Olivier Saulnier

The Hospital for Sick Children

Research Expertise

Neurology (clinical)
Cancer Research
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Molecular Medicine


Combined analysis of TERT, EGFR, and IDH status defines distinct prognostic glioblastoma classes

Neurology / Aug 22, 2014

Labussiere, M., Boisselier, B., Mokhtari, K., Di Stefano, A.-L., Rahimian, A., Rossetto, M., Ciccarino, P., Saulnier, O., Paterra, R., Marie, Y., Finocchiaro, G., & Sanson, M. (2014). Combined analysis of TERT, EGFR, and IDH status defines distinct prognostic glioblastoma classes. Neurology, 83(13), 1200–1206. https://doi.org/10.1212/wnl.0000000000000814

Transcriptional Programs Define Intratumoral Heterogeneity of Ewing Sarcoma at Single-Cell Resolution

Cell Reports / Feb 01, 2020

Aynaud, M.-M., Mirabeau, O., Gruel, N., Grossetête, S., Boeva, V., Durand, S., Surdez, D., Saulnier, O., Zaïdi, S., Gribkova, S., Fouché, A., Kairov, U., Raynal, V., Tirode, F., Grünewald, T. G. P., Bohec, M., Baulande, S., Janoueix-Lerosey, I., Vert, J.-P., … Zinovyev, A. (2020). Transcriptional Programs Define Intratumoral Heterogeneity of Ewing Sarcoma at Single-Cell Resolution. Cell Reports, 30(6), 1767-1779.e6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.01.049


Neuro-Oncology / Dec 01, 2020

Kumar, S., Michealraj, A., Kim, L., Rich, J., & Taylor, M. (2020). EPEN-52. METABOLIC REGULATION OF THE EPIGENOME DRIVES LETHAL INFANTILE EPENDYMOMA. Neuro-Oncology, 22(Supplement_3), iii318–iii318. https://doi.org/10.1093/neuonc/noaa222.185

scRNA-seq in medulloblastoma shows cellular heterogeneity and lineage expansion support resistance to SHH inhibitor therapy

Nature Communications / Dec 20, 2019

Ocasio, J. K., Babcock, B., Malawsky, D., Weir, S. J., Loo, L., Simon, J. M., Zylka, M. J., Hwang, D., Dismuke, T., Sokolsky, M., Rosen, E. P., Vibhakar, R., Zhang, J., Saulnier, O., Vladoiu, M., El-Hamamy, I., Stein, L. D., Taylor, M. D., Smith, K. S., … Gershon, T. R. (2019). scRNA-seq in medulloblastoma shows cellular heterogeneity and lineage expansion support resistance to SHH inhibitor therapy. Nature Communications, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-13657-6

TCF12 is mutated in anaplastic oligodendroglioma

Nature Communications / Jun 12, 2015

Labreche, K., Simeonova, I., Kamoun, A., Gleize, V., Chubb, D., Letouzé, E., Riazalhosseini, Y., Dobbins, S. E., Elarouci, N., Ducray, F., de Reyniès, A., Zelenika, D., Wardell, C. P., Frampton, M., Saulnier, O., Pastinen, T., Hallout, S., Figarella-Branger, D., … Dehais, C. (2015). TCF12 is mutated in anaplastic oligodendroglioma. Nature Communications, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms8207

Unified rhombic lip origins of group 3 and group 4 medulloblastoma

Nature / Sep 21, 2022

Smith, K. S., Bihannic, L., Gudenas, B. L., Haldipur, P., Tao, R., Gao, Q., Li, Y., Aldinger, K. A., Iskusnykh, I. Y., Chizhikov, V. V., Scoggins, M., Zhang, S., Edwards, A., Deng, M., Glass, I. A., Overman, L. M., Millman, J., Sjoboen, A. H., Hadley, J., … Northcott, P. A. (2022). Unified rhombic lip origins of group 3 and group 4 medulloblastoma. Nature, 609(7929), 1012–1020. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05208-9

A neurodevelopmental epigenetic programme mediated by SMARCD3–DAB1–Reelin signalling is hijacked to promote medulloblastoma metastasis

