Norman Farb
Associate Professor at University of Toronto - Mississauga
Research Expertise
Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience / Aug 13, 2007
Farb, N. A. S., Segal, Z. V., Mayberg, H., Bean, J., McKeon, D., Fatima, Z., & Anderson, A. K. (2007). Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2(4), 313–322.
Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness.
Emotion / Feb 01, 2010
Farb, N. A. S., Anderson, A. K., Mayberg, H., Bean, J., McKeon, D., & Segal, Z. V. (2010). Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness. Emotion, 10(1), 25–33.
Mindfulness meditation training alters cortical representations of interoceptive attention
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience / Jul 06, 2012
Farb, N. A. S., Segal, Z. V., & Anderson, A. K. (2012). Mindfulness meditation training alters cortical representations of interoceptive attention. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8(1), 15–26.
Interoception, contemplative practice, and health
Frontiers in Psychology / Jun 09, 2015
Farb, N., Daubenmier, J., Price, C. J., Gard, T., Kerr, C., Dunn, B. D., Klein, A. C., Paulus, M. P., & Mehling, W. E. (2015). Interoception, contemplative practice, and health. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
Mindfulness Broadens Awareness and Builds Eudaimonic Meaning: A Process Model of Mindful Positive Emotion Regulation
Psychological Inquiry / Oct 02, 2015
Garland, E. L., Farb, N. A., R. Goldin, P., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2015). Mindfulness Broadens Awareness and Builds Eudaimonic Meaning: A Process Model of Mindful Positive Emotion Regulation. Psychological Inquiry, 26(4), 293–314.
The Mindful Brain and Emotion Regulation in Mood Disorders
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / Feb 01, 2012
Farb, N. A. S., Anderson, A. K., & Segal, Z. V. (2012). The Mindful Brain and Emotion Regulation in Mood Disorders. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 57(2), 70–77.
Attentional Modulation of Primary Interoceptive and Exteroceptive Cortices
Cerebral Cortex / Jan 19, 2012
Farb, N. A. S., Segal, Z. V., & Anderson, A. K. (2012). Attentional Modulation of Primary Interoceptive and Exteroceptive Cortices. Cerebral Cortex, 23(1), 114–126.
"Minding one's emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness": Correction to Farb et al (2010).
Emotion / Apr 01, 2010
Farb, N. A. S., Anderson, A. K., Mayberg, H., Bean, J., McKeon, D., & Segal, Z. V. (2010). “Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness”: Correction to Farb et al (2010). Emotion, 10(2), 215–215.
The Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory: Extensions, Applications, and Challenges at the Attention–Appraisal–Emotion Interface
Psychological Inquiry / Oct 02, 2015
Garland, E. L., Farb, N. A., Goldin, P. R., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2015). The Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory: Extensions, Applications, and Challenges at the Attention–Appraisal–Emotion Interface. Psychological Inquiry, 26(4), 377–387.
Abnormal network connectivity in frontotemporal dementia: Evidence for prefrontal isolation
Cortex / Jul 01, 2013
Farb, N. A. S., Grady, C. L., Strother, S., Tang-Wai, D. F., Masellis, M., Black, S., Freedman, M., Pollock, B. G., Campbell, K. L., Hasher, L., & Chow, T. W. (2013). Abnormal network connectivity in frontotemporal dementia: Evidence for prefrontal isolation. Cortex, 49(7), 1856–1873.
Mindfulness Practice, Rumination and Clinical Outcome in Mindfulness-Based Treatment
Cognitive Therapy and Research / Oct 08, 2013
Hawley, L. L., Schwartz, D., Bieling, P. J., Irving, J., Corcoran, K., Farb, N. A. S., Anderson, A. K., & Segal, Z. V. (2013). Mindfulness Practice, Rumination and Clinical Outcome in Mindfulness-Based Treatment. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 38(1), 1–9.
State Mindfulness During Meditation Predicts Enhanced Cognitive Reappraisal
Mindfulness / Oct 15, 2013
Garland, E. L., Hanley, A., Farb, N. A., & Froeliger, B. (2013). State Mindfulness During Meditation Predicts Enhanced Cognitive Reappraisal. Mindfulness, 6(2), 234–242.
