Kathleen Gerson
Collegiate Professor of Sociology, New York University
Research Expertise
The Time Divide
Dec 31, 2005
Jacobs, J. A., & Gerson, K. (2005). The Time Divide. https://doi.org/10.4159/9780674039049
Hard Choices
Jul 24, 2019
Gerson, K. (2019). Hard Choices. https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520908130
Networks and Places: Social Relations in the Urban Setting.Claude S. Fischer , Robert Max Jackson , C. Ann Stueve , Kathleen Gerson , Lynne McCallister Jones , Mark Baldassare
American Journal of Sociology / Nov 01, 1981
Friedkin, N. (1981). Networks and Places: Social Relations in the Urban Setting.Claude S. Fischer , Robert Max Jackson , C. Ann Stueve , Kathleen Gerson , Lynne McCallister Jones , Mark Baldassare. American Journal of Sociology, 87(3), 764–767. https://doi.org/10.1086/227520
No Man's Land: Men's Changing Commitments to Family and Work. By Kathleen Gerson. Basic Books, 1993. 366 pp. $25.00
Social Forces / Mar 01, 1995
Schwalbe, M. (1995). No Man’s Land: Men’s Changing Commitments to Family and Work. By Kathleen Gerson. Basic Books, 1993. 366 pp. $25.00. Social Forces, 73(3), 1141–1142. https://doi.org/10.1093/sf/73.3.1141
Unfinished revolution : how a new generation is reshaping family, work and gender in America by Kathleen Gerson
Asian Women / Dec 31, 2012
Unfinished revolution : how a new generation is reshaping family, work and gender in America by Kathleen Gerson. (2012). Asian Women. https://doi.org/10.14431/aw.2012.
Overworked Individuals or Overworked Families?
Work and Occupations / Feb 01, 2001
JACOBS, J. A., & GERSON, K. (2001). Overworked Individuals or Overworked Families? Work and Occupations, 28(1), 40–63. https://doi.org/10.1177/0730888401028001004
Observation and Interviewing: Options and Choices in Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research in Action / Jan 01, 2002
Observation and Interviewing: Options and Choices in Qualitative Research. (2002). Qualitative Research in Action, 200–224. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781849209656.n9
Who Are the Overworked Americans?
Review of Social Economy / Dec 01, 1998
Jacobs, J. A., & Green, K. (1998). Who Are the Overworked Americans? Review of Social Economy, 56(4), 442–459. https://doi.org/10.1080/00346769800000044
Book Review: The Unfinished Revolution: How a New Generation Is Reshaping Family, Work, and Gender in America. By Kathleen Gerson. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, 320 pp., $24.95 (cloth)
Gender & Society / Sep 22, 2010
Gorman, E. (2010). Book Review: The Unfinished Revolution: How a New Generation Is Reshaping Family, Work, and Gender in America. By Kathleen Gerson. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, 320 pp., $24.95 (cloth). Gender & Society, 24(5), 702–704. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243210373368
Moral Dilemmas, Moral Strategies, and the Transformation of Gender
Gender & Society / Feb 01, 2002
GERSON, K. (2002). Moral Dilemmas, Moral Strategies, and the Transformation of Gender. Gender & Society, 16(1), 8–28. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243202016001002
Determinants of Responsibility for Child Care Arrangements among Dual-Earner Couples
Journal of Marriage and the Family / Aug 01, 1992
Peterson, R. R., & Gerson, K. (1992). Determinants of Responsibility for Child Care Arrangements among Dual-Earner Couples. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54(3), 527. https://doi.org/10.2307/353239
Understanding work and family through a gender lens
Community, Work & Family / Aug 01, 2004
Gerson, K. (2004). Understanding work and family through a gender lens. Community, Work & Family, 7(2), 163–178. https://doi.org/10.1080/1366880042000245452
Changing Lives, Resistant Institutions: A New Generation Negotiates Gender, Work, and Family Change
Sociological Forum / Dec 01, 2009
Gerson, K. (2009). Changing Lives, Resistant Institutions: A New Generation Negotiates Gender, Work, and Family Change. Sociological Forum, 24(4), 735–753. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1573-7861.2009.01134.x
Gender, Parenting, and The Rise of Remote Work During the Pandemic: Implications for Domestic Inequality in the United States
Gender & Society / Mar 19, 2021
