Dr. V Kumar

A Marketing Legend who has published over 300 scholarly papers , 35 books and received over 20 Lifetime Achievement Awards

Research Expertise

Marketing Research
Customer Relationship Management


V. Kumar (VK) is the Professor of Marketing, and the Goodman Academic-Industry Partnership Professor, Goodman School of Business, Brock University, ON, Canada. He has held/holds several Distinguished Endowed Faculty Positions in the U.S., and Distinguished Fellowships across universities worldwide, including being the *Chang Jiang Scholar*, HUST, Wuhan, China; and the *Hagler Fellow,* Texas A&M University, USA.  VK has also been honored as a *Legend in Marketing* through the 10-Volume Legends in Marketing series published by Sage Publications with commentaries from scholars worldwide. Professor Kumar has published over 300 papers in scholarly journals including the *Harvard Business Review*, *Sloan Management Review* and the *California Management Review*, and over 30 books including the three most recent – Valuing Customer Engagement, Transformative Marketing (with Phil Kotler) and International Marketing Research; received over 20 Lifetime Achievement Awards including the *Charles Coolidge Parlin Award, the Paul Converse Award, Distinguished Marketing Educator Award* from the Academy of Marketing Science, the *Mahajan Award*, the Robert B. Clarke Award, and the *Churchill Award* for his contributions to diverse areas of marketing; and over 25 Research and Teaching Excellence Awards including the *Don Lehmann Award*, the *Paul Root Award*, the *Robert Buzzell Award*, the *Sheth Award,* and the *Davidson Award*. Professor Kumar has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the *Journal of Marketing* (2014-2018) and serves/served as the Department Editor of *POM*, and as the Consulting Editor of *JIBS*. He also serves on the Editorial Review Board of many scholarly journals in marketing and serves as a senior consultant editor for Elsevier Publishers. Global Fortune 500 firms have implemented many of VK’s ideas and models in multiple areas of marketing and operations, which have resulted in gains of over multi-billion dollars. Dr. Kumar has been inducted into the *Analytics Hall of Fame* for his contributions to marketing analytics practice. Dr. Kumar was awarded the *Gary Lilien Practice Prize Award* for the best implementation of marketing model to solve business problems for a firm by INFORMS/ISMS*.*  VK has mentored over 40 doctoral students across the world.  To honor his commitments to the doctoral student mentorship, the American Marketing Association has instituted the “V. Kumar Doctoral Student Mentorship Award” which is given out to recognize academics in the field of marketing who are productive scholars and who have been instrumental in developing doctoral students in marketing.  VK spends his “free” time visiting business leaders to identify challenging problems to solve. He plays tennis and basketball to relieve his stress arising out of being in academics. Dr. Kumar obtained his B. Tech (Hons.) and M. Tech (with Distinction) degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, India and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. (URL: [www.drvkumar.com](http://www.drvkumar.com/) and [www.vkclv.com](http://www.vkclv.com/) )


Book Reviews : MARKETING RESEARCH, SECOND EDITION by David A. Aaker and George S. Day (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 731 pages, $27.95)

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Jun 01, 1985

Mullet, G. M. (1985). Book Reviews : MARKETING RESEARCH, SECOND EDITION by David A. Aaker and George S. Day (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 731 pages, $27.95). Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 13(3), 319–321. https://doi.org/10.1177/009207038501300325

David Aaker: Brand Equity Trailblazer

Conversations with Marketing Masters / Jan 02, 2012

David Aaker: Brand Equity Trailblazer. (2012, January 2). Conversations with Marketing Masters; Wiley; Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119209256.ch2

Customer Experience Management in Retailing: An Organizing Framework

Journal of Retailing / Mar 01, 2009

Grewal, D., Levy, M., & Kumar, V. (2009). Customer Experience Management in Retailing: An Organizing Framework. Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2009.01.001

On the Profitability of Long-Life Customers in a Noncontractual Setting: An Empirical Investigation and Implications for Marketing

Journal of Marketing / Oct 01, 2000

Reinartz, W. J., & Kumar, V. (2000). On the Profitability of Long-Life Customers in a Noncontractual Setting: An Empirical Investigation and Implications for Marketing. Journal of Marketing, 64(4), 17–35. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.

Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Jun 11, 2016

Pansari, A., & Kumar, V. (2016). Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 294–311. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-016-0485-6

Undervalued or Overvalued Customers: Capturing Total Customer Engagement Value

Journal of Service Research / Aug 01, 2010

Kumar, V., Aksoy, L., Donkers, B., Venkatesan, R., Wiesel, T., & Tillmanns, S. (2010). Undervalued or Overvalued Customers: Capturing Total Customer Engagement Value. Journal of Service Research, 13(3), 297–310. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094670510375602

O Projeto Atlas Lingüístico do Brasil (Breve histórico e estágio atual)

O Português do Brasil / Dec 31, 2004

Cardoso, S. (2004). O Projeto Atlas Lingüístico do Brasil (Breve histórico e estágio atual). In O Português do Brasil (pp. 93–106). Iberoamericana Vervuert. https://doi.org/10.31819/9783964562999-006

The Impact of Customer Relationship Characteristics on Profitable Lifetime Duration

Journal of Marketing / Jan 01, 2003

Reinartz, W. J., & Kumar, V. (2003). The Impact of Customer Relationship Characteristics on Profitable Lifetime Duration. Journal of Marketing, 67(1), 77–99. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.

Customer Relationship Management

Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing / Sep 30, 2010

Kumar, V. (2010, September 30). Customer Relationship Management. Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing; Wiley; Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781444316568.wiem01015

Measuring Marketing Productivity: Current Knowledge and Future Directions

Journal of Marketing / Oct 01, 2004

Rust, R. T., Ambler, T., Carpenter, G. S., Kumar, V., & Srivastava, R. K. (2004). Measuring Marketing Productivity: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Journal of Marketing, 68(4), 76–89. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.

Seven Power Strategies for Building Customer Loyalty

Measuring Business Excellence / Dec 01, 2002

Seven Power Strategies for Building Customer Loyalty. (2002). Measuring Business Excellence, 6(4). https://doi.org/10.1108/mbe.2002.26706dae.012

Competitive Advantage through Engagement

Journal of Marketing Research / Aug 01, 2016

Kumar, V., & Pansari, A. (2016). Competitive Advantage through Engagement. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(4), 497–514. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.15.0044

A Customer Lifetime Value Framework for Customer Selection and Resource Allocation Strategy

Journal of Marketing / Oct 01, 2004

Venkatesan, R., & Kumar, V. (2004). A Customer Lifetime Value Framework for Customer Selection and Resource Allocation Strategy. Journal of Marketing, 68(4), 106–125. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.

Building and sustaining profitable customer loyalty for the 21st century

Journal of Retailing / Jan 01, 2004

Kumar, V., & Shah, D. (2004). Building and sustaining profitable customer loyalty for the 21st century. Journal of Retailing, 80(4), 317–329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2004.10.007

Is Market Orientation a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage or Simply the Cost of Competing?

Journal of Marketing / Jan 01, 2011

Kumar, V., Jones, E., Venkatesan, R., & Leone, R. P. (2011). Is Market Orientation a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage or Simply the Cost of Competing? Journal of Marketing, 75(1), 16–30. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.75.1.16

Balancing Acquisition and Retention Resources to Maximize Customer Profitability

Journal of Marketing / Jan 01, 2005

Reinartz, W., Thomas, J. S., & Kumar, V. (2005). Balancing Acquisition and Retention Resources to Maximize Customer Profitability. Journal of Marketing, 69(1), 63–79. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.