Memory for general and specific value information in younger and older adults: Measuring the limits of strategic control
Memory & Cognition / Jun 01, 2007
Castel, A. D., Farb, N. A. S., & Craik, F. I. M. (2007). Memory for general and specific value information in younger and older adults: Measuring the limits of strategic control. Memory & Cognition, 35(4), 689–700.
Microdosing psychedelics: personality, mental health, and creativity differences in microdosers
Psychopharmacology / Jan 02, 2019
Anderson, T., Petranker, R., Rosenbaum, D., Weissman, C. R., Dinh-Williams, L.-A., Hui, K., Hapke, E., & Farb, N. A. S. (2019). Microdosing psychedelics: personality, mental health, and creativity differences in microdosers. Psychopharmacology, 236(2), 731–740.
Mood-Linked Responses in Medial Prefrontal Cortex Predict Relapse in Patients with Recurrent Unipolar Depression
Biological Psychiatry / Aug 01, 2011
Farb, N. A. S., Anderson, A. K., Bloch, R. T., & Segal, Z. V. (2011). Mood-Linked Responses in Medial Prefrontal Cortex Predict Relapse in Patients with Recurrent Unipolar Depression. Biological Psychiatry, 70(4), 366–372.
Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depressive disorder with either mindfulness-based cognitive therapy or cognitive therapy.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology / Feb 01, 2018
Farb, N., Anderson, A., Ravindran, A., Hawley, L., Irving, J., Mancuso, E., Gulamani, T., Williams, G., Ferguson, A., & Segal, Z. V. (2018). Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depressive disorder with either mindfulness-based cognitive therapy or cognitive therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(2), 200–204.
Attentional and affective consequences of technology supported mindfulness training: a randomised, active control, efficacy trial
BMC Psychology / Nov 29, 2016
Bhayee, S., Tomaszewski, P., Lee, D. H., Moffat, G., Pino, L., Moreno, S., & Farb, N. A. S. (2016). Attentional and affective consequences of technology supported mindfulness training: a randomised, active control, efficacy trial. BMC Psychology, 4(1).
Intrinsic medial temporal lobe connectivity relates to individual differences in episodic autobiographical remembering
Cortex / Jan 01, 2016
Sheldon, S., Farb, N., Palombo, D. J., & Levine, B. (2016). Intrinsic medial temporal lobe connectivity relates to individual differences in episodic autobiographical remembering. Cortex, 74, 206–216.
Mechanisms of Mindfulness in Communication Training
Journal of Applied Communication Research / Nov 01, 2011
Huston, D. C., Garland, E. L., & Farb, N. A. S. (2011). Mechanisms of Mindfulness in Communication Training. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 39(4), 406–421.
Salience Network Resting-State Activity
JAMA Neurology / Aug 19, 2013
Day, G. S., Farb, N. A. S., Tang-Wai, D. F., Masellis, M., Black, S. E., Freedman, M., Pollock, B. G., & Chow, T. W. (2013). Salience Network Resting-State Activity. JAMA Neurology.
Do Lifestyle Activities Protect Against Cognitive Decline in Aging? A Review
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience / Nov 20, 2017
Christie, G. J., Hamilton, T., Manor, B. D., Farb, N. A. S., Farzan, F., Sixsmith, A., Temprado, J.-J., & Moreno, S. (2017). Do Lifestyle Activities Protect Against Cognitive Decline in Aging? A Review. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9.
From Retreat Center to Clinic to Boardroom? Perils and Promises of the Modern Mindfulness Movement
Religions / Nov 06, 2014
Farb, N. (2014). From Retreat Center to Clinic to Boardroom? Perils and Promises of the Modern Mindfulness Movement. Religions, 5(4), 1062–1086.
The role of overt attention in emotion-modulated memory.
Emotion / Jan 01, 2011
Riggs, L., McQuiggan, D. A., Farb, N., Anderson, A. K., & Ryan, J. D. (2011). The role of overt attention in emotion-modulated memory. Emotion, 11(4), 776–785.
