Maite DiLorenzo
Ph.D. Professor, Microbiome Researcher & Molecular Biologist
Research Expertise
Impacts of seawater saturation state (ΩA= 0.4–4.6) and temperature (10, 25 °C) on the dissolution kinetics of whole-shell biogenic carbonates
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta / Nov 01, 2016
Ries, J. B., Ghazaleh, M. N., Connolly, B., Westfield, I., & Castillo, K. D. (2016). Impacts of seawater saturation state (ΩA= 0.4–4.6) and temperature (10, 25 °C) on the dissolution kinetics of whole-shell biogenic carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 192, 318–337.
Reused poultry litter microbiome with competitive exclusion potential against Salmonella Heidelberg
Journal of Environmental Quality / May 28, 2020
Bucher, M. G., Zwirzitz, B., Oladeinde, A., Cook, K., Plymel, C., Zock, G., Lakin, S., Aggrey, Samuel. E., Ritz, C., Looft, T., Lipp, E., Agga, G. E., Abdo, Z., & Sistani, K. R. (2020). Reused poultry litter microbiome with competitive exclusion potential against Salmonella Heidelberg. Journal of Environmental Quality, 49(4), 869–881. Portico.
Relationships between a common Caribbean corallivorous snail and protected area status, coral cover, and predator abundance
Scientific Reports / Oct 05, 2020
Shaver, E. C., Renzi, J. J., Bucher, M. G., & Silliman, B. R. (2020). Relationships between a common Caribbean corallivorous snail and protected area status, coral cover, and predator abundance. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
The effect of storage time on Vibrio spp. and fecal indicator bacteria in an Isco autosampler
Journal of Microbiological Methods / Sep 01, 2014
Ghazaleh, M. N., Froelich, B. A., & Noble, R. T. (2014). The effect of storage time on Vibrio spp. and fecal indicator bacteria in an Isco autosampler. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 104, 109–116.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
B.S., Environmental Science, Marine Science & Biology Minors / May, 2015
University of Georgia
Ph.D., Environmental Health Science & Microbiomes / August, 2020
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
Biology Professor / August, 2022 — Present
• Develop and conduct high-level molecular genetics, cellular & molecular biology, and evolution courses for high school juniors and seniors. • Prepare and teach molecular biology labs (i.e., gel electrophoresis, cloning, and transformations). • Utilize and teach microbiology techniques (i.e., aseptic techniques, culturing, selective plating). • Lead data science projects using R/RStudio for several simultaneous projects. • Participate in professional development 12 hours annually including Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity training and online tools training (such as Canvas, Canva, and Lucid). • Participate in the hiring committee for the Biology Department.
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Microbiologist & Lab Manager / November, 2021 — August, 2022
• Investigated presence of aquatic, bacterial and viral emerging pathogens. • Utilized DNA extraction and qPCR to process samples for identification of emerging pathogens. • Managed laboratory (oversaw lab activity and collaborations, mentorship, orders, general maintenance).
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Postdoctoral Researcher & Lab Manager / August, 2020 — March, 2021
• Investigated the response of the coral microbiome under favorable and extreme environments. • Utilized DNA extraction, purification, PCR (16S rDNA), normalization/pooling, and amplicon sequencing. • Analyzed genomic data using R/RStudio and including the following packages: DADA2, phyloseq, vegan, RVAideMemoire, DESeq2, dplyr, ggplot2, rmarkdown. • Involved in increasing diversity by increasing the participation of underrepresented groups in biology. • Managed laboratory (i.e., lead lab meetings, set up lab virtually, general maintenance, mentorship).
University of Georgia
Doctor of Philosophy Candidate / August, 2015 — August, 2020
• Earned 8 research grants and scholarships (totaling more than $34,000 in research funds). • Investigated impacts of Saharan dust nutrient influx on water- and coral-associated microbiomes. • Described microbiome signatures of disease in coral during a multi-species, multi-disease outbreak in FL. • Studied the potential of Vibrio species to bloom and pose a threat to human health in recreational waters. • Investigated microbiome interactions (i.e., competitive exclusion) in poultry litter and published results. • Studied the effect of wastewater effluent on Vibrio sp. and an estuarine microbiome. • Utilize and teach microbiology techniques (i.e., aseptic techniques, culturing, selective plating). • Utilized DNA extraction, purification, gel electrophoresis, PCR (16S rDNA), normalization/pooling, and amplicon sequencing. • Analyzed genomic data using R/RStudio (i.e., packages DADA2, phyloseq, vegan, RVAideMemoire, DESeq2, dplyr, ggplot2, rmarkdown).
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Laboratory Technician Assistant / August, 2014 — May, 2015
• Conducted DNA extraction, PCR based genotyping, and gel electrophoresis to confirm genotypes of mice. • Maintained several colonies of experimental mice and collected specimen samples for processing.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Undergraduate Researcher / August, 2013 — July, 2014
• Designed, conducted, and analyzed an experiment to investigate the effect of storage time on Vibrio spp. and fecal indicator bacteria in an autosampler. • Utilized microbiology techniques (i.e., aseptic techniques, culturing, selective plating). • Transformed project into UNC Honors Thesis (received Highest Honors) and published results.
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