Modeling Customer Lifetime Value

Journal of Service Research / Nov 01, 2006

Gupta, S., Hanssens, D., Hardie, B., Kahn, W., Kumar, V., Lin, N., Ravishanker, N., & Sriram, S. (2006). Modeling Customer Lifetime Value. Journal of Service Research, 9(2), 139–155. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094670506293810

Interaction Orientation and Firm Performance

Journal of Marketing / Jan 01, 2008

Ramani, G., & Kumar, V. (2008). Interaction Orientation and Firm Performance. Journal of Marketing, 72(1), 27–45. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.72.1.27

Creating Enduring Customer Value

Journal of Marketing / Nov 01, 2016

Kumar, V., & Reinartz, W. (2016). Creating Enduring Customer Value. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 36–68. https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.15.0414

Who are the multichannel shoppers and how do they perform?: Correlates of multichannel shopping behavior

Journal of Interactive Marketing / Feb 01, 2005

Kumar, V., & Venkatesan, R. (2005). Who are the multichannel shoppers and how do they perform?: Correlates of multichannel shopping behavior. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 19(2), 44–62. https://doi.org/10.1002/dir.20034

Revisiting the Satisfaction–Loyalty Relationship: Empirical Generalizations and Directions for Future Research

Journal of Retailing / Sep 01, 2013

Kumar, V., Pozza, I. D., & Ganesh, J. (2013). Revisiting the Satisfaction–Loyalty Relationship: Empirical Generalizations and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Retailing, 89(3), 246–262. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2013.02.001

Putting one-to-one marketing to work: Personalization, customization, and choice

Marketing Letters / Sep 16, 2008

Arora, N., Dreze, X., Ghose, A., Hess, J. D., Iyengar, R., Jing, B., Joshi, Y., Kumar, V., Lurie, N., Neslin, S., Sajeesh, S., Su, M., Syam, N., Thomas, J., & Zhang, Z. J. (2008). Putting one-to-one marketing to work: Personalization, customization, and choice. Marketing Letters, 19(3–4), 305–321. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11002-008-9056-z


Journal of Relationship Marketing / Oct 15, 2006

Kumar, V. (2006). CLV: The Databased Approach. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 5(2–3), 7–35. https://doi.org/10.1300/j366v05n02_02

Multichannel Shopping: Causes and Consequences

Journal of Marketing / Apr 01, 2007

Venkatesan, R., Kumar, V., & Ravishanker, N. (2007). Multichannel Shopping: Causes and Consequences. Journal of Marketing, 71(2), 114–132. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.71.2.114

Customer engagement in service

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Oct 07, 2017

Kumar, V., Rajan, B., Gupta, S., & Pozza, I. D. (2017). Customer engagement in service. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(1), 138–160. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-017-0565-2

Measuring the Effect of Retail Store Promotions on Brand and Store Substitution

Journal of Marketing Research / May 01, 1988

Kumar, V., & Leone, R. P. (1988). Measuring the Effect of Retail Store Promotions on Brand and Store Substitution. Journal of Marketing Research, 25(2), 178–185. https://doi.org/10.1177/002224378802500206

Book Reviews : INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING RESEARCH by David Aaker and George Day (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980. 628 pp., $20.95)

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Jun 01, 1980

Agarwal, M. K. (1980). Book Reviews : INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING RESEARCH by David Aaker and George Day (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980. 628 pp., $20.95). Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 8(3), 301–302. https://doi.org/10.1177/009207038000800313

A strategic framework for a profitable business model in the sharing economy

Industrial Marketing Management / Feb 01, 2018

Kumar, V., Lahiri, A., & Dogan, O. B. (2018). A strategic framework for a profitable business model in the sharing economy. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 147–160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.08.021

Word of Mouth: September-October 2007

Word of Mouth / Sep 01, 2007

Word of Mouth: September-October 2007. (2007). Word of Mouth, 19(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1177/10483950070190010101

Marketing Actions and the Value of Customer Assets

Journal of Service Research / Aug 01, 2002

Berger, P. D., Bolton, R. N., Bowman, D., Briggs, E., Kumar, V., Parasuraman, A., & Terry, C. (2002). Marketing Actions and the Value of Customer Assets: A Framework for Customer Asset Management. Journal of Service Research, 5(1), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094670502005001005