Dunatchik, A., Gerson, K., Glass, J., Jacobs, J. A., & Stritzel, H. (2021). Gender, Parenting, and The Rise of Remote Work During the Pandemic: Implications for Domestic Inequality in the United States. Gender & Society, 35(2), 194–205. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912432211001301
Generative fathering: Beyond deficit perspectives
Personality and Individual Differences / Oct 01, 1997
O’Connor, T. (1997). Generative fathering: Beyond deficit perspectives. Personality and Individual Differences, 23(4), 709–710. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0191-8869(97)84638-7
Work- and family-related variables, work–family conflict and women's well-being: some observations
Community, Work & Family / Dec 01, 2003
NOOR, N. M. (2003). Work- and family-related variables, work–family conflict and women’s well-being: some observations. Community, Work & Family, 6(3), 297–319. https://doi.org/10.1080/1366880032000143474
Emerging Social Divisions Among Women: Implications for Welfare State Politics
Politics & Society / Jun 01, 1987
Gerson, K. (1987). Emerging Social Divisions Among Women: Implications for Welfare State Politics. Politics & Society, 15(2), 213–221. https://doi.org/10.1177/003232928701500207
The Science and Art of Interviewing
Nov 19, 2020
Gerson, K., & Damaske, S. (2020). The Science and Art of Interviewing. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199324286.001.0001
Fighting for time: shifting boundaries of work and social life
Choice Reviews Online / Mar 01, 2005
Fighting for time: shifting boundaries of work and social life. (2005). Choice Reviews Online, 42(07), 42-4134-42–4134. https://doi.org/10.5860/choice.42-4134
Do Americans Feel Overworked?
The Time Divide / Nov 30, 2005
Do Americans Feel Overworked? (2005). The Time Divide, 59–79. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1q16rx7.7
The Time Divide
Nov 30, 2005
Jacobs, J. A., & Gerson, K. (2005). The Time Divide. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1q16rx7
Unpacking Americans’ Views of the Employment of Mothers and Fathers Using National Vignette Survey Data
Gender & Society / Dec 09, 2015
Jacobs, J. A., & Gerson, K. (2015). Unpacking Americans’ Views of the Employment of Mothers and Fathers Using National Vignette Survey Data. Gender & Society, 30(3), 413–441. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243215597445
Reshaping Fatherhood: The Social Construction of Shared Parenting
Contemporary Sociology / Jul 01, 1999
Sherwood, J. H., & Dienhart, A. (1999). Reshaping Fatherhood: The Social Construction of Shared Parenting. Contemporary Sociology, 28(4), 420. https://doi.org/10.2307/2655302
The Work-Home Crunch
Contexts / Nov 01, 2004
Gerson, K., & Jacobs, J. A. (2004). The Work-Home Crunch. Contexts, 3(4), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.1525/ctx.2004.3.4.29
What Do Women Want From Men?
American Behavioral Scientist / May 01, 1986
GERSON, K. (1986). What Do Women Want From Men? American Behavioral Scientist, 29(5), 619–634. https://doi.org/10.1177/000276486029005008
Commuter Marriage: A Study of Work and Family. By Naomi Gerstel and Harriet Gross. Guilford Press, 1984. 228 pp. $17.50
Social Forces / Mar 01, 1986
Themo, E. M. (1986). Commuter Marriage: A Study of Work and Family. By Naomi Gerstel and Harriet Gross. Guilford Press, 1984. 228 pp. $17.50. Social Forces, 64(3), 832–833. https://doi.org/10.1093/sf/64.3.832
Looking for more than a few good men
Nursing / Jul 01, 2003
Mee, C. L. (2003). Looking for more than a few good men. Nursing, 33(7), 8. https://doi.org/10.1097/00152193-200307000-00001
Dilemmas of Involved Fatherhood
Gender And Work In Today's World / May 04, 2018
Dilemmas of Involved Fatherhood. (2018). Gender And Work In Today’s World, 386–394. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429500268-44
Book reviews and notices : DAVID M. NEWMAN, Sociology: Exploring the architecture of everyday life. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press, 1995. xxx + 547 pp. Figs, plates, tables, refs., gloss., index AND DAVID M. NEWMAN, ed., Sociology: Exploring the architecture of everyday life (READINGS). Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press, 1995. xviii + 339 pp. Figs., plates, tables, notes, refs
Contributions to Indian Sociology / May 01, 1998
