Regine Bendl
Research Expertise
Inclusion done differently? Representations of inclusion and exclusion in the discourse of alternative organizations
Organization / May 02, 2022
Bendl, R., Fleischmann, A., & Schmidt, A. (2022). Inclusion done differently? Representations of inclusion and exclusion in the discourse of alternative organizations. Organization, 135050842210859.
Erodierung gleichstellungspolitischer Errungenschaften für Frauen im österreichischen Kontext
Gleichstellungspolitiken revisted / Jan 01, 2021
Bendl, R., Clar, M., & Schmidt, A. (2021). Erodierung gleichstellungspolitischer Errungenschaften für Frauen im österreichischen Kontext. Gleichstellungspolitiken Revisted, 19–41.
Taking Care of Everybody?
Business Ethics and Care in Organizations / Dec 06, 2019
Bendl, R., Fleischmann, A., & Schmidt, A. (2019). Taking Care of Everybody? Business Ethics and Care in Organizations, 264–279.
Magie der Meritokratie. Hindernisse transformativer Geschlechterpolitik in Organisationen
Chancen und Grenzen der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation / Oct 23, 2018
Bendl, R., Eberherr, H., & Hofbauer, J. (2018). Magie der Meritokratie. Hindernisse transformativer Geschlechterpolitik in Organisationen. Chancen Und Grenzen Der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation, 185–199.
Vegaphobie: Ein Hindernis auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit
Chancen und Grenzen der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation / Oct 23, 2018
Bendl, R., Delmestri, G., & Kudelka, P. (2018). Vegaphobie: Ein Hindernis auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit. Chancen Und Grenzen Der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation, 201–229.
Bounded Complexity of Bodily Realities: The (Dis)Embodiment of Elderly Lesbians
Diversity, Affect and Embodiment in Organizing / Dec 07, 2018
Traunsteiner, B. S., & Bendl, R. (2018). Bounded Complexity of Bodily Realities: The (Dis)Embodiment of Elderly Lesbians. Diversity, Affect and Embodiment in Organizing, 163–194.
Do “one-size” employment policies fit all young workers? Heterogeneity in work attribute preferences among the Millennial generation
BRQ Business Research Quarterly / Mar 31, 2022
Ng, E. S., Posch, A., Köllen, T., Kraiczy, N., & Thom, N. (2022). Do “one-size” employment policies fit all young workers? Heterogeneity in work attribute preferences among the Millennial generation. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 234094442210855.
Ostracism and nationalism in the workplace: discursive exclusionary practices between cultural and geographic neighbors
Review of Managerial Science / Mar 18, 2021
Köllen, T., & Kopf, S. (2021). Ostracism and nationalism in the workplace: discursive exclusionary practices between cultural and geographic neighbors. Review of Managerial Science, 16(2), 583–615.
The LGBT Diversity Index
Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices / Jul 13, 2021
The LGBT Diversity Index. (2021). Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices.
Diversity Management: A Critical Review and Agenda for the Future
Journal of Management Inquiry / Aug 06, 2019
Köllen, T. (2019). Diversity Management: A Critical Review and Agenda for the Future. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(3), 259–272.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Workplace
Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics / Jan 01, 2021
Köllen, T. (2021). Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Workplace. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 1–15.
Worshipping equality as organizational idolatry? A Nietzschean view of the normative foundations of the diversity management paradigm
Scandinavian Journal of Management / Jun 01, 2020
Köllen, T. (2020). Worshipping equality as organizational idolatry? A Nietzschean view of the normative foundations of the diversity management paradigm. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 36(2), 101108.
Nationalism at Work: Introducing the “Nationality-Based Organizational Climate Inventory” and Assessing Its Impact on the Turnover Intention of Foreign Employees
Management International Review / Dec 10, 2019
Köllen, T., Koch, A., & Hack, A. (2019). Nationalism at Work: Introducing the “Nationality-Based Organizational Climate Inventory” and Assessing Its Impact on the Turnover Intention of Foreign Employees. Management International Review, 60(1), 97–122.
Unions as institutional entrepreneurs
Journal of Organizational Change Management / Aug 09, 2019
Pulcher, S., Guerci, M., & Köllen, T. (2019). Unions as institutional entrepreneurs. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(3), 477–490.
An indisputable “holy trinity”? On the moral value of equality, diversity, and inclusion
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal / Jun 18, 2018
Köllen, T., Kakkuri-Knuuttila, M.-L., & Bendl, R. (2018). An indisputable “holy trinity”? On the moral value of equality, diversity, and inclusion. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 37(5), 438–449.
Gender and diversity in management education at Europe’s largest university of economics and business
Integrating Gender Equality into Business and Management Education / Sep 08, 2017
Bendl, R., Eberherr, H., Hanappi-Egger, E., Hermann, A., Köllen, T., Kutscher, G., Mensi-Klarbach, H., & Warmuth, G. (2017). Gender and diversity in management education at Europe’s largest university of economics and business. Integrating Gender Equality into Business and Management Education, 216–235.
Minority Rights and Minority Protection in Europe
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal / Sep 18, 2017
Köllen, T. (2017). Minority Rights and Minority Protection in Europe. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 36(7), 692–696.
Intersexualität und Transidentität im Diversity Management
Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz / Jan 01, 2016
Köllen, T. (2016). Intersexualität und Transidentität im Diversity Management. Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz, 417–434.