Practice Prize Winner—Creating a Measurable Social Media Marketing Strategy: Increasing the Value and ROI of Intangibles and Tangibles for Hokey Pokey

Marketing Science / Mar 01, 2013

Kumar, V., Bhaskaran, V., Mirchandani, R., & Shah, M. (2013). Practice Prize Winner—Creating a Measurable Social Media Marketing Strategy: Increasing the Value and ROI of Intangibles and Tangibles for Hokey Pokey. Marketing Science, 32(2), 194–212. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.1120.0768

Evolution of Marketing as a Discipline: What Has Happened and What to Look Out For

Journal of Marketing / Jan 01, 2015

Kumar, V. (2015). Evolution of Marketing as a Discipline: What Has Happened and What to Look Out For. Journal of Marketing, 79(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.79.1.1

Investigating how Word-of-Mouth Conversations about Brands Influence Purchase and Retransmission Intentions

Journal of Marketing Research / Apr 01, 2016

Baker, A. M., Donthu, N., & Kumar, V. (2016). Investigating how Word-of-Mouth Conversations about Brands Influence Purchase and Retransmission Intentions. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(2), 225–239. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.14.0099

Expanding the Role of Marketing: From Customer Equity to Market Capitalization

Journal of Marketing / Nov 01, 2009

Kumar, V., & Shah, D. (2009). Expanding the Role of Marketing: From Customer Equity to Market Capitalization. Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 119–136. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.73.6.119

The Impact of Customer Relationship Management Implementation on Cost and Profit Efficiencies: Evidence from the U.S. Commercial Banking Industry

Journal of Marketing / Nov 01, 2009

Krasnikov, A., Jayachandran, S., & Kumar, V. (2009). The Impact of Customer Relationship Management Implementation on Cost and Profit Efficiencies: Evidence from the U.S. Commercial Banking Industry. Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 61–76. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.73.6.61

Are Product Returns a Necessary Evil? Antecedents and Consequences

Journal of Marketing / May 01, 2009

Petersen, J. A., & Kumar, V. (2009). Are Product Returns a Necessary Evil? Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Marketing, 73(3), 35–51. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.73.3.35

Increasing the ROI of social media marketing

IEEE Engineering Management Review / Jan 01, 2013

Kumar, V., & Mirchandani, R. (2013). Increasing the ROI of social media marketing. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 41(3), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.1109/emr.2013.6596535

A contingency framework for the mode of entry decision

Journal of World Business / Mar 01, 1997

Kumar, V., & Subramanian, V. (1997). A contingency framework for the mode of entry decision. Journal of World Business, 32(1), 53–72. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1090-9516(97)90025-0

Driving Profitability by Encouraging Customer Referrals: Who, When, and How

Journal of Marketing / Sep 01, 2010

Kumar, V., Petersen, J. A., & Leone, R. P. (2010). Driving Profitability by Encouraging Customer Referrals: Who, When, and How. Journal of Marketing, 74(5), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.74.5.1

International Marketing Research

The Handbook of Marketing Research / Jan 01, 2006

Kumar, V. (2006). International Marketing Research. In The Handbook of Marketing Research (pp. 628–645). SAGE Publications, Inc. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781412973380.n30

Thomas C. Stillinger, ed., Critical Essays on Geoffrey Chaucer. (Critical Essays on British Literature.) New York: G. K. Hall; London: Prentice Hall International, 1998. Pp. ix, 275; 1 table. $49.

Speculum / Jan 01, 2000

Thomas C. Stillinger, ed., Critical Essays on Geoffrey Chaucer. (Critical Essays on British Literature.) New York: G. K. Hall; London: Prentice Hall International, 1998. Pp. ix, 275; 1 table. $49. (2000). Speculum, 75(01), 271. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0038713400076284

Sales forecasts for existing consumer products and services: Do purchase intentions contribute to accuracy?