Saberwal, G. (1998). Book reviews and notices : DAVID M. NEWMAN, Sociology: Exploring the architecture of everyday life. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press, 1995. xxx + 547 pp. Figs, plates, tables, refs., gloss., index AND DAVID M. NEWMAN, ed., Sociology: Exploring the architecture of everyday life (READINGS). Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press, 1995. xviii + 339 pp. Figs., plates, tables, notes, refs. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 32(1), 159–160. https://doi.org/10.1177/006996679803200141
Back Cover: Advanced Engineering Materials 3∕2015
Advanced Engineering Materials / Mar 01, 2015
Back Cover: Advanced Engineering Materials 3∕2015. (2015). Advanced Engineering Materials, 17(3), 392–392. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.201570011
Changing Family Structure and the Position of Women A Review of the Trends
Journal of the American Planning Association / Jun 30, 1983
Gerson, K. (1983). Changing Family Structure and the Position of Women A Review of the Trends. Journal of the American Planning Association, 49(2), 138–148. https://doi.org/10.1080/01944368308977057
24. Children of the Gender Revolution: Some Theoretical Questions and Findings from the Field
Restructuring Work and the Life Course / Jan 31, 2001
Gerson, K. (2001). 24. Children of the Gender Revolution: Some Theoretical Questions and Findings from the Field. Restructuring Work and the Life Course. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442679290-029
Viewing 21st Century Motherhood Through a Work-Family Lens
Handbook of Work-Family Integration / Jan 01, 2008
Damaske, S., & Gerson, K. (2008). Viewing 21st Century Motherhood Through a Work-Family Lens. Handbook of Work-Family Integration, 233–248. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-012372574-5.50016-8
Social Structure and Social Control in Synanon
Journal of Voluntary Action Research / Jul 01, 1974
Ofshe, R., Berg, N. E., Coughlin, R., Dolinajec, G., Gerson, K., & Johnson, A. (1974). Social Structure and Social Control in Synanon. Journal of Voluntary Action Research, 3(3–4), 67–76. https://doi.org/10.1177/089976407400300307
Changing Family Patterns
Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences / May 15, 2015
Gerson, K., & Torres, S. (2015). Changing Family Patterns. Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1–15. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118900772.etrds0037
Continuing controversies in the sociology of gender
Sociological Forum / Jun 01, 1990
Gerson, K. (1990). Continuing controversies in the sociology of gender. Sociological Forum, 5(2), 301–310. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf01112598
Briefcase, baby or both?
PsycEXTRA Dataset / Jan 01, 1986
Gerson, K. (1986). Briefcase, baby or both? PsycEXTRA Dataset. https://doi.org/10.1037/e400772009-002
Resolving Family Dilemmas and Conflicts: Beyond Utopia
Contemporary Sociology / Jan 01, 2000
Gerson, K. (2000). Resolving Family Dilemmas and Conflicts: Beyond Utopia. Contemporary Sociology, 29(1), 180. https://doi.org/10.2307/2654942
The logics of work, care and gender change in the new economy
Work–Family Dynamics / Feb 17, 2017
Gerson, K. (2017). The logics of work, care and gender change in the new economy. Work–Family Dynamics, 19–35. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315716794-2
Jung Chang, Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993. 696 pages. £ 7.99
Indian Journal of Gender Studies / Sep 01, 1994
Saran, M. (1994). Jung Chang, Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993. 696 pages. £ 7.99. Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 1(2), 267–269. https://doi.org/10.1177/097152159400100210
Allison J. Pug (dir.), Beyond the Cubicle: Job Insecurity, Intimacy and the Flexible Self
Sociologie du travail / Nov 26, 2018
Cingolani, P. (2018). Allison J. Pug (dir.), Beyond the Cubicle: Job Insecurity, Intimacy and the Flexible Self. Sociologie Du Travail, 60(4). https://doi.org/10.4000/sdt.8424
A Social-Structural Explanation of Men's and Women's Domestic Responsibility: A Reply to Hawkins and Olsen
Journal of Marriage and the Family / May 01, 1993
Peterson, R. R., & Gerson, K. (1993). A Social-Structural Explanation of Men’s and Women’s Domestic Responsibility: A Reply to Hawkins and Olsen. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55(2), 508. https://doi.org/10.2307/352820
Childhood Place Attachments
Place Attachment / Jan 01, 1992
Chawla, L. (1992). Childhood Place Attachments. Place Attachment, 63–86. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-8753-4_4