Practice of therapy acquired regulatory skills and depressive relapse/recurrence prophylaxis following cognitive therapy or mindfulness based cognitive therapy.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology / Feb 01, 2019
Segal, Z. V., Anderson, A. K., Gulamani, T., Dinh Williams, L.-A., Desormeau, P., Ferguson, A., Walsh, K., & Farb, N. A. S. (2019). Practice of therapy acquired regulatory skills and depressive relapse/recurrence prophylaxis following cognitive therapy or mindfulness based cognitive therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87(2), 161–170.
The influence of self-regulatory focus on encoding of, and memory for, emotional words
Social Neuroscience / Mar 01, 2007
Touryan, S. R., Johnson, M. K., Mitchell, K. J., Farb, N., Cunningham, W. A., & Raye, C. L. (2007). The influence of self-regulatory focus on encoding of, and memory for, emotional words. Social Neuroscience, 2(1), 14–27.
Emotions: form follows function
Current Opinion in Neurobiology / Jun 01, 2013
Farb, N. A., Chapman, H. A., & Anderson, A. K. (2013). Emotions: form follows function. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 23(3), 393–398.
Psychedelic Research and the Need for Transparency: Polishing Alice’s Looking Glass
Frontiers in Psychology / Jul 10, 2020
Petranker, R., Anderson, T., & Farb, N. (2020). Psychedelic Research and the Need for Transparency: Polishing Alice’s Looking Glass. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Meditation Benefits and Drawbacks: Empirical Codebook and Implications for Teaching
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement / Jan 14, 2019
Anderson, T., Suresh, M., & Farb, N. A. (2019). Meditation Benefits and Drawbacks: Empirical Codebook and Implications for Teaching. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 3(2), 207–220.
Change your stomach, change your mind
New Scientist / May 01, 2012
Murphy, S. (2012). Change your stomach, change your mind. New Scientist, 214(2865), 42–45.
What do people mean when they talk about mindfulness?
Clinical Psychology Review / Nov 01, 2021
Choi, E., Farb, N., Pogrebtsova, E., Gruman, J., & Grossmann, I. (2021). What do people mean when they talk about mindfulness? Clinical Psychology Review, 89, 102085.
Functional connectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder and its subtypes
Psychological Medicine / May 23, 2019
Ravindran, A., Richter, M., Jain, T., Ravindran, L., Rector, N., & Farb, N. (2019). Functional connectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder and its subtypes. Psychological Medicine, 50(7), 1173–1181.
Personalising Practice Using Preferences for Meditation Anchor Modality
Frontiers in Psychology / Dec 11, 2018
Anderson, T., & Farb, N. A. S. (2018). Personalising Practice Using Preferences for Meditation Anchor Modality. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
Focus on the breath: Brain decoding reveals internal states of attention during meditation
Nov 04, 2018
Weng, H. Y., Lewis-Peacock, J. A., Hecht, F. M., Uncapher, M. R., Ziegler, D. A., Farb, N. A. S., Goldman, V., Skinner, S., Duncan, L. G., Chao, M. T., & Gazzaley, A. (2018). Focus on the breath: Brain decoding reveals internal states of attention during meditation.
The metronome response task for measuring mind wandering: Replication attempt and extension of three studies by Seli et al
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics / Sep 30, 2020
Anderson, T., Petranker, R., Lin, H., & Farb, N. A. S. (2020). The metronome response task for measuring mind wandering: Replication attempt and extension of three studies by Seli et al. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(1), 315–330.
Thiamine prescribing practices within university-affiliated hospitals: A multicenter retrospective review
Journal of Hospital Medicine / Feb 03, 2015
Day, G. S., Ladak, S., Curley, K., Farb, N. A. S., Masiowski, P., Pringsheim, T., Ritchie, M., Cheung, A., Jansen, S., Methot, L., Neville, H. L., Bates, D., Lowe, D., Fernandes, N., Ferland, A., & Martin del Campo, C. (2015). Thiamine prescribing practices within university-affiliated hospitals: A multicenter retrospective review. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 10(4), 246–253.
