Edohamen Awannegbe. PhD, CMatP
Seeking a research position in fabrication, post-fabrication processing, microstructural characterisation and mechanical analysis of materials.
Research Expertise
Influence of heat treatment on the tensile properties of Ti–15Mo additively manufactured by laser metal deposition
Materials Science and Engineering: A / Feb 01, 2024
Awannegbe, E., Zhao, Y., Qiu, Z., & Li, H. (2024). Influence of heat treatment on the tensile properties of Ti–15Mo additively manufactured by laser metal deposition. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 892, 146062. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2023.146062
Effect of thermomechanical processing on compressive mechanical properties of Ti–15Mo additively manufactured by laser metal deposition
Materials Science and Engineering: A / Jan 01, 2024
Awannegbe, E., Chen, L., Zhao, Y., Qiu, Z., & Li, H. (2024). Effect of thermomechanical processing on compressive mechanical properties of Ti–15Mo additively manufactured by laser metal deposition. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 889, 145834. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2023.145834
Microstructural characterisation and mechanical evaluation of Ti-15Mo manufactured by laser metal deposition
Journal of Alloys and Compounds / Jun 01, 2023
Awannegbe, E., Li, H., Song, T., Niessen, F., Qian, M., Gazder, A. A., Nancarrow, M. J. B., & Pereloma, E. (2023). Microstructural characterisation and mechanical evaluation of Ti-15Mo manufactured by laser metal deposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 947, 169553. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.169553
Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of Wire-Arc Additively Fabricated Inconel 718 Superalloy
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A / Nov 05, 2022
Sujan, G. K., Gazder, A. A., Awannegbe, E., Li, H., Pan, Z., Liang, D., & Alam, N. (2022). Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of Wire-Arc Additively Fabricated Inconel 718 Superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 54(1), 226–240. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-022-06863-3
University of Wollongong
PhD Materials Science and Engineering, MMMB / September, 2023
BSc, Mechanical Engineering / May, 2006
University of Stavanger
MSc, Drilling and Well Design / June, 2014
University of Wollongong
Doctoral Research Scholar / January, 2021 — September, 2023
▪ Publishing of high impact journal papers ▪ Operating of Instron 3367 for uniaxial tensile testing ▪ Assisting in the operating of Gleeble 3500-GTC for room/elevated temperature thermomechanical compression testing ▪ Extensive use of MS Excel, Word and PPT for mechanical test data visualization and analysis ▪ Operating of GBC MMA for X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern acquisition ▪ Use of Traces for XRD pattern analysis ▪ Operating of JEOL JSM-7001F for the following: o Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) imaging o Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) elemental mapping o Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) map acquisition. ▪ Use of ImageJ and Aztec for SEM image structural analysis and EDS compositional analysis, respectively ▪ Use of Channel 5 and Aztec crystal for EBSD map analysis ▪ Use of Gatan software for Bright/Dark field image analysis and Selected Area Electron Diffraction indexing ▪ Fortnightly progress presentation to supervisors
University of Wollongong
Mechanical Engineering Teacher / January, 2021 — September, 2023
Engineering Mechanics | Solid Mechanics | Innovation & Design | Career Ready Learning and Practice University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW Australia. Responsibilities ▪ Teaching of Statics, Dynamics and Mechanics of Materials ▪ Guidance and supervision of beam design and testing project to evaluate different mechanics parameters. ▪ Supervision of master’s students executing United Nations Sustainable Development Projects ▪ One on one session with students to provide detailed explanations to ensure success in quizzes and exams. ▪ Administrative paperwork in maintenance of project groups database. ▪ Proctoring and grading of quizzes and presentations. PhD
College in Sydney
Engineering, Math and Physics Teacher / September, 2023 — Present
Engineering, Math and Physics Teacher
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