2. The Family. “There’s No Such Thing as Having It All: Gender, Work, and Care in an Age of Insecurity”
Gender in the Twenty-First Century / Dec 31, 2019
2. The Family. “There’s No Such Thing as Having It All: Gender, Work, and Care in an Age of Insecurity.” (2019). Gender in the Twenty-First Century, 13–27. https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520965188-005
Expansionist Theory Expanded: Integrating Sociological and Psychological Perspectives on Gender, Work, and Family Change
Gender and Couple Relationships / Oct 28, 2015
Gerson, K. (2015). Expansionist Theory Expanded: Integrating Sociological and Psychological Perspectives on Gender, Work, and Family Change. National Symposium on Family Issues, 111–119. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21635-5_5
The Expanding Workweek? Understanding Trends in Long Work Hours Among U.S. Men, 1979-2004
Dec 01, 2005
Kuhn, P., & Lozano, F. (2005). The Expanding Workweek? Understanding Trends in Long Work Hours Among U.S. Men, 1979-2004. https://doi.org/10.3386/w11895
Time Greedy Workplaces and Marriageable Men: The Paradox in Men’s Fathering Beliefs and Strategies
Men, Wage Work and Family / Aug 06, 2012
Time Greedy Workplaces and Marriageable Men: The Paradox in Men’s Fathering Beliefs and Strategies. (2012). Men, Wage Work and Family, 90–104. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203115091-10
Another Cautionary Note on Interpreting Regression Results in Family Research: A Comment on Peterson and Gerson (1992)
Journal of Marriage and the Family / May 01, 1993
Hawkins, A. J., & Olsen, J. A. (1993). Another Cautionary Note on Interpreting Regression Results in Family Research: A Comment on Peterson and Gerson (1992). Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55(2), 505. https://doi.org/10.2307/352819
CHAPTER 7. The Gentle Men’s Circle
Gay Voluntary Associations in New York / Dec 31, 2014
CHAPTER 7. The Gentle Men’s Circle. (2014). Gay Voluntary Associations in New York, 133–145. https://doi.org/10.9783/9780812290363.133
After the Fall of the Gender Barriers -
Gøsta Esping-Andersen, The Incomplete
Revolution: Adapting to Women’s New Roles
(Cambridge, Polity Press, 2009).
European Journal of Sociology / Dec 01, 2010
Gerson, K. (2010). <scp>After</scp><scp>the</scp><scp>Fall</scp><scp>of</scp><scp>the</scp><scp>Gender</scp><scp>Barriers</scp> - Gøsta Esping-Andersen, The Incomplete Revolution: Adapting to Women’s New Roles (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2009). European Journal of Sociology, 51(3), 524–527. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0003975610000433
Verlaufsformen von Familienbeziehungen.
Wem gehört die Familie der Zukunft? / Oct 17, 2006
Gerson, K. (2006). Verlaufsformen von Familienbeziehungen. Wem Gehört Die Familie Der Zukunft?, 145–168. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvhhhgqq.10
Trust without paper
Work Study / Apr 01, 2003
Trust without paper. (2003). Work Study, 52(2). https://doi.org/10.1108/ws.2003.07952bab.012
Council on Nutritional Anthropology
Anthropology News / Mar 01, 2003
Chrzan, J. (2003). Council on Nutritional Anthropology. Anthropology News, 44(3), 40–40. https://doi.org/10.1111/an.2003.
Changing Attitudes toward Family Issues in the United States
Journal of Marriage and the Family / Nov 01, 1989
Thornton, A. (1989). Changing Attitudes toward Family Issues in the United States. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 51(4), 873. https://doi.org/10.2307/353202
The Time Divide
The Inequality Reader / Apr 19, 2018
Jacobs, J. A., & Gerson, K. (2018). The Time Divide. The Inequality Reader, 345–350. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429494468-40
Why are Women more Religious than Men?
Sep 20, 2012
Trzebiatowska, M., & Bruce, S. (2012). Why are Women more Religious than Men? https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199608102.001.0001
States, families and work–life articulation
Employment and the Family / Mar 23, 2006
States, families and work–life articulation. (2006). Employment and the Family, 115–138. https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511488962.006
Institutional Support for Morality
Nurturing Morality / Jan 01, 2004
Flanagan, C. (2004). Institutional Support for Morality. Nurturing Morality, 173–183. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4757-4163-6_10
Who are the overworked Americans?
