Luke Connelly
Professor of Health Economics, The University of Queensland, CBEH
Research Expertise
The economic costs of road traffic crashes: Australia, states and territories
Accident Analysis & Prevention / Nov 01, 2006
Connelly, L. B., & Supangan, R. (2006). The economic costs of road traffic crashes: Australia, states and territories. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 38(6), 1087–1093.
A History of the Term “Moral Hazard”
Journal of Risk and Insurance / Feb 08, 2012
Rowell, D., & Connelly, L. B. (2012). A History of the Term “Moral Hazard.” Journal of Risk and Insurance, 79(4), 1051–1075.
Comprehensive physiotherapy exercise programme or advice for chronic whiplash (PROMISE): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
The Lancet / Jul 01, 2014
Michaleff, Z. A., Maher, C. G., Lin, C.-W. C., Rebbeck, T., Jull, G., Latimer, J., Connelly, L., & Sterling, M. (2014). Comprehensive physiotherapy exercise programme or advice for chronic whiplash (PROMISE): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 384(9938), 133–141.
Child health and the income gradient: Evidence from Australia
Journal of Health Economics / Jul 01, 2009
Khanam, R., Nghiem, H. S., & Connelly, L. B. (2009). Child health and the income gradient: Evidence from Australia. Journal of Health Economics, 28(4), 805–817.
Consumer evaluation of hospital foodservice quality: an empirical investigation
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance / Feb 01, 2006
Wright, O. R. L., Connelly, L. B., & Capra, S. (2006). Consumer evaluation of hospital foodservice quality: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 19(2), 181–194.
The effect of unpaid caregiving intensity on labour force participation: Results from a multinomial endogenous treatment model
Social Science & Medicine / Jan 01, 2014
Nguyen, H. T., & Connelly, L. B. (2014). The effect of unpaid caregiving intensity on labour force participation: Results from a multinomial endogenous treatment model. Social Science & Medicine, 100, 115–122.
A cost-effectiveness analysis of adding a human papillomavirus vaccine to the Australian National Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Sexual Health / Jan 01, 2007
Kulasingam, S., Connelly, L., Conway, E., Hocking, J. S., Myers, E., Regan, D. G., Roder, D., Ross, J., & Wain, G. (2007). A cost-effectiveness analysis of adding a human papillomavirus vaccine to the Australian National Cervical Cancer Screening Program. Sexual Health, 4(3), 165.
Convergence and determinants of health expenditures in OECD countries
Health Economics Review / Aug 17, 2017
Nghiem, S. H., & Connelly, L. B. (2017). Convergence and determinants of health expenditures in OECD countries. Health Economics Review, 7(1).
Cost- Effectiveness of Anti-Obesity Interventions
Oxford Handbooks Online / Oct 13, 2011
Roux, L. (2011). Cost- Effectiveness of Anti-Obesity Interventions. Oxford Handbooks Online.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of germ-line BRCA testing in women with breast cancer and cascade testing in family members of mutation carriers
Genetics in Medicine / Sep 01, 2018
Tuffaha, H. W., Mitchell, A., Ward, R. L., Connelly, L., Butler, J. R. G., Norris, S., & Scuffham, P. A. (2018). Cost-effectiveness analysis of germ-line BRCA testing in women with breast cancer and cascade testing in family members of mutation carriers. Genetics in Medicine, 20(9), 985–994.
Protocol and Rationale for the International Lung Screening Trial
Annals of the American Thoracic Society / Apr 01, 2020
Lim, K. P., Marshall, H., Tammemägi, M., Brims, F., McWilliams, A., Stone, E., Manser, R., Canfell, K., Weber, M., Connelly, L., Bowman, R. V., Yang, I. A., Fogarty, P., Mayo, J., Yee, J., Myers, R., Atkar-Khattra, S., Lam, D. C. L., Rosell, A., … Berg, C. (2020). Protocol and Rationale for the International Lung Screening Trial. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 17(4), 503–512.
Faculty Opinions recommendation of Are people who claim compensation "cured by a verdict"? A longitudinal study of health outcomes after whiplash.
Faculty Opinions – Post-Publication Peer Review of the Biomedical Literature / Dec 06, 2012
McConnell, J. (2012). Faculty Opinions recommendation of Are people who claim compensation “cured by a verdict”? A longitudinal study of health outcomes after whiplash. Faculty Opinions – Post-Publication Peer Review of the Biomedical Literature.
