Grace Conyers - Researcher, Educator, Communicator

American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Insanitek Research and Development

Research Expertise



Earthworms, stand age, and species composition interact to influence particulate organic matter chemistry during forest succession

Biogeochemistry / Nov 21, 2008

Crow, S. E., Filley, T. R., McCormick, M., Szlávecz, K., Stott, D. E., Gamblin, D., & Conyers, G. (2008). Earthworms, stand age, and species composition interact to influence particulate organic matter chemistry during forest succession. Biogeochemistry, 92(1–2), 61–82.

The archaeology of deforestation in south coastal Turkey

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology / May 10, 2012

Akkemik, Ü., Caner, H., Conyers, G. A., Dillon, M. J., Karlioğlu, N., Rauh, N. K., & Theller, L. O. (2012). The archaeology of deforestation in south coastal Turkey. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 19(5), 395–405.

Ecosystems: Forest Nutrient Cycling

Encyclopedia of Natural Resources: Land / Jul 23, 2014

Foster, N. W., & Bhatti, J. S. (2014). Ecosystems: Forest Nutrient Cycling. In Encyclopedia of Natural Resources: Land (pp. 173–176). CRC Press.

Beryllium cycling through deciduous trees and implications for meteoric 10Be systematics

Chemical Geology / Jun 01, 2021

Moore, A. K., Granger, D. E., & Conyers, G. (2021). Beryllium cycling through deciduous trees and implications for meteoric 10Be systematics. Chemical Geology, 571, 120174.

Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey: Report of the 2011 Season, Part Two

Oct 01, 2019

Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey: Report of the 2011 Season, Part Two. (2019). Purdue University.


ATLAS JOURNAL / Jan 01, 2019

KORKUT, T. (2019). TURABDİN BÖLGESİ HRİSTİYAN DİNİ MİMARİSİNDE MİDYAT (2017 Yılı Arkeolojik Yüzey Araştırması). ATLAS JOURNAL, 5(19), 323–349.

Science and Society Workshops at AGU Fall Meeting

Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union / Nov 16, 2010

Chell, K. (2010). Science and Society Workshops at AGU Fall Meeting. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 91(46), 433–433. Portico.


Purdue University West Lafayette

Bachelor's of Art, Archaeology / May, 2007

West Lafayette, Indiana, United States of America

Purdue University West Lafayette

M.S., Geochemistry / May, 2014

West Lafayette, Indiana, United States of America

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