International Journal of Forecasting / Jul 01, 2000

Armstrong, J. S., Morwitz, V. G., & Kumar, V. (2000). Sales forecasts for existing consumer products and services: Do purchase intentions contribute to accuracy? International Journal of Forecasting, 16(3), 383–397. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0169-2070(00)00058-3

Retailing Innovations in a Globalizing Retail Market Environment

Journal of Retailing / Jul 01, 2011

Reinartz, W., Dellaert, B., Krafft, M., Kumar, V., & Varadarajan, R. (2011). Retailing Innovations in a Globalizing Retail Market Environment. Journal of Retailing, 87, S53–S66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2011.04.009

Antecedents and consequences of relationship intention: Implications for transaction and relationship marketing

Industrial Marketing Management / Nov 01, 2003

Kumar, V., Bohling, T. R., & Ladda, R. N. (2003). Antecedents and consequences of relationship intention: Implications for transaction and relationship marketing. Industrial Marketing Management, 32(8), 667–676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2003.06.007

Putting customers first - nine surefire ways to increase brand loyalty

Strategic Direction / Jun 20, 2008

Putting customers first - nine surefire ways to increase brand loyalty. (2008). Strategic Direction, 24(8). https://doi.org/10.1108/sd.2008.05624had.003

Managing retailer profitability—one customer at a time!

Journal of Retailing / Jan 01, 2006

Kumar, V., Shah, D., & Venkatesan, R. (2006). Managing retailer profitability—one customer at a time! Journal of Retailing, 82(4), 277–294. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2006.08.002

The Effect of Retail Store Environment on Retailer Performance

Journal of Business Research / Aug 01, 2000

Kumar, V., & Karande, K. (2000). The Effect of Retail Store Environment on Retailer Performance. Journal of Business Research, 49(2), 167–181. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0148-2963(99)00005-3

Conceptualizing the Evolution and Future of Advertising

Journal of Advertising / Jul 02, 2016

Kumar, V., & Gupta, S. (2016). Conceptualizing the Evolution and Future of Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 45(3), 302–317. https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2016.1199335

Future of Retailer Profitability: An Organizing Framework

Journal of Retailing / Mar 01, 2017

Kumar, V., Anand, A., & Song, H. (2017). Future of Retailer Profitability: An Organizing Framework. Journal of Retailing, 93(1), 96–119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2016.11.003

Customer lifetime value approaches and best practice applications

Journal of Interactive Marketing / May 01, 2004

Kumar, V., Ramani, G., & Bohling, T. (2004). Customer lifetime value approaches and best practice applications. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(3), 60–72. https://doi.org/10.1002/dir.20014

Sustainability and branding: An integrated perspective

Industrial Marketing Management / Jan 01, 2014

Kumar, V., & Christodoulopoulou, A. (2014). Sustainability and branding: An integrated perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(1), 6–15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2013.06.008

Measuring and maximizing customer equity: a critical analysis

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / May 05, 2007

Kumar, V., & George, M. (2007). Measuring and maximizing customer equity: a critical analysis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(2), 157–171. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-007-0028-2

Sustainability as corporate culture of a brand for superior performance

Journal of World Business / Jul 01, 2013

Gupta, S., & Kumar, V. (2013). Sustainability as corporate culture of a brand for superior performance. Journal of World Business, 48(3), 311–320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwb.2012.07.015

The Construct, Measurement, and Impact of Employee Engagement: a Marketing Perspective

Customer Needs and Solutions / Jan 15, 2014

Kumar, V., & Pansari, A. (2014). The Construct, Measurement, and Impact of Employee Engagement: a Marketing Perspective. Customer Needs and Solutions, 1(1), 52–67. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40547-013-0006-4

Synergistic effects of social media and traditional marketing on brand sales: capturing the time-varying effects