Efficacy of a personalised pelvic floor muscle training programme on urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy (MaTchUP): protocol for a randomised controlled trial
BMJ Open / May 01, 2019
Hodges, P., Stafford, R., Coughlin, G. D., Kasza, J., Ashton-Miller, J., Cameron, A. P., Connelly, L., & Hall, L. M. (2019). Efficacy of a personalised pelvic floor muscle training programme on urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy (MaTchUP): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9(5), e028288.
Reducing Medical Admissions and Presentations Into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME): a stepped wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial
Medical Journal of Australia / Feb 12, 2021
Freeman, C. R., Scott, I. A., Hemming, K., Connelly, L. B., Kirkpatrick, C. M., Coombes, I., Whitty, J., Martin, J., Cottrell, N., Sturman, N., Russell, G. M., Williams, I., Nicholson, C., Kirsa, S., & Foot, H. (2021). Reducing Medical Admissions and Presentations Into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME): a stepped wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial. Medical Journal of Australia, 214(5), 212–217. Portico.
Recommendations For Core Outcome Domain Set For Whiplash-Associated Disorders (CATWAD)
The Clinical Journal of Pain / Sep 01, 2019
Chen, K., Andersen, T., Carroll, L., Connelly, L., Côté, P., Curatolo, M., Elliott, J., Grant, G., Jull, G., Kasch, H., MacDermid, J., Malmström, E.-M., Maujean, A., McLean, S. A., Nielsen, M., Rebbeck, T., Söderlund, A., Sterling, J., Treleaven, J., … Sterling, M. (2019). Recommendations For Core Outcome Domain Set For Whiplash-Associated Disorders (CATWAD). The Clinical Journal of Pain, 35(9), 727–736.
Cost‐Effectiveness of Deep Brain Stimulation With Movement Disorders: A Systematic Review
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice / May 17, 2019
Dang, T. T. H., Rowell, D., & Connelly, L. B. (2019). Cost‐Effectiveness of Deep Brain Stimulation With Movement Disorders: A Systematic Review. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 6(5), 348–358. Portico.
The benefits of paid maternity leave for mothers' post-partum health and wellbeing: Evidence from an Australian evaluation
Social Science & Medicine / Jun 01, 2017
Hewitt, B., Strazdins, L., & Martin, B. (2017). The benefits of paid maternity leave for mothers’ post-partum health and wellbeing: Evidence from an Australian evaluation. Social Science & Medicine, 182, 97–105.
Ethnicity differentials in academic achievements: the role of time investments
Journal of Population Economics / May 21, 2020
Nguyen, H. T., Connelly, L. B., Le, H. T., Mitrou, F., Taylor, C. L., & Zubrick, S. R. (2020). Ethnicity differentials in academic achievements: the role of time investments. Journal of Population Economics, 33(4), 1381–1418.
Assertion-Reason Assessment in Formative and Summative Tests: Results from Two Graduate Case Studies
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business / Jan 01, 2004
Connelly, L. B. (2004). Assertion-Reason Assessment in Formative and Summative Tests: Results from Two Graduate Case Studies. Educational Innovation in Economics and Business, 359–378.
Description and Outcomes of a Medicare Case Management Program by Nurses
Home Health Care Services Quarterly / May 23, 2000
Allen, S. A. (2000). Description and Outcomes of a Medicare Case Management Program by Nurses. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 18(2), 43–68.
Identifying Predictors of Higher Acute Care Costs for Patients With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury and Modeling Acute Care Pathway Redesign: A Record Linkage Study
Spine / Aug 15, 2019
Vaikuntam, B. P., Middleton, J. W., McElduff, P., Connelly, L., Pearse, J., Stanford, R., Walsh, J., & Sharwood, L. N. (2019). Identifying Predictors of Higher Acute Care Costs for Patients With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury and Modeling Acute Care Pathway Redesign: A Record Linkage Study. Spine, 44(16), E974–E983.
Do women in rural and remote areas need different guidelines for management of low‐grade abnormalities found on cervical screening?
Medical Journal of Australia / Aug 01, 2006
Bryant, S. (2006). Do women in rural and remote areas need different guidelines for management of low‐grade abnormalities found on cervical screening? Medical Journal of Australia, 185(3), 182–183. Portico.
Economic Evaluations Alongside Equivalence and Noninferiority Trials
Value in Health / Jun 01, 2009
Economic Evaluations Alongside Equivalence and Noninferiority Trials. (2009). Value in Health, 12(4), 628.