Interoceptive appraisal and mental health
Oxford Scholarship Online / Nov 22, 2018
Farb, N. A. S., & Logie, K. (2018). Interoceptive appraisal and mental health. Oxford Scholarship Online.
Editorial: Interoception, Contemplative Practice, and Health
Frontiers in Psychology / Dec 01, 2016
Farb, N., & Mehling, W. E. (2016). Editorial: Interoception, Contemplative Practice, and Health. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
Frontoparietal and Default Mode Network Contributions to Self-Referential Processing in Social Anxiety Disorder
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience / Aug 02, 2021
Dixon, M. L., Moodie, C. A., Goldin, P. R., Farb, N., Heimberg, R. G., Zhang, J., & Gross, J. J. (2021). Frontoparietal and Default Mode Network Contributions to Self-Referential Processing in Social Anxiety Disorder. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 22(1), 187–198.
Facial emotion recognition in children treated for posterior fossa tumours and typically developing children: A divergence of predictors
NeuroImage: Clinical / Jan 01, 2019
Moxon-Emre, I., Farb, N. A. S., Oyefiade, A. A., Bouffet, E., Laughlin, S., Skocic, J., de Medeiros, C. B., & Mabbott, D. J. (2019). Facial emotion recognition in children treated for posterior fossa tumours and typically developing children: A divergence of predictors. NeuroImage: Clinical, 23, 101886.
Can neuroimaging inform economic theories of decision making?
Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics / Jan 01, 2013
Farb, N. (2013). Can neuroimaging inform economic theories of decision making? Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics, 1.
Towards a neuroimaging biomarker of depression vulnerability
Translational Neuroscience / Jan 01, 2011
Farb, N., Segal, Z., & Anderson, A. (2011). Towards a neuroimaging biomarker of depression vulnerability. Translational Neuroscience, 2(4).
The Neuroscience of Hypo-Egoic Processes
Oxford Handbooks Online / Oct 05, 2016
Farb, N., Desormeau, P. A., & Dinh-Williams, L. (2016). The Neuroscience of Hypo-Egoic Processes. Oxford Handbooks Online.
The impact of a brief mindfulness training on interoception: A randomized controlled trial
PLOS ONE / Sep 07, 2022
Lima-Araujo, G. L. de, de Sousa Júnior, G. M., Mendes, T., Demarzo, M., Farb, N., Barros de Araujo, D., & Sousa, M. B. C. de. (2022). The impact of a brief mindfulness training on interoception: A randomized controlled trial. PLOS ONE, 17(9), e0273864.
Eye Movements and White Matter are Associated with Emotional Control in Children Treated for Brain Tumors
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society / May 27, 2020
Moxon-Emre, I., Taylor, M. J., Farb, N. A. S., Oyefiade, A. A., Taylor, M. D., Bouffet, E., Laughlin, S., Skocic, J., de Medeiros, C. B., & Mabbott, D. J. (2020). Eye Movements and White Matter are Associated with Emotional Control in Children Treated for Brain Tumors. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 26(10), 978–992.
Static and treatment-responsive brain biomarkers of depression relapse vulnerability following prophylactic psychotherapy: Evidence from a randomized control trial
NeuroImage: Clinical / Jan 01, 2022
Farb, N. A. S., Desormeau, P., Anderson, A. K., & Segal, Z. V. (2022). Static and treatment-responsive brain biomarkers of depression relapse vulnerability following prophylactic psychotherapy: Evidence from a randomized control trial. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, 102969.
The Effect of Intravenous Citalopram on the Neural Substrates of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences / Jul 01, 2016
Bhikram, T. P., Farb, N. A. S., Ravindran, L. N., Papadopoulos, Y. G., Conn, D. K., Pollock, B. G., & Ravindran, A. V. (2016). The Effect of Intravenous Citalopram on the Neural Substrates of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 28(3), 243–247.
The Metronome Counting Task for measuring meta-awareness
Behavior Research Methods / Jun 09, 2020
Anderson, T., & Farb, N. A. S. (2020). The Metronome Counting Task for measuring meta-awareness. Behavior Research Methods, 52(6), 2646–2656.