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Jun 14, 2016

Kumar, V., Choi, J. B., & Greene, M. (2016). Synergistic effects of social media and traditional marketing on brand sales: capturing the time-varying effects. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(2), 268–288. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-016-0484-7

Managing Customers for Value

Journal of Service Research / Nov 01, 2006

Kumar, V., Lemon, K. N., & Parasuraman, A. (2006). Managing Customers for Value: An Overview and Research Agenda. Journal of Service Research, 9(2), 87–94. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094670506293558

Choosing the Right Metrics to Maximize Profitability and Shareholder Value

Journal of Retailing / Mar 01, 2009

Petersen, J. A., McAlister, L., Reibstein, D. J., Winer, R. S., Kumar, V., & Atkinson, G. (2009). Choosing the Right Metrics to Maximize Profitability and Shareholder Value. Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 95–111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2008.11.004

Research framework, strategies, and applications of intelligent agent technologies (IATs) in marketing

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Feb 20, 2015

Kumar, V., Dixit, A., Javalgi, R. G., & Dass, M. (2015). Research framework, strategies, and applications of intelligent agent technologies (IATs) in marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 24–45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-015-0426-9

Practice Prize Report—The Power of CLV: Managing Customer Lifetime Value at IBM

Marketing Science / Jul 01, 2008

Kumar, V., Venkatesan, R., Bohling, T., & Beckmann, D. (2008). Practice Prize Report—The Power of CLV: Managing Customer Lifetime Value at IBM. Marketing Science, 27(4), 585–599. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.1070.0319

Impact of a Late Entrant on the Diffusion of a New Product/Service

Journal of Marketing Research / May 01, 2000

Krishnan, T. V., Bass, F. M., & Kumar, V. (2000). Impact of a Late Entrant on the Diffusion of a New Product/Service. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2), 269–278. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkr.

Cross-buying in retailing: Drivers and consequences

Journal of Retailing / Apr 01, 2008

KUMAR, V., GEORGE, M., & PANCRAS, J. (2008). Cross-buying in retailing: Drivers and consequences. Journal of Retailing, 84(1), 15–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2008.01.007

Evaluating the impact of social media activities on human brand sales

International Journal of Research in Marketing / Sep 01, 2016

Saboo, A. R., Kumar, V., & Ramani, G. (2016). Evaluating the impact of social media activities on human brand sales. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 524–541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijresmar.2015.02.007

Performance Implications of Adopting a Customer-Focused Sales Campaign

Journal of Marketing / Sep 01, 2008

Kumar, V., Venkatesan, R., & Reinartz, W. (2008). Performance Implications of Adopting a Customer-Focused Sales Campaign. Journal of Marketing, 72(5), 50–68. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkg.72.5.50

Using a Customer-Level Marketing Strategy to Enhance Firm Performance: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Oct 01, 2005

Kumar, V., & Petersen, J. A. (2005). Using a Customer-Level Marketing Strategy to Enhance Firm Performance: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(4), 504–519. https://doi.org/10.1177/0092070305275857

Learning Effect in Multinational Diffusion of Consumer Durables: An Exploratory Investigation

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Jun 01, 1997

Ganesh, J., Kumar, V., & Subramaniam, V. (1997). Learning Effect in Multinational Diffusion of Consumer Durables: An Exploratory Investigation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(3), 214–228. https://doi.org/10.1177/0092070397253003

An Interactive Multicriteria Approach to Identifying Potential Foreign Markets

Journal of International Marketing / Mar 01, 1994

Kumar, V., Stam, A., & Joachimsthaler, E. A. (1994). An Interactive Multicriteria Approach to Identifying Potential Foreign Markets. Journal of International Marketing, 2(1), 29–52. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069031x9400200103

Customer Lifetime Value

The Handbook of Marketing Research / Jan 01, 2006

Kumar, V. (2006). Customer Lifetime Value. In The Handbook of Marketing Research (pp. 602–627). SAGE Publications, Inc. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781412973380.n29

