Energy Storage Systems

An energy storage company can collaborate with a Physics expert to optimize their energy storage systems. The researcher can analyze the physics of energy storage and suggest improvements in battery design, materials, and charging/discharging processes, leading to more efficient and reliable energy storage solutions.