Mirroring Neurostimulation Outcomes Through Behavioral Interventions to Improve Creative Performance
Jul 16, 2021
Sahar, A., Farb, N., & Shu, L. H. (2021). Mirroring Neurostimulation Outcomes Through Behavioral Interventions to Improve Creative Performance.
The observing self: Diminishing egocentrism through brief mindfulness meditation
European Journal of Social Psychology / Feb 10, 2016
Golubickis, M., Tan, L. B. G., Falben, J. K., & Macrae, C. N. (2016). The observing self: Diminishing egocentrism through brief mindfulness meditation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46(4), 521–527. Portico.
Clarifying Internally-Directed Cognition: A Commentary on the Attention to Thoughts Model
Psychological Inquiry / Oct 02, 2022
Vago, D. R., Farb, N., & Spreng, R. N. (2022). Clarifying Internally-Directed Cognition: A Commentary on the Attention to Thoughts Model. Psychological Inquiry, 33(4), 261–272.
Meta-Cognition with a Heart: Mindfulness, Therapy, and the Cultivation of Wisdom
Psychological Inquiry / Apr 02, 2020
Farb, N. A. S. (2020). Meta-Cognition with a Heart: Mindfulness, Therapy, and the Cultivation of Wisdom. Psychological Inquiry, 31(2), 164–167.
Can Contemplative Science Bring Meditation to (Western) Life?
Meditation – Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications / Oct 09, 2013
Farb, N. A. S. (2013). Can Contemplative Science Bring Meditation to (Western) Life? Studies in Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality, 243–259.
An experimental test of the mindfulness-to-meaning theory: Casual pathways between decentering, reappraisal, and well-being.
Emotion / May 11, 2023
Wang, Y., Garland, E. L., & Farb, N. A. S. (2023). An experimental test of the mindfulness-to-meaning theory: Casual pathways between decentering, reappraisal, and well-being. Emotion.
Neurobiology of Mindfulness-Based Interventions
Biopsychosocial Factors of Stress, and Mindfulness for Stress Reduction / Jan 01, 2021
Desormeau, P. A., & Farb, N. A. S. (2021). Neurobiology of Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Biopsychosocial Factors of Stress, and Mindfulness for Stress Reduction, 225–261.
First-episode major depression and treatment with escitalopram: an fMRI study
European Neuropsychopharmacology / Oct 01, 2016
Ravindran, A., Harkness, K., Ravindran, L., Jain, T., & Farb, N. (2016). First-episode major depression and treatment with escitalopram: an fMRI study. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 26, S467.
Training to strengthen the mental self-boundary (Self-Boundary Awareness Training, SBAT) results in greater mindfulness: How self-boundary awareness increases mindfulness
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal / Jan 25, 2017
Blaser, K. (2017). Training to strengthen the mental self-boundary (Self-Boundary Awareness Training, SBAT) results in greater mindfulness: How self-boundary awareness increases mindfulness. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 4(1).
Explicit Intensity Control for Accented Text-to-speech
INTERSPEECH 2023 / Aug 20, 2023
Liu, R., Zuo, H., Hu, D., Gao, G., & Li, H. (2023). Explicit Intensity Control for Accented Text-to-speech. INTERSPEECH 2023.
Interoceptive Awareness of the Breath Preserves Attention and Language Networks amidst Widespread Cortical Deactivation: A Within-Participant Neuroimaging Study
eneuro / Jun 01, 2023
Farb, N. A. S., Zuo, Z., & Price, C. J. (2023). Interoceptive Awareness of the Breath Preserves Attention and Language Networks amidst Widespread Cortical Deactivation: A Within-Participant Neuroimaging Study. Eneuro, 10(6), ENEURO.0088-23.2023.
Resting-state neural mechanisms of capability for suicide and their interaction with pain – A CAN-BIND-05 Study
Journal of Affective Disorders / Jun 01, 2023
Wang, S., Kennedy, S. H., Salomons, T. V., Ceniti, A. K., McInerney, S. J., Bergmans, Y., Pizzagalli, D. A., Farb, N., Turecki, G., Schweizer, T. A., Churchill, N., Sinyor, M., & Rizvi, S. J. (2023). Resting-state neural mechanisms of capability for suicide and their interaction with pain – A CAN-BIND-05 Study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 330, 139–147.
