Fábio Medeiros
Postdoctoral Research Scholar at North Carolina State University with 15 years of research experience in food processing and low carbon fuels.
Research Expertise
Influence of grape and acerola residues on the antioxidant, physicochemical and mechanical properties of cassava starch biocomposites
Polymer Testing / Jan 01, 2021
Reinaldo, J. S., Milfont, C. H. R., Gomes, F. P. C., Mattos, A. L. A., Medeiros, F. G. M., Lopes, P. F. N., Filho, M. de sá M. S., Matsui, K. N., & Ito, E. N. (2021). Influence of grape and acerola residues on the antioxidant, physicochemical and mechanical properties of cassava starch biocomposites. Polymer Testing, 93, 107015. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2020.107015
Efficient stabilisation of curcumin microencapsulated into yeast cells via osmoporation
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology / Nov 05, 2019
de Medeiros, F. G. M., Dupont, S., Beney, L., Roudaut, G., Hoskin, R. T., & da Silva Pedrini, M. R. (2019). Efficient stabilisation of curcumin microencapsulated into yeast cells via osmoporation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103(23–24), 9659–9672. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-019-10196-4
In-situ detoxification strategies to boost bioalcohol production from lignocellulosic biomass
Renewable Energy / Dec 01, 2021
Nogueira, C. da C., Padilha, C. E. de A., Dantas, J. M. de M., Medeiros, F. G. M. de, Guilherme, A. de A., Souza, D. F. de S., & Santos, E. S. dos. (2021). In-situ detoxification strategies to boost bioalcohol production from lignocellulosic biomass. Renewable Energy, 180, 914–936. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.09.012
Exploiting films based on pectin extracted from yellow mombin (Spondias mombin L.) peel for active food packaging
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery / Jan 30, 2021
de Oliveira Júnior, S. D., de Araújo, J. S., de Asevedo, E. A., de Medeiros, F. G. M., dos Santos, V. S., de Sousa Júnior, F. C., de Araújo, N. K., & dos Santos, E. S. (2021). Exploiting films based on pectin extracted from yellow mombin (Spondias mombin L.) peel for active food packaging. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13(3), 1565–1579. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-021-01321-3
Prospects and Technical Challenges in Hydrogen Production through Dry Reforming of Methane
Catalysts / Mar 23, 2022
de Medeiros, F. G. M., Lopes, F. W. B., & Rego de Vasconcelos, B. (2022). Prospects and Technical Challenges in Hydrogen Production through Dry Reforming of Methane. Catalysts, 12(4), 363. https://doi.org/10.3390/catal12040363
Spouted‐bed drying of acerola pulp (Malpighia emarginata DC): Effects of adding milk and milk protein on process performance and characterization of dried fruit powders
Journal of Food Process Engineering / Aug 06, 2019
Dantas, S. C. de M., Pontes Júnior, S. M. de, Medeiros, F. G. M. de, Santos Júnior, L. C., Alsina, O. L. S. de, & Medeiros, M. de F. D. de. (2019). Spouted‐bed drying of acerola pulp (Malpighia emarginata DC): Effects of adding milk and milk protein on process performance and characterization of dried fruit powders. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 42(6). Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpe.13205
HOLOS / Jun 13, 2010
Rocha, F. A. G. da, Medeiros, F. G. M. de, & Silva, J. L. A. da. (2010). DIAGNÓSTICO DA QUALIDADE SANITÁRIA DE PLANTAS MEDICINAIS COMERCIALIZADAS NO MUNICÍPIO DE CURRAIS NOVOS, RN. HOLOS, 2, 71. https://doi.org/10.15628/holos.2010.370
HOLOS / Mar 14, 2011
Dantas, L. I. S., Rocha, F. Â. G. da, Medeiros, F. G. M. de, & Santos, J. A. B. dos. (2011). ATIVIDADE ANTIBACTERIANA DO ÓLEO ESSENCIAL DE Lippia gracilis SCHAUER SOBRE PATÓGENOS DE IMPORTÂNCIA NA INDÚSTRIA DEALIMENTOS. HOLOS, 5(0), 114. https://doi.org/10.15628/holos.2010.560
HOLOS / Jun 23, 2012
