Hendrik Wolff

Professor, London School of Economics

Research Expertise

Economics and Econometrics
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Nature and Landscape Conservation
Sociology and Political Science
Geography, Planning and Development
Building and Construction
Pharmacology (medical)
Computer Science Applications
Mechanical Engineering
Civil and Structural Engineering
Urban Studies
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Food Science
Global and Planetary Change


Hendrik Wolff is Professor of Environmental Economics at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). * Hendrik's main research is in environmental economics, working at the intersection of transportation, air pollution, energy and health. This includes the economic causes and consequences of air pollution; the ”value of time;” the impact of energy conservation policies on electricity consumption; cost benefit analysis of the clean air act and its effects on health; the interactions between climate, local prices, wages and “quality of life; and the economics of Daylight Saving Time. He also developed new econometric estimators for large supply and demand systems that are used in agriculture and energy. He has conducted research projects in Ecuador, Germany, Mexico, Australia, Bangladesh, Ghana, England, Chile and the United States. Hendrik is a Faculty Affiliate of the UW Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, an IZA Research Fellow, and a CESIfo Research Network Affiliate. He was a visiting professor at Resources for the Future, as well as at LMU Munich, University of Cologne and at IZA, Bonn. * Hendrik’s work has impact on both academia and policy. He won the 2009 Ralph C d’Arge and Allen V. Kneese Award for Outstanding Publication, which is awarded annually for the Best Paper in Environmental and Resource Economics. His research has led to important policy changes by the United Nations and the World Bank on the measurement of indices (the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Ease of Doing Business Index). His work is discussed on television (e.g., ABC News) and international media (e.g., The Economist, The Wall Street Journal). He has successfully obtained external funding from organizations such as the NSF, as well as CSSS and the Royalty Research Fund. In addition, he has been the chair for PhD students and Honors students, many of whom have won multiple awards. The job placements of Hendrik’s students are detailed in his CV. He has also consulted for the U.S. Department of Energy and for the President of the World Bank on important policy issues related to his research. * Hendrik is the director of [SelfDrivingCities.com](https://www.selfdrivingcities.com/) a research lab that connects academic researchers, government, and industry in the urban mobility space


Keep Your Clunker in the Suburb: Low‐Emission Zones and Adoption of Green Vehicles

The Economic Journal / Mar 14, 2014

Wolff, H. (2014). Keep Your Clunker in the Suburb: Low‐Emission Zones and Adoption of Green Vehicles. The Economic Journal, 124(578), F481–F512. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecoj.12091

Estimation of constrained optimisation models for agricultural supply analysis based on generalised maximum entropy

European Review of Agriculture Economics / Mar 01, 2003

Heckelei, T. (2003). Estimation of constrained optimisation models for agricultural supply analysis based on generalised maximum entropy. European Review of Agriculture Economics, 30(1), 27–50. https://doi.org/10.1093/erae/30.1.27

Climate Amenities, Climate Change, and American Quality of Life

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists / Mar 01, 2016

Albouy, D., Graf, W., Kellogg, R., & Wolff, H. (2016). Climate Amenities, Climate Change, and American Quality of Life. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 3(1), 205–246. https://doi.org/10.1086/684573

Classification, Detection and Consequences of Data Error: Evidence from the Human Development Index

The Economic Journal / Jan 21, 2011

Wolff, H., Chong, H., & Auffhammer, M. (2011). Classification, Detection and Consequences of Data Error: Evidence from the Human Development Index. The Economic Journal, 121(553), 843–870. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0297.2010.02408.x

Payment for Ecosystem Services from Forests

Annual Review of Resource Economics / Nov 10, 2014

Alix-Garcia, J., & Wolff, H. (2014). Payment for Ecosystem Services from Forests. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 6(1), 361–380. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-resource-100913-012524

Daylight time and energy: Evidence from an Australian experiment

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management / Nov 01, 2008

Kellogg, R., & Wolff, H. (2008). Daylight time and energy: Evidence from an Australian experiment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 56(3), 207–220. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2008.02.003

Concept and Unintended Consequences of Weather Index Insurance: The Case of Mexico

American Journal of Agricultural Economics / Jan 01, 2011

Fuchs, A., & Wolff, H. (2011). Concept and Unintended Consequences of Weather Index Insurance: The Case of Mexico. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(2), 505–511. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aaq137

Value of time: Speeding behavior and gasoline prices

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management / Jan 01, 2014

Wolff, H. (2014). Value of time: Speeding behavior and gasoline prices. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 67(1), 71–88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2013.11.002