Multinational Diffusion Models: An Alternative Framework

Marketing Science / Aug 01, 2002

Kumar, V., & Krishnan, T. V. (2002). Multinational Diffusion Models: An Alternative Framework. Marketing Science, 21(3), 318–330. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.21.3.318.139

Getting the Most Out of Your TOC Information

Opflow / Mar 01, 2004

Consonery, P. (2004). Getting the Most Out of Your TOC Information. Opflow, 30(3), 10–15. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1551-8701.2004.tb01744.x

Dynamically Managing a Profitable Email Marketing Program

Journal of Marketing Research / Dec 01, 2017

Zhang, X. (Alan), Kumar, V., & Cosguner, K. (2017). Dynamically Managing a Profitable Email Marketing Program. Journal of Marketing Research, 54(6), 851–866. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.16.0210

Aggregate and disaggregate sector forecasting using consumer confidence measures

International Journal of Forecasting / Sep 01, 1995

Kumar, V., Leone, R. P., & Gaskins, J. N. (1995). Aggregate and disaggregate sector forecasting using consumer confidence measures. International Journal of Forecasting, 11(3), 361–377. https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-2070(95)00594-2

Book Review: V. Kumar, Profitable Customer Engagement: Concept, Metrics and Strategies

Global Business Review / Nov 27, 2014

Sondhi, N. (2014). Book Review: V. Kumar, Profitable Customer Engagement: Concept, Metrics and Strategies. Global Business Review, 15(4_suppl), 126S-127S. https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150914550132

Data‐driven services marketing in a connected world

Journal of Service Management / Jun 14, 2013

Kumar, V., Chattaraman, V., Neghina, C., Skiera, B., Aksoy, L., Buoye, A., & Henseler, J. (2013). Data‐driven services marketing in a connected world. Journal of Service Management, 24(3), 330–352. https://doi.org/10.1108/09564231311327021

Optimal Customer Relationship Management Using Bayesian Decision Theory: An Application for Customer Selection

Journal of Marketing Research / Nov 01, 2007

Venkatesan, R., Kumar, V., & Bohling, T. (2007). Optimal Customer Relationship Management Using Bayesian Decision Theory: An Application for Customer Selection. Journal of Marketing Research, 44(4), 579–594. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkr.44.4.579

Perceived Risk, Product Returns, and Optimal Resource Allocation: Evidence from a Field Experiment

Journal of Marketing Research / Apr 01, 2015

Petersen, J. A., & Kumar, V. (2015). Perceived Risk, Product Returns, and Optimal Resource Allocation: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(2), 268–285. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.14.0174

Modeling Customer Opt-In and Opt-Out in a Permission-Based Marketing Context

Journal of Marketing Research / Aug 01, 2014

Kumar, V., Zhang, X. (Alan), & Luo, A. (2014). Modeling Customer Opt-In and Opt-Out in a Permission-Based Marketing Context. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(4), 403–419. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.13.0169

Cross‐National Diffusion Research: What Do We Know and How Certain Are We?

Journal of Product Innovation Management / May 01, 1998

Kumar, V., Ganesh, J., & Echambadi, R. (1998). Cross‐National Diffusion Research: What Do We Know and How Certain Are We? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15(3), 255–268. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/1540-5885.1530255

Marketing Communication Strategies and Consumer Financial Decision Making: The Role of National Culture

Journal of Marketing / Jan 01, 2015

Petersen, J. A., Kushwaha, T., & Kumar, V. (2015). Marketing Communication Strategies and Consumer Financial Decision Making: The Role of National Culture. Journal of Marketing, 79(1), 44–63. https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.13.0479

Global Customer Engagement

Journal of International Marketing / Mar 01, 2018

Gupta, S., Pansari, A., & Kumar, V. (2018). Global Customer Engagement. Journal of International Marketing, 26(1), 4–29. https://doi.org/10.1509/jim.17.0091

