Dr. Lindsey Kuehm, Ph.D.

PhD immunologist specializing in cancer immunotherapy

St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America

Research Expertise

Cancer Immunotherapy
CAR-T Cell Therapy
Cancer Research
T Cell Biology
Infectious Disease


I am passionate about science and bench to beside clinical research with 14 years of immunology and microbiology experience in both academia and industry.  My past research has focused on T cell immunology, CAR-T cells, and checkpoint blockade cancer immunotherapy. I am also very interested in researching immunotherapy for infectious diseases. My experiences have lead to finely tuned presentation skills and I have many years of experience mentoring high schoolers, undergrads, graduate, medical students, and other scientists.


Immunomodulatory Functions of BTLA and HVEM Govern Induction of Extrathymic Regulatory T Cells and Tolerance by Dendritic Cells

Immunity / Nov 01, 2016

Jones, A., Bourque, J., Kuehm, L., Opejin, A., Teague, R. M., Gross, C., & Hawiger, D. (2016). Immunomodulatory Functions of BTLA and HVEM Govern Induction of Extrathymic Regulatory T Cells and Tolerance by Dendritic Cells. Immunity, 45(5), 1066–1077. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2016.10.008

Fructose Promotes Cytoprotection in Melanoma Tumors and Resistance to Immunotherapy

Cancer Immunology Research / Feb 01, 2021

Kuehm, L. M., Khojandi, N., Piening, A., Klevorn, L. E., Geraud, S. C., McLaughlin, N. R., Griffett, K., Burris, T. P., Pyles, K. D., Nelson, A. M., Preuss, M. L., Bockerstett, K. A., Donlin, M. J., McCommis, K. S., DiPaolo, R. J., & Teague, R. M. (2021). Fructose Promotes Cytoprotection in Melanoma Tumors and Resistance to Immunotherapy. Cancer Immunology Research, 9(2), 227–238. https://doi.org/10.1158/2326-6066.cir-20-0396

Oxidized Lipoproteins Promote Resistance to Cancer Immunotherapy Independent of Patient Obesity

Cancer Immunology Research / Feb 01, 2021

Khojandi, N., Kuehm, L. M., Piening, A., Donlin, M. J., Hsueh, E. C., Schwartz, T. L., Farrell, K., Richart, J. M., Geerling, E., Pinto, A. K., George, S. L., Albert, C. J., Ford, D. A., Chen, X., Kline, J., & Teague, R. M. (2021). Oxidized Lipoproteins Promote Resistance to Cancer Immunotherapy Independent of Patient Obesity. Cancer Immunology Research, 9(2), 214–226. https://doi.org/10.1158/2326-6066.cir-20-0358

Rescue of Tolerant CD8+ T Cells during Cancer Immunotherapy with IL2:Antibody Complexes

Cancer Immunology Research / Nov 30, 2016

Klevorn, L. E., Berrien-Elliott, M. M., Yuan, J., Kuehm, L. M., Felock, G. D., Crowe, S. A., & Teague, R. M. (2016). Rescue of Tolerant CD8+ T Cells during Cancer Immunotherapy with IL2:Antibody Complexes. Cancer Immunology Research, 4(12), 1016–1026. https://doi.org/10.1158/2326-6066.cir-16-0159

Interleukin 27 Protects From Gastric Atrophy and Metaplasia During Chronic Autoimmune Gastritis

Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology / Jan 01, 2020

Bockerstett, K. A., Petersen, C. P., Noto, C. N., Kuehm, L. M., Wong, C. F., Ford, E. L., Teague, R. M., Mills, J. C., Goldenring, J. R., & DiPaolo, R. J. (2020). Interleukin 27 Protects From Gastric Atrophy and Metaplasia During Chronic Autoimmune Gastritis. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 10(3), 561–579. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmgh.2020.04.014

Checkpoint blockade immunotherapy enhances the frequency and effector function of murine tumor-infiltrating T cells but does not alter TCRβ diversity

Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy / May 18, 2019

Kuehm, L. M., Wolf, K., Zahour, J., DiPaolo, R. J., & Teague, R. M. (2019). Checkpoint blockade immunotherapy enhances the frequency and effector function of murine tumor-infiltrating T cells but does not alter TCRβ diversity. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 68(7), 1095–1106. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00262-019-02346-4

Obesity-related T cell dysfunction impairs immunosurveillance and increases cancer risk

Nature Communications / Apr 02, 2024

Piening, A., Ebert, E., Gottlieb, C., Khojandi, N., Kuehm, L. M., Hoft, S. G., Pyles, K. D., McCommis, K. S., DiPaolo, R. J., Ferris, S. T., Alspach, E., & Teague, R. M. (2024). Obesity-related T cell dysfunction impairs immunosurveillance and increases cancer risk. Nature Communications, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-47359-5

High-Dimensional Analyses Reveal IL15 Enhances Activation of Sipuleucel-T Lymphocyte Subsets and Reverses Immunoresistance

Cancer Immunology Research / Feb 26, 2024

Saeed, M. A., Peng, B., Kim, K., Rawat, K., Kuehm, L. M., Siegel, Z. R., Borkowski, A., Habib, N., Van Tine, B., Sheikh, N., Tuyen, V., Thorek, D. L. J., Fehniger, T. A., & Pachynski, R. K. (2024). High-Dimensional Analyses Reveal IL15 Enhances Activation of Sipuleucel-T Lymphocyte Subsets and Reverses Immunoresistance. Cancer Immunology Research, 12(5), 559–574. https://doi.org/10.1158/2326-6066.cir-23-0652

Editorial: Teaching old CAR-T cells new tricks

Journal of Leukocyte Biology / Aug 01, 2017

Kuehm, L. M., & Teague, R. M. (2017). Editorial: Teaching old CAR-T cells new tricks. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 102(2), 188–190. https://doi.org/10.1189/jlb.5ce0816-369r

RNA binding protein SYNCRIP maintains proteostasis and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Nature Communications / Apr 21, 2023

Herrejon Chavez, F., Luo, H., Cifani, P., Pine, A., Chu, K. L., Joshi, S., Barin, E., Schurer, A., Chan, M., Chang, K., Han, G. Y. Q., Pierson, A. J., Xiao, M., Yang, X., Kuehm, L. M., Hong, Y., Nguyen, D. T. T., Chiosis, G., Kentsis, A., … Kharas, M. G. (2023). RNA binding protein SYNCRIP maintains proteostasis and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Nature Communications, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38001-x


Saint Louis University

PhD, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology / April, 2020

St Louis, Missouri, United States of America

University of North Texas Health Science Center

MS, Microbiology and Immunology / August, 2014

Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America

University of North Texas

BS, Biology / December, 2008



Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Postdoctoral Research Scholar / October, 2023Present

Cell Microsystems

Field Application Scientist / February, 2022February, 2023

TCR Cure Biopharma

Research Scientist / June, 2020January, 2022

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Quality Control Microbiologist / June, 2014June, 2015

Neos Therapeutics

Quality Control Microbiologist / August, 2012June, 2014

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