Policy Monitor

Review of Environmental Economics and Policy / Jul 01, 2010

Wolff, H., & Perry, L. (2010). Policy Monitor. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 4(2), 293–308. https://doi.org/10.1093/reep/req008

Turkey's Improving Integration with the Global Capital Market

OECD Economics Department Working Papers / Nov 10, 2010

Turkey’s Improving Integration with the Global Capital Market. (2010). OECD Economics Department Working Papers. https://doi.org/10.1787/5km4nf492j0r-en

An institutional analysis of Payment for Environmental Services on collectively managed lands in Ecuador

Ecological Economics / Oct 01, 2015

Hayes, T., Murtinho, F., & Wolff, H. (2015). An institutional analysis of Payment for Environmental Services on collectively managed lands in Ecuador. Ecological Economics, 118, 81–89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.07.017

The Impact of Payments for Environmental Services on Communal Lands: An Analysis of the Factors Driving Household Land-Use Behavior in Ecuador

World Development / May 01, 2017

Hayes, T., Murtinho, F., & Wolff, H. (2017). The Impact of Payments for Environmental Services on Communal Lands: An Analysis of the Factors Driving Household Land-Use Behavior in Ecuador. World Development, 93, 427–446. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2017.01.003

Fracking, Coal, and Air Quality

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists / Sep 01, 2019

Johnsen, R., LaRiviere, J., & Wolff, H. (2019). Fracking, Coal, and Air Quality. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 6(5), 1001–1037. https://doi.org/10.1086/704888

Die Notwendigkeit einer aktiven markt- und managementorientierten Strategieausrichtung des Anbietersystems Marktforschung — Eine marketing- und organisationstheoretische Perspektive

Marketing für die Marktforschung / Jan 01, 2001

Roleff, R. (2001). Die Notwendigkeit einer aktiven markt- und managementorientierten Strategieausrichtung des Anbietersystems Marktforschung — Eine marketing- und organisationstheoretische Perspektive. Marketing Für Die Marktforschung, 147–157. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-90500-0_14

Heterogeneous impacts of information technology adoption on pesticide and fertiliser expenditures: Evidence from wheat farmers in China*

Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics / Aug 03, 2021

Ma, W., & Zheng, H. (2021). Heterogeneous impacts of information technology adoption on pesticide and fertiliser expenditures: Evidence from wheat farmers in China*. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 66(1), 72–92. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8489.12446

Drought and Retribution: Evidence from a Large-Scale Rainfall-Indexed Insurance Program in Mexico

Feb 01, 2016

Fuchs, A., & Wolff, H. (2016). Drought and Retribution: Evidence from a Large-Scale Rainfall-Indexed Insurance Program in Mexico. https://doi.org/10.1596/1813-9450-7565

Extending Becker's Time Allocation Theory to Model Continuous Time Blocks: Evidence from Daylight Saving Time

SSRN Electronic Journal / Jan 01, 2012

Wolff, H., & Makino, M. (2012). Extending Becker’s Time Allocation Theory to Model Continuous Time Blocks: Evidence from Daylight Saving Time. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2157929

Imposing Curvature and Monotonicity on Flexible Functional Forms: An Efficient Regional Approach

Computational Economics / May 14, 2010

Wolff, H., Heckelei, T., & Mittelhammer, R. C. (2010). Imposing Curvature and Monotonicity on Flexible Functional Forms: An Efficient Regional Approach. Computational Economics, 36(4), 309–339. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10614-010-9215-1

Analysis of Heterogeneous Speeding Behavior and Gasoline Prices with Hourly Washington State Data

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board / Jan 01, 2013

Watkins, K. E., & Wolff, H. (2013). Analysis of Heterogeneous Speeding Behavior and Gasoline Prices with Hourly Washington State Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2375(1), 29–36. https://doi.org/10.3141/2375-04

Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture in Present Indian Context

Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture / Nov 20, 2021

Sehgal, M. (2021). Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture in Present Indian Context. Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.30954/ndp/intpest.1

Air pollution and urban road transport: evidence from the world’s largest low-emission zone in London

Environmental Economics and Policy Studies / Mar 10, 2021

Zhai, M., & Wolff, H. (2021). Air pollution and urban road transport: evidence from the world’s largest low-emission zone in London. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 23(4), 721–748. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10018-021-00307-9

Symmetric Positive Equilibrium Problem: A Framework for Rationalizing Economic Behavior with Limited Information: Comment

American Journal of Agricultural Economics / Nov 01, 2003

Britz, W., Heckelei, T., & Wolff, H. (2003). Symmetric Positive Equilibrium Problem: A Framework for Rationalizing Economic Behavior with Limited Information: Comment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(4), 1078–1081. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8276.00512

Effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services after loss and uncertainty of compensation

Nature Sustainability / Nov 22, 2021

Hayes, T., Murtinho, F., Wolff, H., López-Sandoval, M. F., & Salazar, J. (2021). Effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services after loss and uncertainty of compensation. Nature Sustainability, 5(1), 81–88. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00804-5


Climate Change Economics / Jan 31, 2023

AZEVEDO, D., WOLFF, H., & YAMAZAKI, A. (2023). DO CARBON TAXES KILL JOBS? FIRM-LEVEL EVIDENCE FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA. Climate Change Economics, 14(02). https://doi.org/10.1142/s2010007823500100

Minimising Risks from Imbalances in European Banking

OECD Economics Department Working Papers / Dec 09, 2010

Minimising Risks from Imbalances in European Banking. (2010). OECD Economics Department Working Papers. https://doi.org/10.1787/5km33srnz5nt-en

Imposing and Testing for Shape Restrictions in Flexible Parametric Models

Econometric Reviews / Oct 20, 2014

Wolff, H. (2014). Imposing and Testing for Shape Restrictions in Flexible Parametric Models. Econometric Reviews, 35(6), 1013–1039. https://doi.org/10.1080/07474938.2014.975637

Open Traffic Data for Mobility-as-a-Service Applications – Architecture and Challenges

Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry – Applications / Sep 01, 2022

Schneider, M., Marmpena, M., Zafeiris, H., Prokscha, R., Saadani, S., Evangeliou, N., Bravos, G., & Höß, A. (2022). Open Traffic Data for Mobility-as-a-Service Applications – Architecture and Challenges. Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry – Applications, 375–385. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003337232-31

Combustion-Generated Air Pollution

Jan 01, 1971

Starkman, E. S. (Ed.). (1971). Combustion-Generated Air Pollution. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-7574-6

First reactors in 30 years herald nuclear dawn in the US

New Scientist / Apr 01, 2013

Reilly, M. (2013). First reactors in 30 years herald nuclear dawn in the US. New Scientist, 218(2911), 24. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0262-4079(13)60869-6


Economic Inquiry / Sep 22, 2014

LaRiviere, J., & Wolff, H. (2014). THE POWER OF THE LITTLE BLUE PILL: INNOVATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS OF LIFESTYLE DRUGS IN AN AGING POPULATION. Economic Inquiry, 53(1), 540–556. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecin.12147

Applications of Alternative Models for Toxicology Testing

Principles of Toxicology Testing / Jul 23, 2007

Applications of Alternative Models for Toxicology Testing. (2007). Principles of Toxicology Testing, 275–290. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781420008326.ch20

Die Veränderung der Regionalen Hirndurchblutung unter dem Einfluss von Ketamine, Propanidid, Methohexital-Natrium und Thiopental-natrium

Anaesthesie und ZNS, Technische Gefahren der Anaesthesie, Medikamentöse Wechselwirkungen, Massivtransfusion / Jan 01, 1975

Schmidt, H., & Herrschaft, H. (1975). Die Veränderung der Regionalen Hirndurchblutung unter dem Einfluss von Ketamine, Propanidid, Methohexital-Natrium und Thiopental-natrium. Anaesthesie Und ZNS, Technische Gefahren Der Anaesthesie, Medikamentöse Wechselwirkungen, Massivtransfusion, 10–19. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-66266-9_3

The Impact of Bike-Sharing Systems on Congestion. Evidence from European Urban Areas

SSRN Electronic Journal / Jan 01, 2022

Bernardo, V. (2022). The Impact of Bike-Sharing Systems on Congestion. Evidence from European Urban Areas. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4027398

Empirische Studie

Präferenzmessung durch die Discrete Choice-Analyse / Jan 01, 2006

Empirische Studie. (2006). Präferenzmessung Durch Die Discrete Choice-Analyse, 107–179. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-8350-9046-0_7


Revista médica de Chile / Oct 01, 2002

Wolff R, M. (2002). Replica. Revista Médica de Chile, 130(10). https://doi.org/10.4067/s0034-98872002001000018

Symposium of Public Affairs Research in Brief

Evans School Review / Jul 22, 2011

none. (2011). Symposium of Public Affairs Research in Brief. Evans School Review, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.7152/esr.v1i1.12246

The Foundation of Tort Liability in a Socialist Legal System: Fault versus Social Insurance in Soviet Law

The University of Toronto Law Journal / Jan 01, 1969

Tay, A. E.-S. (1969). The Foundation of Tort Liability in a Socialist Legal System: Fault versus Social Insurance in Soviet Law. The University of Toronto Law Journal, 19(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.2307/824972

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