Naveen Adusumilli
Warner Bruner Endowed Professor, Associate Professor- Extension Economist -Louisiana State University
Research Expertise
Economic evaluation of using surge valves in furrow irrigation of row crops in Louisiana: A net present value approach
Agricultural Water Management / Aug 01, 2016
Adusumilli, N., Davis, S., & Fromme, D. (2016). Economic evaluation of using surge valves in furrow irrigation of row crops in Louisiana: A net present value approach. Agricultural Water Management, 174, 61–65.
Analysis of soil management and water conservation practices adoption among crop and pasture farmers in humid-south of the United States
International Soil and Water Conservation Research / Jun 01, 2018
Adusumilli, N., & Wang, H. (2018). Analysis of soil management and water conservation practices adoption among crop and pasture farmers in humid-south of the United States. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 6(2), 79–86.
Estimating risk premiums for adopting no-till and cover crops management practices in soybean production system using stochastic efficiency approach
Agricultural Systems / Feb 01, 2020
Adusumilli, N., Wang, H., Dodla, S., & Deliberto, M. (2020). Estimating risk premiums for adopting no-till and cover crops management practices in soybean production system using stochastic efficiency approach. Agricultural Systems, 178, 102744.
Valuation of Ecosystem Services from Wetlands Mitigation in the United States
Land / Mar 06, 2015
Adusumilli, N. (2015). Valuation of Ecosystem Services from Wetlands Mitigation in the United States. Land, 4(1), 182–196.
Irrigation water demand and elasticities: a case study of the High Plains aquifer
Irrigation Science / Jul 09, 2022
Pathak, S., Adusumilli, N. C., Wang, H., & Almas, L. K. (2022). Irrigation water demand and elasticities: a case study of the High Plains aquifer. Irrigation Science, 40(6), 941–954.
Diffusion patterns in disaster-induced internet public opinion: based on a Sina Weibo online discussion about the ‘Liangshan fire’ in China
Environmental Hazards / May 06, 2020
Liu, Y., Zhu, J., Shao, X., Adusumilli, N. C., & Wang, F. (2020). Diffusion patterns in disaster-induced internet public opinion: based on a Sina Weibo online discussion about the ‘Liangshan fire’ in China. Environmental Hazards, 20(2), 163–187.
The U.S. Biofuel Policy: Review of Economic and Environmental Implications
American Journal of Environmental Protection / Aug 07, 2014
Adusumilli, N., & Leidner, A. (2014). The U.S. Biofuel Policy: Review of Economic and Environmental Implications. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 2(4), 64–70.
Conservation Adoption Among Owners and Tenant Farmers in the Southern United States
Agriculture / Mar 12, 2019
Adusumilli, N., & Wang, H. (2019). Conservation Adoption Among Owners and Tenant Farmers in the Southern United States. Agriculture, 9(3), 53.
Remittance receipts and allocation: a study of three African countries
Applied Economics / Jul 28, 2015
Musumba, M., Mjelde, J. W., & Adusumilli, N. C. (2015). Remittance receipts and allocation: a study of three African countries. Applied Economics, 47(59), 6375–6389.
Economic Optimization of Groundwater Resources: A Case of Texas County in Oklahoma Panhandle
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 / May 01, 2008
Almas, L. K., & Colette, W. A. (2008, May). Economic Optimization of Groundwater Resources: A Case of Texas County in Oklahoma Panhandle. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008.
Impact of the Federal Conservation Program Participation on Conservation Practice Adoption Intensity in Louisiana, USA
Environmental Management / May 05, 2021
Pathak, S., Paudel, K. P., & Adusumilli, N. C. (2021). Impact of the Federal Conservation Program Participation on Conservation Practice Adoption Intensity in Louisiana, USA. Environmental Management, 68(1), 1–16.