Medeiros, F. G. M. de, Rocha, F. A. G. da, Medeiros, U. K. L. de, Dantas, L. Í. S., Araújo, L. O. de, & Araújo, M. F. F. de. (2012). COMPARAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE SANITÁRIA ENTRE AMOSTRAS DE Peumus boldus Molina INDUSTRIALIZADAS E ARTESANAIS DO MUNICÍPIO DE CURRAIS NOVOS, RN. HOLOS, 3, 41–46. https://doi.org/10.15628/holos.2012.827
Evaluation of the environmental performance of the production of polyphenol-rich fruit powders: A case study on acerola
Journal of Food Engineering / Jul 01, 2024
Medeiros, F. G. M. de, Pereira, G. B. C., Pedrini, M. R. da S., Hoskin, R. T., & Nunes, A. O. (2024). Evaluation of the environmental performance of the production of polyphenol-rich fruit powders: A case study on acerola. Journal of Food Engineering, 372, 112010. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2024.112010
Spray dried insect protein-polyphenol particles deliver health-relevant value-added food ingredients
Future Foods / Jun 01, 2024
da Silva, E. S., Xiong, J., Medeiros, F. G. M. de, Grace, M., Moncada, M., Lila, M. A., & Hoskin, R. T. (2024). Spray dried insect protein-polyphenol particles deliver health-relevant value-added food ingredients. Future Foods, 9, 100315. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fufo.2024.100315
Variantes do Meio Ambiente: Atuação, interdisciplinaridade e Sustentabilidade 2 / Jul 01, 2021
Neves Horta Lima, L. S., de Menezes Silva Júnior, M. A., Oliveira Nunes, A., Macêdo de Medeiros, F. G., da Costa Rodrigues, D., do Socorro Rocha Bastos, M., & Nicolau Matsui, K. (2021). PRODUÇÃO E CARACTERIZAÇÃO DOS FILMES BIODEGRADÁVEIS À BASE DE AMIDO DE MANDIOCA: INFLUÊNCIA DA TEMPERATURA DE SECAGEM. In Variantes do Meio Ambiente: Atuação, interdisciplinaridade e Sustentabilidade 2. Editora e-Publicar. https://doi.org/10.47402/ed.ep.c202153726097
Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings / Jul 01, 2017
MEDEIROS, F. G. M. de, & PEDRINI, M. R. da S. (2017, July). AVALIAÇÃO DO IMPACTO DE SUCESSIVOS CHOQUES OSMÓTICOS SOBRE A VIABILIDADE DE CÉLULAS DE LEVEDURA Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5151/chemeng-cobeqic2017-301
Direct flue gas hydrogenation to methane over hydroxyapatite-supported nickel catalyst
Fuel Processing Technology / Jun 01, 2023
Medeiros, F. G. M. de, Ramalho, T. E. B., Lotfi, S., & Rego de Vasconcelos, B. (2023). Direct flue gas hydrogenation to methane over hydroxyapatite-supported nickel catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology, 245, 107750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2023.107750
Novel bottom-up methodology to build the lifecycle inventory of unit operations: the impact of macroscopic components
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment / Apr 24, 2023
Castellanos-Beltran, I. J., de Medeiros, F. G. M., Bensebaa, F., & De Vasconcelos, B. R. (2023). Novel bottom-up methodology to build the lifecycle inventory of unit operations: the impact of macroscopic components. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 28(6), 669–683. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-023-02165-x
One-step upgrading of real flue gas streams into syngas over alumina-supported catalysts
Fuel / Apr 01, 2023
Medeiros, F. G. M. de, Bezerra Lopes, F. W., Lotfi, S., & Rego de Vasconcelos, B. (2023). One-step upgrading of real flue gas streams into syngas over alumina-supported catalysts. Fuel, 338, 127324. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.127324
Performance of Hydroxyapatite-Supported Catalysts for Methane Production Via CO2 Hydrogenation on Semi-Pilot Scale
Waste and Biomass Valorization / Mar 15, 2023
Medeiros, F. G. M. de, Farzi, F., Achouri, I. E., Lotfi, S., & Rego de Vasconcelos, B. (2023). Performance of Hydroxyapatite-Supported Catalysts for Methane Production Via CO2 Hydrogenation on Semi-Pilot Scale. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14(10), 3429–3444. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-023-02106-7
Recovery of β-galactosidase produced by Kluyveromyces lactis by ion-exchange chromatography: Influence of pH and ionic strength parameters