Nature Cell Biology / Feb 27, 2023

Zou, H., Poore, B., Brown, E. E., Qian, J., Xie, B., Asimakidou, E., Razskazovskiy, V., Ayrapetian, D., Sharma, V., Xia, S., Liu, F., Chen, A., Guan, Y., Li, Z., Wanggou, S., Saulnier, O., Ly, M., Fellows-Mayle, W., Xi, G., … Hu, B. (2023). A neurodevelopmental epigenetic programme mediated by SMARCD3–DAB1–Reelin signalling is hijacked to promote medulloblastoma metastasis. Nature Cell Biology, 25(3), 493–507. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41556-023-01093-0

Hedgehog target genes regulate lipid metabolism to drive basal cell carcinoma and medulloblastoma

Aug 03, 2023

Daggubati, V., Vykunta, A., Choudhury, A., Qadeer, Z., Mirchia, K., Saulnier, O., Zakimi, N., Hines, K., Paul, M., Wang, L., Jura, N., Xu, L., Reiter, J., Taylor, M., Weiss, W., & Raleigh, D. (2023). Hedgehog target genes regulate lipid metabolism to drive basal cell carcinoma and medulloblastoma. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3058335/v1


Neuro-Oncology / Jun 01, 2023

Saulnier, O., Zagozewski, J., Liang, L., Hendrikse, L. D., Gordon, V., Aldinger, K. A., Haldipur, P., Borlase, S., Coudiere-Morrison, L., Layug, P., Cai, T., Porter, C. J., Richard, S., Doble, B. W., Millen, K. J., Taylor, M. D., & Werbowetski-Ogilvie, T. E. (2023). MDB-21. THE OTX2-REGULATED ALTERNATIVE SPLICING LANDSCAPE CONTROLS DIFFERENTIATION AND RECONSTITUTES THE DEVELOPMENTAL ORIGINS OF GROUP 3 MEDULLOBLASTOMA. Neuro-Oncology, 25(Supplement_1), i66–i67. https://doi.org/10.1093/neuonc/noad073.254


Neuro-Oncology / Jun 01, 2023

Llaguno, S. A., Nazarenko, I., Chen, Y., Sun, D., Gudenas, B., Saulnier, O., Rocca, G. L., Pedraza, A., Burns, D., Bale, T., Ventura, A., Northcott, P., Taylor, M., & Parada, L. (2023). BIOL-23. LOSS OF MICRORNAS COOPERATES WITH TUMOR SUPPRESSORS TO INITIATE MYC-DEPENDENT METASTATIC MEDULLOBLASTOMA. Neuro-Oncology, 25(Supplement_1), i11–i11. https://doi.org/10.1093/neuonc/noad073.042

Abstract IA009: Oncogenic transcription factors drive highly tumor-specific LincRNA

Clinical Cancer Research / Sep 15, 2022

Delattre, O., Vibert, J., Saulnier, O., & Waterfall, J. (2022). Abstract IA009: Oncogenic transcription factors drive highly tumor-specific LincRNA. Clinical Cancer Research, 28(18_Supplement), IA009–IA009. https://doi.org/10.1158/1557-3265.sarcomas22-ia009

The LIN28B–let‐7–PBK pathway is essential for group 3 medulloblastoma tumor growth and survival

Molecular Oncology / Aug 07, 2023

Shahab, S. W., Roggeveen, C. M., Sun, J., Kunhiraman, H., McSwain, L. F., Juraschka, K., Kumar, S. A., Saulnier, O., Taylor, M. D., Schniederjan, M., Schnepp, R. W., MacDonald, T. J., & Kenney, A. M. (2023). The <scp>LIN28B</scp>–let‐7–<scp>PBK</scp> pathway is essential for group 3 medulloblastoma tumor growth and survival. Molecular Oncology. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/1878-0261.13477

Targeting Microglial Metabolic Rewiring Synergizes with Immune-Checkpoint Blockade Therapy for Glioblastoma

Cancer Discovery / Jan 17, 2023

Ye, Z., Ai, X., Yang, K., Yang, Z., Fei, F., Liao, X., Qiu, Z., Gimple, R. C., Yuan, H., Huang, H., Gong, Y., Xiao, C., Yue, J., Huang, L., Saulnier, O., Wang, W., Zhang, P., Dai, L., Wang, X., … Zhou, S. (2023). Targeting Microglial Metabolic Rewiring Synergizes with Immune-Checkpoint Blockade Therapy for Glioblastoma. Cancer Discovery, 13(4), 974–1001. https://doi.org/10.1158/2159-8290.cd-22-0455