Economic and stochastic efficiency analysis of alternative cover crop systems in Louisiana
Experimental Agriculture / Sep 30, 2020
Wang, H., Adusumilli, N., Gentry, D., & Fultz, L. (2020). Economic and stochastic efficiency analysis of alternative cover crop systems in Louisiana. Experimental Agriculture, 56(5), 651–661.
The Economics of Mitigation of Water Pollution Externalities from Biomass Production for Energy
Resources / Dec 05, 2014
Adusumilli, N., Lee, T., Rister, M., & Lacewell, R. (2014). The Economics of Mitigation of Water Pollution Externalities from Biomass Production for Energy. Resources, 3(4), 721–733.
Principles and policies for soil and water conservation
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation / Jan 01, 2018
Manale, A., Sharpley, A., DeLong, C., Speidel, D., Gantzer, C., Peterson, J., Martin, R., Lindahl, C., & Adusumilli, N. (2018). Principles and policies for soil and water conservation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 73(4), 96A-99A.
Estimating effects of improved drinking water and sanitation on cholera
Journal of Water and Health / Aug 23, 2013
Leidner, A. J., & Adusumilli, N. C. (2013). Estimating effects of improved drinking water and sanitation on cholera. Journal of Water and Health, 11(4), 671–683.
Surface water supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 9. Colorado River basin, Volume 3. Lower Colorado River basin
Jan 01, 1970
Surface water supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 9. Colorado River basin, Volume 3. Lower Colorado River basin. (1970). US Geological Survey.
Effect of Cost-Sharing Federal Programs on Adoption of Water Conservation Practices: Results from Propensity Score Matching Approach
Water Economics and Policy / Jul 25, 2019
Adusumilli, N., Dikitanan, R., & Wang, H. (2019). Effect of Cost-Sharing Federal Programs on Adoption of Water Conservation Practices: Results from Propensity Score Matching Approach. Water Economics and Policy, 06(01), 1950004.
The Biofuel Feedstock Genomics Resource: a web-based portal and database to enable functional genomics of plant biofuel feedstock species
Database / Jan 01, 2012
Childs, K. L., Konganti, K., & Buell, C. R. (2012). The Biofuel Feedstock Genomics Resource: a web-based portal and database to enable functional genomics of plant biofuel feedstock species. Database, 2012.
Additionality in Agricultural Conservation Programs and Extension Services
Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research / Dec 01, 2019
Wang, H., Pathak, S., & Adusumilli, N. (2019). Additionality in Agricultural Conservation Programs and Extension Services. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 9(2), 157–179.
Economic Assessment of Producing Corn and Cellulosic Ethanol Mandate on Agricultural Producers and Consumers in the United States
Economics Research International / Feb 28, 2016
Adusumilli, N. C., Lacewell, R. D., Taylor, C. R., & Rister, M. E. (2016). Economic Assessment of Producing Corn and Cellulosic Ethanol Mandate on Agricultural Producers and Consumers in the United States. Economics Research International, 2016, 1–9.
Risk Aversion and Timber Harvest Strategies: A Case Study of Nonindustrial Private Forest Management in Louisiana
Small-scale Forestry / Jan 08, 2022
Wang, H., Adusumilli, N., Blazier, M., & Pathak, S. (2022). Risk Aversion and Timber Harvest Strategies: A Case Study of Nonindustrial Private Forest Management in Louisiana. Small-Scale Forestry, 21(2), 275–295.
Regional Conservation Partnership Program: A Tool for Natural Resources Management Across Watersheds
Journal of Extension / Apr 01, 2019
Adusumilli, N. (2019). Regional Conservation Partnership Program: A Tool for Natural Resources Management Across Watersheds. Journal of Extension, 57(2).
The Feasibility of Variable Rate Irrigation with Center Pivot Systems in the Northern Texas High Plains
2001 Sacramento, CA July 29-August 1,2001 / Jan 01, 2001
Thomas Marek, Lal Almas, Steve Amosson, & Erica Cox. (2001). The Feasibility of Variable Rate Irrigation with Center Pivot Systems in the Northern Texas High Plains. 2001 Sacramento, CA July 29-August 1,2001.