Continuation of Antidepressants vs Sequential Psychological Interventions to Prevent Relapse in Depression
JAMA Psychiatry / Aug 01, 2021
Breedvelt, J. J. F., Warren, F. C., Segal, Z., Kuyken, W., & Bockting, C. L. (2021). Continuation of Antidepressants vs Sequential Psychological Interventions to Prevent Relapse in Depression. JAMA Psychiatry, 78(8), 868.
Contemplating movement: A randomized control trial of yoga training for mental health
Mental Health and Physical Activity / Oct 01, 2022
Eusebio, J., Forbes, B., Sahyoun, C., Vago, D. R., Lazar, S. W., & Farb, N. (2022). Contemplating movement: A randomized control trial of yoga training for mental health. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 23, 100483.
Static and Treatment-Responsive Brain Biomarkers of Depression Recurrence Following Prophylactic Psychotherapy
Biological Psychiatry / May 01, 2021
Farb, N., Anderson, A., & Segal, Z. (2021). Static and Treatment-Responsive Brain Biomarkers of Depression Recurrence Following Prophylactic Psychotherapy. Biological Psychiatry, 89(9), S36.
Review: high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves symptoms of treatment resistant major depression
Evidence-Based Mental Health / Jul 24, 2009
Review: high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves symptoms of treatment resistant major depression. (2009). Evidence-Based Mental Health, 12(3), 81–81.
More than just a bed: mental health service users’ experiences of self-referral admission
International Journal of Mental Health Systems / Feb 25, 2016
Olsø, T. M., Gudde, C. B., Moljord, I. E. O., Evensen, G. H., Antonsen, D. Ø., & Eriksen, L. (2016). More than just a bed: mental health service users’ experiences of self-referral admission. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 10(1).
Ovoid Mitochondrial Cytoplasmic Complex (OMC)
Encyclopedia of Parasitology / Jan 01, 2016
Ovoid Mitochondrial Cytoplasmic Complex (OMC). (2016). Encyclopedia of Parasitology, 2024–2024.
RCN wants CPR training in schools
Nursing Children and Young People / Jul 08, 2016
RCN wants CPR training in schools. (2016). Nursing Children and Young People, 28(6), 7–7.
Cognitive behavioural therapy enhances compensatory neural circuitry in obsessive compulsive disorder
European Neuropsychopharmacology / Oct 01, 2016
Ravindran, A., Richter, M., Jain, T., Ravindran, L., Rector, N., & Farb, N. (2016). Cognitive behavioural therapy enhances compensatory neural circuitry in obsessive compulsive disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 26, S621–S622.
Presenilin genes in Alzheimer's diseases
Biological Psychiatry / Jul 01, 1997
Rogaev, E. I. (1997). Presenilin genes in Alzheimer’s diseases. Biological Psychiatry, 42(1), 210S-211S.
Alterations in Brain and Immune Function Produced by Mindfulness Meditation
Psychosomatic Medicine / Jul 01, 2003
Davidson, R. J., Kabat-Zinn, J., Schumacher, J., Rosenkranz, M., Muller, D., Santorelli, S. F., Urbanowski, F., Harrington, A., Bonus, K., & Sheridan, J. F. (2003). Alterations in Brain and Immune Function Produced by Mindfulness Meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65(4), 564–570.
Book Review: The Neuroscience of Psychological Therapies
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / Sep 01, 2008
Farb, N. A., & Segal, Z. V. (2008). Book Review: The Neuroscience of Psychological Therapies. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 53(9), 633–633.
Physiological response to positive and negative events is moderated by regulatory focus
PsycEXTRA Dataset / Jan 01, 2006
Farb, N., Cunningham, W. A., & Anderson, A. K. (2006). Physiological response to positive and negative events is moderated by regulatory focus. PsycEXTRA Dataset.