Author Correction: Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation underlies medulloblastoma formation

Nature / Nov 29, 2022

Hendrikse, L. D., Haldipur, P., Saulnier, O., Millman, J., Sjoboen, A. H., Erickson, A. W., Ong, W., Gordon, V., Coudière-Morrison, L., Mercier, A. L., Shokouhian, M., Suárez, R. A., Ly, M., Borlase, S., Scott, D. S., Vladoiu, M. C., Farooq, H., Sirbu, O., Nakashima, T., … Taylor, M. D. (2022). Author Correction: Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation underlies medulloblastoma formation. Nature, 612(7940), E12–E12. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05578-0

Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation underlies medulloblastoma formation

Nature / Sep 21, 2022

Hendrikse, L. D., Haldipur, P., Saulnier, O., Millman, J., Sjoboen, A. H., Erickson, A. W., Ong, W., Gordon, V., Coudière-Morrison, L., Mercier, A. L., Shokouhian, M., Suárez, R. A., Ly, M., Borlase, S., Scott, D. S., Vladoiu, M. C., Farooq, H., Sirbu, O., Nakashima, T., … Taylor, M. D. (2022). Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation underlies medulloblastoma formation. Nature, 609(7929), 1021–1028. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05215-w

Combined MEK and JAK/STAT3 pathway inhibition effectively decreases SHH medulloblastoma tumor progression

Communications Biology / Jul 14, 2022

Zagozewski, J., Borlase, S., Guppy, B. J., Coudière-Morrison, L., Shahriary, G. M., Gordon, V., Liang, L., Cheng, S., Porter, C. J., Kelley, R., Hawkins, C., Chan, J. A., Liang, Y., Gong, J., Nör, C., Saulnier, O., Wechsler-Reya, R. J., Ramaswamy, V., & Werbowetski-Ogilvie, T. E. (2022). Combined MEK and JAK/STAT3 pathway inhibition effectively decreases SHH medulloblastoma tumor progression. Communications Biology, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-03654-9

Enhancement of mitochondrial function fosters B cell immune memory

Jun 22, 2022

Shukla, A., Tiwari, A., Saulnier, O., Hendrikse, L., Hall, B., Rickert, R., Taylor, M. D., Shukla, V., & Bagchi, A. (2022). Enhancement of mitochondrial function fosters B cell immune memory. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.21.497040

Author Correction: scRNA-seq in medulloblastoma shows cellular heterogeneity and lineage expansion support resistance to SHH inhibitor therapy

Nature Communications / May 26, 2022

Ocasio, J. K., Babcock, B., Malawsky, D., Weir, S. J., Loo, L., Simon, J. M., Zylka, M. J., Hwang, D., Dismuke, T., Sokolsky, M., Rosen, E. P., Vibhakar, R., Zhang, J., Saulnier, O., Vladoiu, M., El-Hamamy, I., Stein, L. D., Taylor, M. D., Smith, K. S., … Gershon, T. R. (2022). Author Correction: scRNA-seq in medulloblastoma shows cellular heterogeneity and lineage expansion support resistance to SHH inhibitor therapy. Nature Communications, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30824-4

Oncogenic chimeric transcription factors drive tumor-specific transcription, processing, and translation of silent genomic regions

Molecular Cell / Jul 01, 2022

Vibert, J., Saulnier, O., Collin, C., Petit, F., Borgman, K. J. E., Vigneau, J., Gautier, M., Zaidi, S., Pierron, G., Watson, S., Gruel, N., Hénon, C., Postel-Vinay, S., Deloger, M., Raynal, V., Baulande, S., Laud-Duval, K., Hill, V., Grossetête, S., … Delattre, O. (2022). Oncogenic chimeric transcription factors drive tumor-specific transcription, processing, and translation of silent genomic regions. Molecular Cell, 82(13), 2458-2471.e9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2022.04.019

Hijacking a neurodevelopmental epigenomic program in metastatic dissemination of medulloblastoma