Medical Expenditures and Health Status in Australia: A Story of Increasing or Decreasing Returns?
The Australian Economic Review / Mar 01, 2004
Connelly, L. B., & Doessel, D. P. (2004). Medical Expenditures and Health Status in Australia: A Story of Increasing or Decreasing Returns? The Australian Economic Review, 37(1), 12–30.
What if New South Wales was more equal?
New South Wales Public Health Bulletin / Jan 01, 2002
McCracken, K. (2002). What if New South Wales was more equal? New South Wales Public Health Bulletin, 13(6), 123.
Cost of screening for lung cancer in Australia
Internal Medicine Journal / Nov 01, 2019
Marshall, H. M., Finn, N., Bowman, R. V., Passmore, L. H., McCaul, E. M., Yang, I. A., Connelly, L., & Fong, K. M. (2019). Cost of screening for lung cancer in Australia. Internal Medicine Journal, 49(11), 1392–1399. Portico.
The Efficiency of Australian Schools: A Nationwide Analysis Using Gains in Test Scores of Students as Outputs
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy / Aug 01, 2016
Nghiem, S., Nguyen, H. T., & Connelly, L. B. (2016). The Efficiency of Australian Schools: A Nationwide Analysis Using Gains in Test Scores of Students as Outputs. Economic Papers: A Journal of Applied Economics and Policy, 35(3), 256–268. Portico.
Structural factors and integrated care interventions: is there a role for economists in the policy debate?
The European Journal of Health Economics / Jan 02, 2021
Connelly, L. B., & Fiorentini, G. (2021). Structural factors and integrated care interventions: is there a role for economists in the policy debate? The European Journal of Health Economics, 22(8), 1141–1150.
Cost-Effectiveness Studies of PET in Oncology
PET and PET-CT in Oncology / Jan 01, 2004
Miles, K. A., & Connelly, L. B. (2004). Cost-Effectiveness Studies of PET in Oncology. PET and PET-CT in Oncology, 321–330.
Community nursing and health care in the twenty-first century
Australian Health Review / Jan 01, 2000
Smith, J. (2000). Community nursing and health care in the twenty-first century. Australian Health Review, 23(1), 114.
Medical Journal of Australia / Apr 01, 1965
A METHOD TO ASSESS THE FEE STRUCTURE OF THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER. (1965). Medical Journal of Australia, 1(S9_Part2), 58–58. Portico.
Impact of pharmacist and physician collaborations in primary care on reducing readmission to hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy / Jun 01, 2022
Foot, H., Scott, I., Sturman, N., Whitty, J. A., Rixon, K., Connelly, L., Williams, I., & Freeman, C. (2022). Impact of pharmacist and physician collaborations in primary care on reducing readmission to hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18(6), 2922–2943.
Demand Side Cost-Sharing and Prescription Drugs Utilization: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
SSRN Electronic Journal / Jan 01, 2013
Hromadkova, E., & Zdenek, M. (2013). Demand Side Cost-Sharing and Prescription Drugs Utilization: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Utilization and Costs of Health Care in a Kidney Supportive Care Program
Journal of Palliative Care / Aug 28, 2019
Sowa, P. M., Purtell, L., Hoy, W. E., Healy, H. G., Bonner, A., & Connelly, L. B. (2019). Utilization and Costs of Health Care in a Kidney Supportive Care Program. Journal of Palliative Care, 35(3), 176–184.
Causal impact of physical activity on child health and development
Apr 19, 2022
Nguyen, H., Christian, H., Le, H., Connelly, L., Zubrick, S., & Mitrou, F. (2022). Causal impact of physical activity on child health and development.
Geriatric CKD: Value-Based Nephrology
Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease / Jan 01, 2016
Yee, J. (2016). Geriatric CKD: Value-Based Nephrology. Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease, 23(1), 1–5.
Health-care accessibility in seven countries in eastern Europe: a multinomial logit study of individual unmet medical needs
The Lancet / Jun 01, 2013
Sowa, P. M., Butler, J. R. G., Connelly, L., & Paolucci, F. (2013). Health-care accessibility in seven countries in eastern Europe: a multinomial logit study of individual unmet medical needs. The Lancet, 381, S135.