The Science behind ‘Mood Food’, the Link between Diet and Depression/Anxiety: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Where to Next
NSNZ 2021 / Apr 19, 2022
Bear, T. (2022). The Science behind ‘Mood Food’, the Link between Diet and Depression/Anxiety: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Where to Next. NSNZ 2021.
Períodos de sesiones de la conferencia ministerial de la OMC
Conferencias ministeriales de la OMC / Nov 01, 2019
Períodos de sesiones de la conferencia ministerial de la OMC. (2019). Conferencias Ministeriales de La OMC.
A machine learning approach towards the differentiation between interoceptive and exteroceptive attention
European Journal of Neuroscience / May 24, 2023
Zuo, Z. X., Price, C. J., & Farb, N. A. S. (2023). A machine learning approach towards the differentiation between interoceptive and exteroceptive attention. European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(2), 2523–2546. Portico.
Exploring the Use of Large Language Models for Improving the Awareness of Mindfulness
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems / Apr 19, 2023
Kumar, H., Wang, Y., Shi, J., Musabirov, I., Farb, N. A. S., & Williams, J. J. (2023). Exploring the Use of Large Language Models for Improving the Awareness of Mindfulness. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Walking the Talk: a Randomized Trial Exploring the Role of Mindfulness Booster Sessions on Skill Acquisition Following Workshop Attendance
Mindfulness / Mar 15, 2023
Radosavljevic, J., & Farb, N. A. S. (2023). Walking the Talk: a Randomized Trial Exploring the Role of Mindfulness Booster Sessions on Skill Acquisition Following Workshop Attendance. Mindfulness, 14(4), 891–907.
Web-based training for post-secondary student well-being during the pandemic: a randomized trial
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping / May 26, 2022
Wang, Y., & Farb, N. A. S. (2022). Web-based training for post-secondary student well-being during the pandemic: a randomized trial. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 36(1), 1–17.
A Machine Learning Approach Towards the Differentiation Between Interoceptive and Exteroceptive Attention
Jun 13, 2022
Zuo, Z. X., Price, C. J., & Farb, N. A. S. (2022). A Machine Learning Approach Towards the Differentiation Between Interoceptive and Exteroceptive Attention.
Interoceptive Awareness of the Breath Preserves Dorsal Attention Network Activity amidst Widespread Cortical Deactivation: A Within-Participant Neuroimaging Study
May 29, 2022
Farb, N. A. S., Zuo, Z., & Price, C. J. (2022). Interoceptive Awareness of the Breath Preserves Dorsal Attention Network Activity amidst Widespread Cortical Deactivation: A Within-Participant Neuroimaging Study.
Brief daily self-care reflection for undergraduate well-being: a randomized control trial of an online intervention
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping / Jul 27, 2021
Fiodorova, A., & Farb, N. (2021). Brief daily self-care reflection for undergraduate well-being: a randomized control trial of an online intervention. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 35(2), 158–170.
Modeling the mindfulness‐to‐meaning theory's mindful reappraisal hypothesis: Replication with longitudinal data from a randomized controlled study
Stress and Health / Mar 09, 2021
Hanley, A. W., Vibe, M., Solhaug, I., Farb, N., Goldin, P. R., Gross, J. J., & Garland, E. L. (2021). Modeling the mindfulness‐to‐meaning theory’s mindful reappraisal hypothesis: Replication with longitudinal data from a randomized controlled study. Stress and Health, 37(4), 778–789. Portico.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Interventions for Mood in Older Adults: How Do Qualitative Experiences Inform Clinical Response?
Mindfulness / Apr 23, 2021
Farb, N. A. S., Murchison, J., Madan, R., Goldberg, H., Grief, C., Conn, D., & Khatri, N. (2021). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Interventions for Mood in Older Adults: How Do Qualitative Experiences Inform Clinical Response? Mindfulness, 12(7), 1733–1747.
Psychedelic research and the need for transparency - Polishing Alice’s Looking Glass
May 27, 2020
Petranker, R., Anderson, T., & Farb, N. A. S. (2020). Psychedelic research and the need for transparency - Polishing Alice’s Looking Glass.