Perceived Anti-Germanism in Austria
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism / Apr 01, 2016
Greth, J., & Köllen, T. (2016). Perceived Anti-Germanism in Austria. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 16(1), 40–62. Portico.
Intersexuality and Trans-Identities within the Diversity Management Discourse
Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations / Jan 01, 2016
Köllen, T. (2016). Intersexuality and Trans-Identities within the Diversity Management Discourse. Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations, 1–20.
Intersexualität und Transidentität im Diversity Management
Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz: Gegenstandsbereiche / Jan 01, 2015
Köllen, T. (2015). Intersexualität und Transidentität im Diversity Management. Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz: Gegenstandsbereiche, 1–18.
Reconceptualizing Profit-Orientation in Management: A Karmic View on ‘Return on Investment’ Calculations
Philosophy of Management / Jan 27, 2016
Köllen, T. (2016). Reconceptualizing Profit-Orientation in Management: A Karmic View on ‘Return on Investment’ Calculations. Philosophy of Management, 15(1), 7–20.
Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations
Jan 01, 2016
Köllen, T. (Ed.). (2016). Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations.
Organisationales Diversity-Klima
Diversität, Diversifizierung und (Ent)Solidarisierung / Jan 01, 2015
Köllen, T. (2015). Organisationales Diversity-Klima. Diversität, Diversifizierung Und (Ent)Solidarisierung, 223–236.
Lessening the difference is more – the relationship between diversity management and the perceived organizational climate for gay men and lesbians
The International Journal of Human Resource Management / Oct 13, 2015
Köllen, T. (2015). Lessening the difference is more – the relationship between diversity management and the perceived organizational climate for gay men and lesbians. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(17), 1967–1996.
The impact of demographic factors on the way lesbian and gay employees manage their sexual orientation at work
Management Research Review / Sep 21, 2015
Köllen, T. (2015). The impact of demographic factors on the way lesbian and gay employees manage their sexual orientation at work. Management Research Review, 38(9), 992–1015.
Acting Out of Compassion, Egoism, and Malice: A Schopenhauerian View on the Moral Worth of CSR and Diversity Management Practices
Journal of Business Ethics / Mar 14, 2015
Köllen, T. (2015). Acting Out of Compassion, Egoism, and Malice: A Schopenhauerian View on the Moral Worth of CSR and Diversity Management Practices. Journal of Business Ethics, 138(2), 215–229.
Ethics, Human Rights, and Human Resource Management
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism / Dec 30, 2015
Köllen, T., & Müller-Camen, M. (2015). Ethics, Human Rights, and Human Resource Management. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, 1–3.
Diversity Management in the European Health Care Sector: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Management / Oct 07, 2014
Köllen, T. (2014). Diversity Management in the European Health Care Sector: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities. Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Management, 27–45.
Belegschafts- und PatientInnen-Diversität in Krankenhäusern: Status quo, Entwicklungstendenzen und Ansätze für deren Management in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Dienstleistungsmanagement im Krankenhaus II / Jan 01, 2014
Köllen, T. (2014). Belegschafts- und PatientInnen-Diversität in Krankenhäusern: Status quo, Entwicklungstendenzen und Ansätze für deren Management in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Dienstleistungsmanagement Im Krankenhaus II, 519–537.
Bisexuality and Diversity Management—Addressing theBin LGBT as a Relevant ‘Sexual Orientation’ in the Workplace
Journal of Bisexuality / Jan 01, 2013
Köllen, T. (2013). Bisexuality and Diversity Management—Addressing theBin LGBT as a Relevant ‘Sexual Orientation’ in the Workplace. Journal of Bisexuality, 13(1), 122–137.
National Differentiations of Diversity Management: A Historic–institutional Framework for a Comparison of Europe and South America
The International Journal of Organizational Diversity / Jan 01, 2013
Góis, J., Hanappi-Egger, E., & Köllen, T. (2013). National Differentiations of Diversity Management: A Historic–institutional Framework for a Comparison of Europe and South America. The International Journal of Organizational Diversity, 12(3), 41–52.
European Disintegration: Tendencies of Renationalization within the European Union and its Impact on the Common Labor Market and EU Consumer Markets
The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review / Jan 01, 2012
Köllen, T. (2012). European Disintegration: Tendencies of Renationalization within the European Union and its Impact on the Common Labor Market and EU Consumer Markets. The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review, 11(5), 117–138.
Diversity Management: Economically Reasonable or "Only" Ethically Mandatory?
The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review / Jan 01, 2007
Hanappi-Egger, E., Köllen, T., & Mensi-Klarbach, H. (2007). Diversity Management: Economically Reasonable or “Only” Ethically Mandatory? The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review, 7(3), 159–168.
Part of the Whole?: Homosexuality in Companies’ Diversity Policies and in Business Research: Focus on Germany
The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review / Jan 01, 2007
Köllen, T. (2007). Part of the Whole?: Homosexuality in Companies’ Diversity Policies and in Business Research: Focus on Germany. The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review, 7(5), 315–322.
Declining career prospects as ‘transition loss’? On the career development of transgender employees
Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers
Köllen, T. (n.d.). Declining career prospects as ‘transition loss’? On the career development of transgender employees. Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers, 486–498.
Universität Bern
April, 2017 — Present
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
March, 2005 — March, 2017
Dalhousie University
January, 2016 — June, 2016
Fluminense Federal University
August, 2012 — September, 2012
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
November, 2007 — April, 2008
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