Working Time / Jan 11, 2013
Jacobs, J. A., & Gerson, K. (2013). Who are the overworked Americans? Working Time, 89–105. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203183441-6
Social Work with the Aged and Their Families
Family Relations / Apr 01, 1988
Greene, R. R. (1988). Social Work with the Aged and Their Families. Family Relations, 37(2), 240. https://doi.org/10.2307/584330
5. Veering Toward Domesticity
Hard Choices / Dec 31, 2019
5. Veering Toward Domesticity. (2019). Hard Choices, 92–122. https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520908130-009
The Time Divide: Work, Family and Gender Inequality. Jerry A. Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson
Administrative Science Quarterly / Sep 01, 2006
Glass, J. (2006). The Time Divide: Work, Family and Gender Inequality. Jerry A. Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson. Administrative Science Quarterly, 51(3), 509–511. https://doi.org/10.2189/asqu.51.3.509
The Time Divide: Work, Family and Gender Inequality By Jerry A. Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson Harvard University Press, 2004. $45 (cloth), $19.95 (paper)
Social Forces / Jun 01, 2006
Godbey, G. (2006). The Time Divide: Work, Family and Gender Inequality By Jerry A. Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson Harvard University Press, 2004. $45 (cloth), $19.95 (paper). Social Forces, 84(4), 2368–2369. https://doi.org/10.1353/sof.2006.0089
Gender Vertigo: American Families in Transition
Contemporary Sociology / Jul 01, 1999
Gerson, K., & Risman, B. J. (1999). Gender Vertigo: American Families in Transition. Contemporary Sociology, 28(4), 419. https://doi.org/10.2307/2655301
Dismantling the "Gendered Family": Breadwinning, Gender, and the Family Values Debate
Contemporary Sociology / May 01, 1998
Gerson, K., & Potuchek, J. L. (1998). Dismantling the “Gendered Family”: Breadwinning, Gender, and the Family Values Debate. Contemporary Sociology, 27(3), 228. https://doi.org/10.2307/2655159
Peer Marriage: How Love between Equals Really Works.
Contemporary Sociology / Mar 01, 1995
Gerson, K., & Schwartz, P. (1995). Peer Marriage: How Love between Equals Really Works. Contemporary Sociology, 24(2), 235. https://doi.org/10.2307/2076888
The Sexual Rights of Adolescents: Competence, Vulnerability, and Parental Control.
Contemporary Sociology / Jan 01, 1985
Gerson, K., Rodman, H., Lewis, S. H., & Griffith, S. B. (1985). The Sexual Rights of Adolescents: Competence, Vulnerability, and Parental Control. Contemporary Sociology, 14(1), 124. https://doi.org/10.2307/2070498
Beyond the lines: gender, work, and care in the new economy - a view from the U.S.
Research Handbook on Work–Life Balance / Jan 11, 2022
Beyond the lines: gender, work, and care in the new economy - a view from the U.S. (2022). Research Handbook on Work–Life Balance. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788976053.00021
The Structure and Culture of Work
The Time Divide / Nov 30, 2005
The Structure and Culture of Work. (2005). The Time Divide, 99–116. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1q16rx7.9
Beyond the Cubicle: Job Insecurity, Intimacy, and the Flexible Self
Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews / Apr 25, 2018
Damaske, S. (2018). Beyond the Cubicle: Job Insecurity, Intimacy, and the Flexible Self. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 47(3), 353–355. https://doi.org/10.1177/0094306118767651jj
Life Study Birth component father/partner consent form
Jan 01, 2016
Dezateux, C. (2016). Life Study Birth component father/partner consent form. https://doi.org/10.14324/000.wp.1485689
Men Marry What They Need
Poems of Love and Marriage / Jul 01, 1989
Men Marry What They Need. (1989). Poems of Love and Marriage, 16–16. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv3006zvd.17
Introducing the Sociology of Families and Households
The Family / Jan 01, 2012
Steel, L., Kidd, W., & Brown, A. (2012). Introducing the Sociology of Families and Households. The Family, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-230-36983-2_1
Topic #3 Taking Time to Save Time: Delegating to Paraeducators
TEACHING Exceptional Children / Jan 01, 2000
French, N. K., & Gerlach, K. (2000). Topic #3 Taking Time to Save Time: Delegating to Paraeducators. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 32(3), 79–83. https://doi.org/10.1177/004005990003200312
New task force on health psychology
PsycEXTRA Dataset / Jan 01, 2001
Gerson, M.-J., & Jacobs, M. (2001). New task force on health psychology. PsycEXTRA Dataset. https://doi.org/10.1037/e302362005-032
Rôles sexués incertains - Kathleen Gerson,
The Unfinished Revolution: How a New
generation is Reshaping Family, Work and
Gender in America (Oxford, Oxford
Universityt Press, 2009).
European Journal of Sociology / Dec 01, 2010
Martin, C. (2010). <scp>Rôles</scp><scp>sexués</scp><scp>incertains</scp> - Kathleen Gerson, The Unfinished Revolution: How a New generation is Reshaping Family, Work and Gender in America (Oxford, Oxford Universityt Press, 2009). European Journal of Sociology, 51(3), 528–531. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0003975610000445
University of California Berkeley
Ph.D., Sociology
Stanford University
BA, Sociology / 1969
New York University
Collegiate Professor
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