Nima Ziraknejad
PhD and Co-Founder of Health and Safety Startup
Research Expertise
Structural and molecular perspectives of SARS-CoV-2
Methods / Nov 01, 2021
Kumar, S., & Saxena, S. K. (2021). Structural and molecular perspectives of SARS-CoV-2. Methods, 195, 23–28.
Vehicle Occupant Head Position Quantification Using an Array of Capacitive Proximity Sensors
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology / Jun 01, 2015
Ziraknejad, N., Lawrence, P. D., & Romilly, D. P. (2015). Vehicle Occupant Head Position Quantification Using an Array of Capacitive Proximity Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 64(6), 2274–2287.
Sciatic hernia / Feb 25, 2016
Bell, D., & St-Amant, M. (2016). Sciatic hernia. Radiopaedia.Org. Internet Archive.
The effect of Time-of-Flight camera integration time on vehicle driver head pose tracking accuracy
2012 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES 2012) / Jul 01, 2012
Ziraknejad, N., Lawrence, P. D., & Romilly, D. P. (2012). The effect of Time-of-Flight camera integration time on vehicle driver head pose tracking accuracy. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES 2012).
Open Pit Mining
Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands / May 17, 2007
Open Pit Mining. (2007). Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society’s Challenges and Demands, 1235–1235.
Autonomous Stereo Camera Parameter Estimation for Outdoor Visual Servoing
2007 IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing / Aug 01, 2007
Ziraknejad, N., Tafazoli, S., & Lawrence, P. D. (2007). Autonomous Stereo Camera Parameter Estimation for Outdoor Visual Servoing. 2007 IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing.
Risk Analysis and Prediction of Floor Failure Mechanisms at Longwall Face in Parvadeh-I Coal Mine using Rock Engineering System (RES)
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering / Nov 19, 2015
Aghababaei, S., Saeedi, G., & Jalalifar, H. (2015). Risk Analysis and Prediction of Floor Failure Mechanisms at Longwall Face in Parvadeh-I Coal Mine using Rock Engineering System (RES). Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 49(5), 1889–1901.
Blacoh Fluid Control receives US patent
World Pumps / Oct 01, 2019
Blacoh Fluid Control receives US patent. (2019). World Pumps, 2019(10), 10–10.
Quantifying Occupant Head to Head Restraint Relative Position for use in Injury Mitigation in Rear End Impacts
SAE Technical Paper Series / Apr 12, 2011
Ziraknejad, N., Lawrence, P., & Romilly, D. (2011). Quantifying Occupant Head to Head Restraint Relative Position for use in Injury Mitigation in Rear End Impacts. SAE Technical Paper Series.
Automatic region of interest extraction in food baking images
2014 IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP) / Jul 01, 2014
Zheng, J., Wang, Z. J., Ziraknejad, N., & Saxena, P. (2014). Automatic region of interest extraction in food baking images. 2014 IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP).
Currency Detection App for Blind People Using MIT App Inventor
2022 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS) / Dec 08, 2022
Sangeetha, S. V. T., Porselvi, T., Venkateshwaran, A., Gokul, M., Sathmikan, I., & Tharun Kumar, P. (2022). Currency Detection App for Blind People Using MIT App Inventor. 2022 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS).
Measuring generative appropriability: Experiments with US semiconductor patents
World Patent Information / Sep 01, 2022
Denter, N. M., & Lai, M. Y. (2022). Measuring generative appropriability: Experiments with US semiconductor patents. World Patent Information, 70, 102130.
Study of soil moisture distribution under different mulching methods
Ecology, Environment and Conservation / Feb 25, 2022
Changade, N. M., & Kumar, R. (2022). Study of soil moisture distribution under different mulching methods. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 265–272.
Medically Relevant Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasmas☆
Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences / Jan 01, 2016
Waites, K. B. (2016). Medically Relevant Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasmas☆. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences.
University of British Columbia
PhD, Electrical Engineering - Machine Vision and Robotics / 2014
University of British Columbia
MS, Electrical and Computer Engineering / 2007
NZ Technologies Inc.
Co-Founder & CEO / 2014 — Present
NZ Technologies Inc. (NZTech) is a medical technology innovation and electro-mechanical device production firm with a mission to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes. Focused on revolutionizing modern Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), our systems engineering specialties cover 3D machine vision and sensing, embedded electronics design and assembly, robotics control and manufacturing, and machine learning algorithms. NZTech is proud to have invented TIPSO™, an award-winning product that enables surgeons to touchlessly and ergonomically interact with radiology images and operating room equipment during their surgical operations. As CEO, I am responsible for leadership and operations at NZTech, which includes securing and managing the financing, and making decisions on all strategic activities. My role also extends to cultivating relationships in business, technological and financial spheres to grow business development and productivity. Creating transformative change in the healthcare sector is my passion. I am constantly exploring new horizons and connecting the technologies we have invented to more practical applications in the medical field. My passion and drive to develop new technologies – achieved by understanding users' unmet needs – ensures that we attract highly-skilled experts to our team who have an important contribution to make and who know that something tangible will result from our collaborative efforts.
Regional Lead - Western Canada / 2012 — 2014
AUTO21 brings together nearly 200 top Canadian researchers at 46 universities and partners them with 120 industry and government partners. An annual research budget of approximately $11 million in federal and industry support fund projects within six key research themes: Health, Safety and Injury Prevention Societal Issues and the Future Automobile Materials and Manufacturing Powertrains, Fuels and Emissions Design Processes Intelligent Systems and Sensors
Weir Motion Metrics
Product Manager / 2002 — 2009
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