Social coupons as a marketing strategy: a multifaceted perspective

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Aug 28, 2011

Kumar, V., & Rajan, B. (2011). Social coupons as a marketing strategy: a multifaceted perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(1), 120–136. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-011-0283-0

Telecommunications demand forecasting—a review

International Journal of Forecasting / Oct 01, 2002

Fildes, R., & Kumar, V. (2002). Telecommunications demand forecasting—a review. International Journal of Forecasting, 18(4), 489–522. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0169-2070(02)00064-x

The impact of internal and external reference prices on brand choice: The moderating role of contextual variables

Journal of Retailing / Sep 01, 1998

Kumar, V., Hurley, M., Karande, K., & Reinartz, W. J. (1998). The impact of internal and external reference prices on brand choice: The moderating role of contextual variables. Journal of Retailing, 74(3), 401–426. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0022-4359(99)80102-x

A Theory of Customer Valuation: Concepts, Metrics, Strategy, and Implementation

Journal of Marketing / Jan 01, 2018

Kumar, V. (2018). A Theory of Customer Valuation: Concepts, Metrics, Strategy, and Implementation. Journal of Marketing, 82(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.17.0208

Capturing the Cross-National Learning Effect: An Analysis of an Industrial Technology Diffusion

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / Sep 01, 1996

Ganesh, J., & Kumar, V. (1996). Capturing the Cross-National Learning Effect: An Analysis of an Industrial Technology Diffusion. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24(4), 328–337. https://doi.org/10.1177/0092070396244004

Customer Relationship Management in Business Markets

Handbook of Business-to-Business Marketing / Feb 29, 2012

Venkatesan, R., Kumar, V., & Reinartz, W. (2012). Customer Relationship Management in Business Markets. In Handbook of Business-to-Business Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781781002445.00027

A Customer Lifetime Value-Based Approach to Marketing in the Multichannel, Multimedia Retailing Environment

Journal of Interactive Marketing / May 01, 2010

Kumar, V. (2010). A Customer Lifetime Value-Based Approach to Marketing in the Multichannel, Multimedia Retailing Environment. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 71–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intmar.2010.02.008

Make Promises You Can Keep

Design Management Review / Mar 01, 2010

Walter, G. (2010). Make Promises You Can Keep. Design Management Review, 21(1), 14–22. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1948-7169.2010.00046.x

Customer Lifetime Value Management: Strategies to Measure and Maximize Customer Profitability

Handbook of Marketing Strategy / Apr 30, 2012

Kumar, V., & Rajan, B. (2012). Customer Lifetime Value Management: Strategies to Measure and Maximize Customer Profitability. In Handbook of Marketing Strategy. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781781005224.00016

Why Do Salespeople Quit? An Empirical Examination of Own and Peer Effects on Salesperson Turnover Behavior

Journal of Marketing Research / Jun 01, 2017

Sunder, S., Kumar, V., Goreczny, A., & Maurer, T. (2017). Why Do Salespeople Quit? An Empirical Examination of Own and Peer Effects on Salesperson Turnover Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 54(3), 381–397. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.15.0485

Unprofitable Cross-Buying: Evidence from Consumer and Business Markets

Journal of Marketing / May 01, 2012

Shah, D., Kumar, V., Qu, Y., & Chen, S. (2012). Unprofitable Cross-Buying: Evidence from Consumer and Business Markets. Journal of Marketing, 76(3), 78–95. https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.10.0445

Regaining “Lost” Customers: The Predictive Power of First-Lifetime Behavior, the Reason for Defection, and the Nature of the Win-Back Offer

Journal of Marketing / Jul 01, 2015

Kumar, V., Bhagwat, Y., & Zhang, X. (Alan). (2015). Regaining “Lost” Customers: The Predictive Power of First-Lifetime Behavior, the Reason for Defection, and the Nature of the Win-Back Offer. Journal of Marketing, 79(4), 34–55. https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.14.0107


The University of Texas at Austin

Ph.D., Marketing and Statisitcs

Austin, Texas, United States of America


Brock University

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