Pregabalin versus placebo in targeting pro-nociceptive mechanisms to prevent chronic pain after whiplash injury in at-risk individuals – a feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial
Trials / Jan 17, 2018
Nikles, J., Keijzers, G., Mitchell, G., Schug, S., Ware, R., McLean, S. A., Connelly, L., Gibson, S., Farrell, S. F., & Sterling, M. (2018). Pregabalin versus placebo in targeting pro-nociceptive mechanisms to prevent chronic pain after whiplash injury in at-risk individuals – a feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 19(1).
Comprehensive physiotherapy exercise programme or advice for chronic whiplash (PROMISE): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Physiotherapy / May 01, 2015
Michaleff, Z., Maher, C., Lin, C.-W. C., Rebbeck, T., Jull, G., Latimer, J., Connelly, L., & Sterling, M. (2015). Comprehensive physiotherapy exercise programme or advice for chronic whiplash (PROMISE): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Physiotherapy, 101, e1001–e1002.
Accuracy of self‐reported private health insurance coverage
Health Economics / Aug 05, 2023
Nguyen, H. T., Le, H. T., Connelly, L., & Mitrou, F. (2023). Accuracy of self‐reported private health insurance coverage. Health Economics. Portico.
Post‐traumatic stress disorder is associated with a higher rate of polypectomy independent of an increased frequency of colonoscopy in Australian veterans: a retrospective review
Internal Medicine Journal / Jun 11, 2022
Crawford, D. H. G., Mellor, R., Teo, A., Duenow, P., & Connelly, L. B. (2022). Post‐traumatic stress disorder is associated with a higher rate of polypectomy independent of an increased frequency of colonoscopy in Australian veterans: a retrospective review. Internal Medicine Journal, 53(8), 1423–1428. Portico.
Supply-side solutions targeting demand-side characteristics: causal effects of a chronic disease management program on adherence and health outcomes
The European Journal of Health Economics / Jan 29, 2022
Connelly, L., Fiorentini, G., & Iommi, M. (2022). Supply-side solutions targeting demand-side characteristics: causal effects of a chronic disease management program on adherence and health outcomes. The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(7), 1203–1220.
Pregabalin vs placebo to prevent chronic pain after whiplash injury in at-risk individuals: results of a feasibility study for a large randomised controlled trial
Pain / Jun 08, 2021
Nikles, J., Keijzers, G., Mitchell, G., Farrell, S. F., Perez, S., Schug, S., Ware, R. S., McLean, S. A., Connelly, L. B., & Sterling, M. (2021). Pregabalin vs placebo to prevent chronic pain after whiplash injury in at-risk individuals: results of a feasibility study for a large randomised controlled trial. Pain, 163(2), e274–e284.
The CKD.QLD data linkage framework: chronic kidney disease and health services utilisation in Queensland, Australia
F1000Research / Nov 02, 2021
Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Cameron, A., Sowa, P. M., Diwan, V., Venuthurupalli, S. K., Healy, H. G., Connelly, L. B., & Hoy, W. E. (2021). The CKD.QLD data linkage framework: chronic kidney disease and health services utilisation in Queensland, Australia. F1000Research, 10, 1107.
Weather and children's time allocation
Health Economics / Apr 16, 2021
Nguyen, H. T., Le, H. T., & Connelly, L. B. (2021). Weather and children’s time allocation. Health Economics, 30(7), 1559–1579. Portico.
Who's declining the “free lunch”? New evidence from the uptake of public child dental benefits
Health Economics / Nov 20, 2020
Nguyen, H. T., Le, H. T., & Connelly, L. B. (2020). Who’s declining the “free lunch”? New evidence from the uptake of public child dental benefits. Health Economics, 30(2), 270–288. Portico.
Sustainability of Publicly Funded Health Care Systems: What Does Behavioural Economics Offer?
PharmacoEconomics / Sep 08, 2020
Connelly, L. B., & Birch, S. (2020). Sustainability of Publicly Funded Health Care Systems: What Does Behavioural Economics Offer? PharmacoEconomics, 38(12), 1289–1295.
The Nature of Whiplash in a Compensable Environment: Injury, Disability, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Systems
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy / Jul 01, 2017
Connelly, L. B. (2017). The Nature of Whiplash in a Compensable Environment: Injury, Disability, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Systems. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 47(7), 503–508.
Out of sight but not out of mind: Home countries' macroeconomic volatilities and immigrants' mental health
Health Economics / Jun 15, 2017
Nguyen, H. T., & Connelly, L. B. (2017). Out of sight but not out of mind: Home countries’ macroeconomic volatilities and immigrants’ mental health. Health Economics, 27(1), 189–208. Portico.