Contract noncompliance in agricultural conservation programs: Panel evidence from Louisiana, USA
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review / Jan 12, 2024
Pathak, S., Wang, H., & Adusumilli, N. C. (2024). Contract noncompliance in agricultural conservation programs: Panel evidence from Louisiana, USA. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 1–26.
Persistence and disadoption of sustainable agricultural practices in the Mississippi Delta region
Agronomy Journal / Jan 06, 2024
Pathak, S., Wang, H., Tran, D. Q., & Adusumilli, N. C. (2024). Persistence and disadoption of sustainable agricultural practices in the Mississippi Delta region. Agronomy Journal. Portico.
Self-assessed health status and obesity vulnerability in rural Louisiana: A cross-sectional analysis
PLOS ONE / Jun 16, 2023
Pathak, S., Wang, H., Seals, K., Adusumilli, N. C., & Holston, D. (2023). Self-assessed health status and obesity vulnerability in rural Louisiana: A cross-sectional analysis. PLOS ONE, 18(6), e0287181.
The Role of Farmer Heterogeneity in Nutrient Management: A Farm-Level Analysis
Journal of Applied Farm Economics / Oct 07, 2021
Wang, H., Adusumilli, N., Fromme, D., & Shannon, K. (2021). The Role of Farmer Heterogeneity in Nutrient Management: A Farm-Level Analysis. Journal of Applied Farm Economics, 4(1).
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Resources in 2020
Resources / Jan 25, 2021
(2021). Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Resources in 2020. Resources, 10(2), 9.
Evaluation of Soil Type and Seeding Rate on Winter Cover Crop Species in a Soybean Production System
Morgan, D. (n.d.). Evaluation of Soil Type and Seeding Rate on Winter Cover Crop Species in a Soybean Production System [Louisiana State University Libraries].
Economic Impacts of Groundwater Salinity in Louisiana
Dhakal, R. (n.d.). Economic Impacts of Groundwater Salinity in Louisiana [Louisiana State University Libraries].
Rye cover crop retains nitrogen and doesn’t reduce corn yields
Soil and Tillage Research / Aug 01, 2018
Snapp, S., & Surapur, S. (2018). Rye cover crop retains nitrogen and doesn’t reduce corn yields. Soil and Tillage Research, 180, 107–115.
DeltaGen: A Comprehensive Decision Support Tool for Plant Breeders
Crop Science / May 01, 2018
Jahufer, M. Z. Z., & Luo, D. (2018). DeltaGen: A Comprehensive Decision Support Tool for Plant Breeders. Crop Science, 58(3), 1118–1131. Portico.
The economic value of ecosystem services from agricultural and rural landscapes in Japan
Valuing Ecosystem Services / Aug 29, 2014
Yoshida, K. (2014). The economic value of ecosystem services from agricultural and rural landscapes in Japan. In Valuing Ecosystem Services. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Agronomic Benefits of Varying Corn Seed Populations: A Central Kentucky Study
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Precision Agriculture / Nov 02, 2015
Barnhisel, R. I., Bitzer, M. J., Grove, J. H., & Shearer, S. A. (2015). Agronomic Benefits of Varying Corn Seed Populations: A Central Kentucky Study. In ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Books (pp. 957–965). American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America.
Prominent Federal Agencies Dealing with United States Waters
United States Water Law / Dec 23, 2008
Prominent Federal Agencies Dealing with United States Waters. (2008). In United States Water Law (pp. 139–140). CRC Press.
Texas A&M University
PhD, Agricultural Economics / May, 2012
Louisiana State university
Extension Economist / May, 2014 — Present
State wide extension specialist on soil and water policy, Conservation, Climate change adaptation and mitigation
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