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências / Jan 01, 2022
CARVALHO, C. T. D., OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, S. D. D., LIMA, W. B. D. B., MEDEIROS, F. G. M. D., LEITÃO, A. L. O. D. S., DANTAS, J. M. M., SANTOS, E. S. D., MACÊDO, G. R. D., & SOUSA JÚNIOR, F. C. D. (2022). Recovery of β-galactosidase produced by Kluyveromyces lactis by ion-exchange chromatography: Influence of pH and ionic strength parameters. Anais Da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 94(1). https://doi.org/10.1590/0001-3765202220200752
Spouted Bed Drying of Fruit Pulps: A Case Study on Drying of Graviola (Annona muricata) Pulp
Advanced Structured Materials / Jul 08, 2020
de Medeiros, F. G. M., Machado, I. P., Dantas, T. N. P., Dantas, S. C. M., de Alsina, O. L. S., & de Medeiros, M. F. D. (2020). Spouted Bed Drying of Fruit Pulps: A Case Study on Drying of Graviola (Annona muricata) Pulp. In Transport Processes and Separation Technologies (pp. 105–150). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47856-8_5
Lactose hydrolysis using β-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis immobilized with sodium alginate for potential industrial applications
Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology / Dec 07, 2020
Carvalho, C. T. de, Lima, W. B. de B., de Medeiros, F. G. M., Dantas, J. M. de M., de Araújo Padilha, C. E., dos Santos, E. S., de Macêdo, G. R., & de Sousa Júnior, F. C. (2020). Lactose hydrolysis using β-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis immobilized with sodium alginate for potential industrial applications. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826068.2020.1853157
Potential of “coalho” cheese whey as lactose source for β-galactosidase and ethanol co-production by Kluyveromyces spp. yeasts
Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology / Jun 04, 2020
de Carvalho, C. T., de Oliveira Júnior, S. D., de Brito Lima, W. B., de Medeiros, F. G. M., de Sá Leitão, A. L. O., dos Santos, E. S., de Macedo, G. R., & de Sousa Júnior, F. C. (2020). Potential of “coalho” cheese whey as lactose source for β-galactosidase and ethanol co-production by Kluyveromyces spp. yeasts. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 50(9), 925–934. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826068.2020.1771731
Estimation of Ascorbic Acid in Intact Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC) Fruit by NIRS and Chemometric Analysis
Horticulturae / Jan 24, 2019
Moraes, F., Costa, R., Morais, C., Medeiros, F., Fernandes, T., Hoskin, R., & Lima, K. (2019). Estimation of Ascorbic Acid in Intact Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC) Fruit by NIRS and Chemometric Analysis. Horticulturae, 5(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae5010012
Curcumin and fisetin internalization into Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells via osmoporation: impact of multiple osmotic treatments on the process efficiency
Letters in Applied Microbiology / Aug 22, 2018
Medeiros, F. G. M., Correia, R. T. P., Dupont, S., Beney, L., & Pedrini, M. R. S. (2018). Curcumin and fisetin internalization into Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells via osmoporation: impact of multiple osmotic treatments on the process efficiency. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 67(4), 363–369. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1111/lam.13045
University of São Paulo
MBA in Project Management / June, 2025 (anticipated)
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Master's, Chemical Engineering / July, 2019
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Bachelor, Chemical Engineering / July, 2017
Université de Sherbrooke
PhD, Chemical Engineering / January, 2023
North Carolina State University
Postdoctoral Research Scholar / March, 2023 — Present
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