Reducing Medical Admissions into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME) Study: protocol for a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial
BMJ Open / Apr 01, 2017
Foot, H., Freeman, C., Hemming, K., Scott, I., Coombes, I. D., Williams, I. D., Connelly, L., Whitty, J. A., Sturman, N., Kirsa, S., Nicholson, C., Russell, G., Kirkpatrick, C., & Cottrell, N. (2017). Reducing Medical Admissions into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME) Study: protocol for a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial. BMJ Open, 7(4), e015301.
Testing for asymmetric information in insurance markets: A test for ex ante moral hazard revisited
Economics Letters / Jan 01, 2017
Rowell, D., Nghiem, S. H., & Connelly, L. B. (2017). Testing for asymmetric information in insurance markets: A test for ex ante moral hazard revisited. Economics Letters, 150, 4–5.
The Dynamics of Informal Care Provision in an Australian Household Panel Survey: Previous Work Characteristics and Future Care Provision
Economic Record / Apr 20, 2017
Nguyen, H. T., & Connelly, L. B. (2017). The Dynamics of Informal Care Provision in an Australian Household Panel Survey: Previous Work Characteristics and Future Care Provision. Economic Record, 93(302), 395–419. Portico.
Economic evaluation of fecal microbiota transplantation for the treatment of recurrentClostridium difficileinfection in Australia
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology / Nov 29, 2016
Merlo, G., Graves, N., Brain, D., & Connelly, L. B. (2016). Economic evaluation of fecal microbiota transplantation for the treatment of recurrentClostridium difficileinfection in Australia. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 31(12), 1927–1932. Portico.
Determinants of road traffic safety: New evidence from Australia using state-space analysis
Accident Analysis & Prevention / Sep 01, 2016
Nghiem, S., Commandeur, J. J. F., & Connelly, L. B. (2016). Determinants of road traffic safety: New evidence from Australia using state-space analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 94, 65–72.
Implementation of a guideline-based clinical pathway of care to improve health outcomes following whiplash injury (Whiplash ImPaCT): protocol of a randomised, controlled trial
Journal of Physiotherapy / Apr 01, 2016
Rebbeck, T., Leaver, A., Bandong, A. N., Kenardy, J., Refshauge, K., Connelly, L., Cameron, I., Mitchell, G., Willcock, S., Ritchie, C., Jagnoor, J., & Sterling, M. (2016). Implementation of a guideline-based clinical pathway of care to improve health outcomes following whiplash injury (Whiplash ImPaCT): protocol of a randomised, controlled trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 62(2), 111.
Economic evaluation favours physiotherapy but not corticosteroid injection as a first-line intervention for chronic lateral epicondylalgia: evidence from a randomised clinical trial
British Journal of Sports Medicine / Jun 02, 2015
Coombes, B. K., Connelly, L., Bisset, L., & Vicenzino, B. (2015). Economic evaluation favours physiotherapy but not corticosteroid injection as a first-line intervention for chronic lateral epicondylalgia: evidence from a randomised clinical trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(22), 1400–1405.
The effects of parental leave on child health and postnatal care: Evidence from Australia
Economic Analysis and Policy / Mar 01, 2016
Khanam, R., Nghiem, S., & Connelly, L. (2016). The effects of parental leave on child health and postnatal care: Evidence from Australia. Economic Analysis and Policy, 49, 17–29.
Two Tests forEx AnteMoral Hazard in a Market for Automobile Insurance
Journal of Risk and Insurance / Jun 09, 2016
Rowell, D., Nghiem, S., & Connelly, L. B. (2016). Two Tests forEx AnteMoral Hazard in a Market for Automobile Insurance. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 84(4), 1103–1126. Portico.
Cost-effectiveness of a bivalent human papillomavirus vaccination program in Japan
Sexual Health / Jan 01, 2015
Connelly, L. B., & Le, H. N. D. (2015). Cost-effectiveness of a bivalent human papillomavirus vaccination program in Japan. Sexual Health, 12(6), 520.
Economic Evaluation of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for The Treatment of Recurrent Clostridium Difficile Infection In Australia
Value in Health / Nov 01, 2015
Merlo, G., Graves, N., & Connelly, L. (2015). Economic Evaluation of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for The Treatment of Recurrent Clostridium Difficile Infection In Australia. Value in Health, 18(7), A628.