A Smartphone App–Based Mindfulness Intervention for Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
JMIR Research Protocols / May 11, 2020
Subnis, U. B., Farb, N. A., Piedalue, K.-A. L., Speca, M., Lupichuk, S., Tang, P. A., Faris, P., Thoburn, M., Saab, B. J., & Carlson, L. E. (2020). A Smartphone App–Based Mindfulness Intervention for Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(5), e15178.
What do people mean when they talk about mindfulness?
Feb 05, 2020
Choi, E., Farb, N. A. S., Pogrebtsova, E., Gruman, J., & Grossmann, I. (2020). What do people mean when they talk about mindfulness?
Emotion Regulation in Social Anxiety Disorder: Reappraisal and Acceptance of Negative Self-beliefs
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging / Jan 01, 2020
Dixon, M. L., Moodie, C. A., Goldin, P. R., Farb, N., Heimberg, R. G., & Gross, J. J. (2020). Emotion Regulation in Social Anxiety Disorder: Reappraisal and Acceptance of Negative Self-beliefs. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5(1), 119–129.
The Metronome Counting Task for Measuring Meta-awareness
Nov 07, 2019
Anderson, T., & Farb, N. A. S. (2019). The Metronome Counting Task for Measuring Meta-awareness.
A Smartphone App–Based Mindfulness Intervention for Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint)
Aug 19, 2019
Subnis, U. B., Farb, N. A., Piedalue, K.-A. L., Speca, M., Lupichuk, S., Tang, P. A., Faris, P., Thoburn, M., Saab, B. J., & Carlson, L. E. (2019). A Smartphone App–Based Mindfulness Intervention for Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint).
Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation App on Subjective Well-Being: Active Randomized Controlled Trial and Experience Sampling Study
JMIR Mental Health / Jan 08, 2019
Walsh, K. M., Saab, B. J., & Farb, N. A. (2019). Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation App on Subjective Well-Being: Active Randomized Controlled Trial and Experience Sampling Study. JMIR Mental Health, 6(1), e10844.
Focus on the breath: Brain decoding reveals internal states of attention during meditation
Nov 07, 2018
Weng, H., Lewis-Peacock, J., Hecht, F., Uncapher, M., Ziegler, D., Farb, N. A. S., Goldman, V., Skinner, S., Duncan, L., Chao, M., & Gazzaley, A. (2018). Focus on the breath: Brain decoding reveals internal states of attention during meditation.
Microdosing Psychedelics: Personality, mental health, and creativity differences in microdosers
Nov 02, 2018
Anderson, T., Petranker, R., Rosenbaum, D., Weissman, C., Dinh-Williams, L.-A., Hui, K., Hapke, E., & Farb, N. A. S. (2018). Microdosing Psychedelics: Personality, mental health, and creativity differences in microdosers.
Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation App on Subjective Well-Being: Active Randomized Controlled Trial and Experience Sampling Study (Preprint)
Apr 20, 2018
Walsh, K. M., Saab, B. J., & Farb, N. A. (2018). Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation App on Subjective Well-Being: Active Randomized Controlled Trial and Experience Sampling Study (Preprint).
Personalizing Practice using Preferences for Meditation Anchor Modality
Sep 10, 2017
Anderson, T., & Farb, N. A. S. (2017). Personalizing Practice using Preferences for Meditation Anchor Modality.
Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory - Mindfulness Broadens Awareness and Builds Eudaimonic Meaning: A Process Model of Mindful Positive Emotion Regulation
Aug 16, 2017
Garland, E., Farb, N. A. S., goldin, philippe, & Fredrickson, B. (2017). Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory - Mindfulness Broadens Awareness and Builds Eudaimonic Meaning: A Process Model of Mindful Positive Emotion Regulation.
A two-factor model of relapse/recurrence vulnerability in unipolar depression.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology / Feb 01, 2015
Farb, N. A. S., Irving, J. A., Anderson, A. K., & Segal, Z. V. (2015). A two-factor model of relapse/recurrence vulnerability in unipolar depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(1), 38–53.
University of Toronto
PhD, Psychology / December, 2010
University of Toronto - Mississauga
Associate Professor / July, 2014 — Present
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