Jan 24, 2022

Zou, H., Poore, B., Brown, E., Qian, J., Xie, B., Asimakidou, E., Razskazovskiy, V., Ayrapetian, D., Sharma, V., Xia, S., Liu, F., Chen, A., Guan, Y., Li, Z., Wanggou, S., Saulnier, O., Ly, M., Fellows-Mayle, W., Xi, G., … Hu, B. (2022). Hijacking a neurodevelopmental epigenomic program in metastatic dissemination of medulloblastoma. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1270726/v1

ERG transcription factors have a splicing regulatory function involving RBFOX2 that is altered in the EWS-FLI1 oncogenic fusion

Nucleic Acids Research / May 01, 2021

Saulnier, O., Guedri-Idjouadiene, K., Aynaud, M.-M., Chakraborty, A., Bruyr, J., Pineau, J., O’Grady, T., Mirabeau, O., Grossetête, S., Galvan, B., Claes, M., Al Oula Hassoun, Z., Sadacca, B., Laud, K., Zaïdi, S., Surdez, D., Baulande, S., Rambout, X., Tirode, F., … Dequiedt, F. (2021). ERG transcription factors have a splicing regulatory function involving RBFOX2 that is altered in the EWS-FLI1 oncogenic fusion. Nucleic Acids Research, 49(9), 5038–5056. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkab305

An OTX2-PAX3 signaling axis regulates Group 3 medulloblastoma cell fate

Nature Communications / Jul 20, 2020

Zagozewski, J., Shahriary, G. M., Morrison, L. C., Saulnier, O., Stromecki, M., Fresnoza, A., Palidwor, G., Porter, C. J., Forget, A., Ayrault, O., Hawkins, C., Chan, J. A., Vladoiu, M. C., Sundaresan, L., Arsenio, J., Taylor, M. D., Ramaswamy, V., & Werbowetski-Ogilvie, T. E. (2020). An OTX2-PAX3 signaling axis regulates Group 3 medulloblastoma cell fate. Nature Communications, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17357-4

Metabolic Regulation of the Epigenome Drives Lethal Infantile Ependymoma

Cell / Jun 01, 2020

Michealraj, K. A., Kumar, S. A., Kim, L. J. Y., Cavalli, F. M. G., Przelicki, D., Wojcik, J. B., Delaidelli, A., Bajic, A., Saulnier, O., MacLeod, G., Vellanki, R. N., Vladoiu, M. C., Guilhamon, P., Ong, W., Lee, J. J. Y., Jiang, Y., Holgado, B. L., Rasnitsyn, A., Malik, A. A., … Taylor, M. D. (2020). Metabolic Regulation of the Epigenome Drives Lethal Infantile Ependymoma. Cell, 181(6), 1329-1345.e24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.04.047

ZRANB2 and SYF2-mediated splicing programs converging on ECT2 are involved in breast cancer cell resistance to doxorubicin

Nucleic Acids Research / Jan 16, 2020

Tanaka, I., Chakraborty, A., Saulnier, O., Benoit-Pilven, C., Vacher, S., Labiod, D., Lam, E. W. F., Bièche, I., Delattre, O., Pouzoulet, F., Auboeuf, D., Vagner, S., & Dutertre, M. (2020). ZRANB2 and SYF2-mediated splicing programs converging on ECT2 are involved in breast cancer cell resistance to doxorubicin. Nucleic Acids Research, 48(5), 2676–2693. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz1213

Transcriptional programs define intratumoral heterogeneity of Ewing sarcoma at single cell resolution

Apr 30, 2019

Aynaud, M.-M., Mirabeau, O., Gruel, N., Grossetête, S., Boeva, V., Durand, S., Surdez, D., Saulnier, O., Zaïdi, S., Gribkova, S., Kairov, U., Raynal, V., Tirode, F., Grünewald, T., Bohec, M., Baulande, S., Janoueix-Lerosey, I., Vert, J.-P., Barillot, E., … Zinovyev, A. (2019). Transcriptional programs define intratumoral heterogeneity of Ewing sarcoma at single cell resolution. https://doi.org/10.1101/623710


Hospital for Sick Children

Postdoctoral fellow / 2019Present

Institut Curie

PhD student / 20152019

Institute of Cancer Research

Internship / 20142015

Institut du cerveau et de la moelle épinière

Internship / 20122013

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