Estimating the Monetary Value of Relief of Tennis Elbow: A Contingent Valuation Study of Willingness-To-Pay
Value in Health / Nov 01, 2015
Pereira, M., Coombes, B., Bisset, L., Vicenzino, B., & Connelly, L. (2015). Estimating the Monetary Value of Relief of Tennis Elbow: A Contingent Valuation Study of Willingness-To-Pay. Value in Health, 18(7), A654.
Dry-needling and exercise for chronic whiplash-associated disorders
Pain / Apr 01, 2015
Sterling, M., Vicenzino, B., Souvlis, T., & Connelly, L. B. (2015). Dry-needling and exercise for chronic whiplash-associated disorders. Pain, 156(4), 635–643.
Does school type affect cognitive and non-cognitive development in children? Evidence from Australian primary schools
Labour Economics / Apr 01, 2015
Nghiem, H. S., Nguyen, H. T., Khanam, R., & Connelly, L. B. (2015). Does school type affect cognitive and non-cognitive development in children? Evidence from Australian primary schools. Labour Economics, 33, 55–65.
Health Economics / Jun 19, 2013
Health Policy and Equity of Health Care Financing in Australia: 1973-2010
Review of Income and Wealth / Jan 14, 2014
Hajizadeh, M., Connelly, L. B., & Butler, J. R. G. (2014). Health Policy and Equity of Health Care Financing in Australia: 1973-2010. Review of Income and Wealth, 60(2), 298–322.
The University of Queensland study of physical and psychological outcomes for claimants with minor and moderate injuries following a road traffic crash (UQ SuPPORT): design and methods
European Journal of Psychotraumatology / May 02, 2014
Kenardy, J., Heron-Delaney, M., Bellamy, N., Sterling, M., & Connelly, L. (2014). The University of Queensland study of physical and psychological outcomes for claimants with minor and moderate injuries following a road traffic crash (UQ SuPPORT): design and methods. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 5(1).
Determinants of foodservice satisfaction for patients in geriatrics/rehabilitation and residents in residential aged care
Health Expectations / Sep 16, 2011
Wright, O. R. L., Connelly, L. B., Capra, S., & Hendrikz, J. (2011). Determinants of foodservice satisfaction for patients in geriatrics/rehabilitation and residents in residential aged care. Health Expectations, 16(3), 251–265.
Are road traffic crash fatality rates converging among OECD countries?
Accident Analysis & Prevention / Mar 01, 2013
Nghiem, H. S., Connelly, L. B., & Gargett, S. (2013). Are road traffic crash fatality rates converging among OECD countries? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 52, 162–170.
Erratum: Insurance Rebates, Incentives and Primary Care in Australia
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice / Dec 20, 2012
Connelly, L. B., & Butler, J. R. G. (2012). Erratum: Insurance Rebates, Incentives and Primary Care in Australia. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 38(1), 181–181.
Research on injury compensation and health outcomes: ignoring the problem of reverse causality led to a biased conclusion
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology / Nov 01, 2012
Spearing, N. M., Connelly, L. B., Nghiem, H. S., & Pobereskin, L. (2012). Research on injury compensation and health outcomes: ignoring the problem of reverse causality led to a biased conclusion. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 65(11), 1219–1226.
Does injury compensation lead to worse health after whiplash? A systematic review
Pain / Jun 01, 2012
Spearing, N. M., Connelly, L. B., Gargett, S., & Sterling, M. (2012). Does injury compensation lead to worse health after whiplash? A systematic review. Pain, 153(6), 1274–1282.
Cost minimization analysis of laparoscopic sacral colpopexy and total vaginal mesh
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology / May 01, 2012
Maher, C. F., & Connelly, L. B. (2012). Cost minimization analysis of laparoscopic sacral colpopexy and total vaginal mesh. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 206(5), 433.e1-433.e7.
Health policy and horizontal inequities of health-care utilization in Australia: 1983–2005
Applied Economics Letters / Dec 01, 2012
Hajizadeh, M., Connelly, L. B., & Butler, J. R. G. (2012). Health policy and horizontal inequities of health-care utilization in Australia: 1983–2005. Applied Economics Letters, 19(18), 1765–1775.
Insurance Rebates, Incentives and Primary Care in Australia
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice / Oct 01, 2012
Connelly, L. B., & Butler, J. R. G. (2012). Insurance Rebates, Incentives and Primary Care in Australia. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 37(4), 745–762.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology / Aug 01, 2012
Maher, C. F., & Connelly, L. B. (2012). Reply. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 207(2), e11–e12.
Unmet need and met unneed in health care utilisation in Iran
International Journal of Social Economics / May 04, 2012
Hajizadeh, M., Connelly, L. B., Butler, J. R. G., & Khosravi, A. (2012). Unmet need and met unneed in health care utilisation in Iran. International Journal of Social Economics, 39(6), 400–422.
Complexities in Understanding the Role of Compensation-Related Factors on Recovery From Whiplash-Associated Disorders
Spine / Dec 01, 2011
Carroll, L. J., Connelly, L. B., Spearing, N. M., Côté, P., Buitenhuis, J., & Kenardy, J. (2011). Complexities in Understanding the Role of Compensation-Related Factors on Recovery From Whiplash-Associated Disorders. Spine, 36, S316–S321.
Whiplash and the Compensation Hypothesis
Spine / Dec 01, 2011
Spearing, N. M., & Connelly, L. B. (2011). Whiplash and the Compensation Hypothesis. Spine, 36, S303–S308.
Financial incentives and the health workforce
Australian Health Review / Jan 01, 2011
Scott, A., & Connelly, L. B. (2011). Financial incentives and the health workforce. Australian Health Review, 35(3), 273.
What are the True Costs of Major Trauma?
Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection & Critical Care / May 01, 2011
Rowell, D., Connelly, L., Webber, J., Tippett, V., Thiele, D., & Schuetz, M. (2011). What are the True Costs of Major Trauma? Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection & Critical Care, 70(5), 1086–1095.
Is compensation “bad for health”? A systematic meta-review
Injury / Jan 01, 2011
Spearing, N. M., & Connelly, L. B. (2011). Is compensation “bad for health”? A systematic meta-review. Injury, 42(1), 15–24.
Are we there yet? Australian road safety targets and road traffic crash fatalities
BMC Public Health / Apr 29, 2011
Gargett, S., Connelly, L. B., & Nghiem, S. (2011). Are we there yet? Australian road safety targets and road traffic crash fatalities. BMC Public Health, 11(1).
Response to Cassidy JD, et al.
Injury / Apr 01, 2011
Spearing, N. M., & Connelly, L. B. (2011). Response to Cassidy JD, et al. Injury, 42(4), 429–430.
Foodservice satisfaction domains in geriatrics, rehabilitation and aged care
The journal of nutrition, health & aging / Jun 23, 2010
Wright, O. R. L., Capra, S., & Connelly, L. B. (2010). Foodservice satisfaction domains in geriatrics, rehabilitation and aged care. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 14(9), 775–780.
Risk equalisation and voluntary health insurance markets: The case of Australia
Health Policy / Nov 01, 2010
Connelly, L. B., Paolucci, F., Butler, J. R. G., & Collins, P. (2010). Risk equalisation and voluntary health insurance markets: The case of Australia. Health Policy, 98(1), 3–14.
Labour market outcomes for people with a spinal cord injury
Economics & Human Biology / Jul 01, 2010
Rowell, D., & Connelly, L. (2010). Labour market outcomes for people with a spinal cord injury. Economics & Human Biology, 8(2), 223–232.
Equity of Health Care Financing in Iran: The Effect of Extending Health Insurance to the Uninsured
Oxford Development Studies / Dec 01, 2010
Hajizadeh, M., & Connelly, L. B. (2010). Equity of Health Care Financing in Iran: The Effect of Extending Health Insurance to the Uninsured. Oxford Development Studies, 38(4), 461–476.
The Economic Characteristics of Registries and Their Policy Implications
Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection & Critical Care / Feb 01, 2009
Connelly, L. B. (2009). The Economic Characteristics of Registries and Their Policy Implications. Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection & Critical Care, 66(2), 531–535.
A randomised clinical trial of a comprehensive exercise program for chronic whiplash: trial protocol
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders / Dec 01, 2009
Michaleff, Z. A., Maher, C. G., Jull, G., Latimer, J., Connelly, L. B., Lin, C.-W. C., Rebbeck, T., & Sterling, M. (2009). A randomised clinical trial of a comprehensive exercise program for chronic whiplash: trial protocol. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10(1).
Dry needling and exercise for chronic whiplash - a randomised controlled trial
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders / Dec 01, 2009
Sterling, M., Valentin, S., Vicenzino, B., Souvlis, T., & Connelly, L. B. (2009). Dry needling and exercise for chronic whiplash - a randomised controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10(1).
Optimising corticosteroid injection for lateral epicondylalgia with the addition of physiotherapy: A protocol for a randomised control trial with placebo comparison
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders / Jun 24, 2009
Coombes, B. K., Bisset, L., Connelly, L. B., Brooks, P., & Vicenzino, B. (2009). Optimising corticosteroid injection for lateral epicondylalgia with the addition of physiotherapy: A protocol for a randomised control trial with placebo comparison. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10(1).
Personal assistance, income and employment: the spinal injuries survey instrument (SISI) and its application in a sample of people with quadriplegia
Spinal Cord / Jan 08, 2008
Rowell, D., & Connelly, L. B. (2008). Personal assistance, income and employment: the spinal injuries survey instrument (SISI) and its application in a sample of people with quadriplegia. Spinal Cord, 46(6), 417–424.
Earning and Conversion Handicaps and the Welfare Economics of Disability
International Journal of Disability Management / Sep 01, 2008
Connelly, L. B. (2008). Earning and Conversion Handicaps and the Welfare Economics of Disability. International Journal of Disability Management, 3(2), 61–67.
Health outcomes of adults 3 months after injury
Injury / Jan 01, 2007
Aitken, L. M., Davey, T. M., Ambrose, J., Connelly, L. B., Swanson, C., & Bellamy, N. (2007). Health outcomes of adults 3 months after injury. Injury, 38(1), 19–26.
Lifetime Subsidies in Australian Private Health Insurance Markets with Community Rating
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice / Oct 01, 2006
Connelly, L. B., & Shelton Brown, H. (2006). Lifetime Subsidies in Australian Private Health Insurance Markets with Community Rating. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 31(4), 705–719.
Lifetime Cover in Private Insurance Markets
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics / Mar 01, 2005
Brown, H. S., & Connelly, L. B. (2005). Lifetime Cover in Private Insurance Markets. International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 5(1), 75–88.
Market failure in long-term private health insurance markets: a proposed solution
Applied Economics Letters / Apr 15, 2005
Shelton Brown, H., & Connelly, L. B. (2005). Market failure in long-term private health insurance markets: a proposed solution. Applied Economics Letters, 12(5), 281–284.
Economics and health promotion
The European Journal of Health Economics, formerly: HEPAC / Sep 01, 2004
Connelly, L. B. (2004). Economics and health promotion. The European Journal of Health Economics, Formerly: HEPAC, 5(3), 236–242.
Balancing the number and size of sites: an economic approach to the optimal design of cluster samples
Controlled Clinical Trials / Oct 01, 2003
Connelly, L. B. (2003). Balancing the number and size of sites: an economic approach to the optimal design of cluster samples. Controlled Clinical Trials, 24(5), 544–559.
A note on the decomposition of the health concentration index
Health Economics / Jan 01, 2003
Clarke, P. M., Gerdtham, U.-G., & Connelly, L. B. (2003). A note on the decomposition of the health concentration index. Health Economics, 12(6), 511–516.
The paternity of the price-quality ‘value map’
Applied Economics Letters / Nov 15, 2003
Connelly, L. B. (2003). The paternity of the price-quality ‘value map.’ Applied Economics Letters, 10(14), 909–912.
An economic evaluation of plasma production via erythroplasmapheresis and whole blood collection
Transfusion and Apheresis Science / Oct 01, 2002
Connelly, L. B., & Pink, A. (2002). An economic evaluation of plasma production via erythroplasmapheresis and whole blood collection. Transfusion and Apheresis Science, 27(2), 101–111.
Preventing the Wernicke‐Korsakoff syndrome in Australia: cost‐effectiveness of thiamin‐supplementation alternatives
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health / Apr 01, 1996
Connelly, L., & Price, J. (1996). Preventing the Wernicke‐Korsakoff syndrome in Australia: cost‐effectiveness of thiamin‐supplementation alternatives. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 20(2), 181–187.
Prometheus / Dec 01, 1995
University of Queensland
PhD, School of Economics / June, 1999
University of Queensland
Master of Economic Studies, School of Economics / December, 1993
University of Queensland
Bachelor of Arts (Economics), School of Economics / November, 1991
The University of Bologna
The University of Queensland
Professor of Health Economics / May, 2015 — Present
Professor of Health Economics and Associate Director / January, 2008 — August, 2015
Associate Professor and Associate Director / May, 2003 — December, 2007
Queensland University of Technology
Senior Lecturer in Economics / May, 2000 — April, 2003
Lecturer / January, 1998 — April, 2000
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