Elisa Romero Romero, Ph. D.

Research Physicist Scientist (United States)

Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States of America

Research Expertise

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Laser Resonance Chromatography
Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Python programming
Experimental physics
Detection Methods
Scintillator Detectors
Semiconductor Detectors Fabrication
Neutrino Physics
Nuclear Physics
Data Analysis


Experimental physicist professional with demonstrated experience providing advanced analytical techniques including Laser Ionization Spectrometry, Laser Resonance Chromatography, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, radiation detection methods (liquid scintillators, gas ionization, semiconductor detectors), and detector arrays. Proven proficient collaborating on numerous international experiments at leading facilities, bringing comprehensive knowledge of instrumentation, data analysis, and project management. Adept at pioneering new applications while optimizing existing processes and technologies.


A Progress Report on Laser Resonance Chromatography

Atoms / Sep 06, 2022

Romero Romero, E., Block, M., Jana, B., Kim, E., Nothhelfer, S., Raeder, S., Ramanantoanina, H., Rickert, E., Schneider, J., Sikora, P., & Laatiaoui, M. (2022). A Progress Report on Laser Resonance Chromatography. Atoms, 10(3), 87. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms10030087

Advancing Radiation-Detected Resonance Ionization towards Heavier Elements and More Exotic Nuclides

Atoms / Apr 21, 2022

Warbinek, J., Anđelić, B., Block, M., Chhetri, P., Claessens, A., Ferrer, R., Giacoppo, F., Kaleja, O., Kieck, T., Kim, E., Laatiaoui, M., Lantis, J., Mistry, A., Münzberg, D., Nothhelfer, S., Raeder, S., Rey-Herme, E., Rickert, E., Romans, J., … Walther, T. (2022). Advancing Radiation-Detected Resonance Ionization towards Heavier Elements and More Exotic Nuclides. Atoms, 10(2), 41. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms10020041

Improved short-baseline neutrino oscillation search and energy spectrum measurement with the PROSPECT experiment at HFIR

Physical Review D / Feb 03, 2021

Andriamirado, M., Balantekin, A. B., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bowden, N. S., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Classen, T., Conant, A. J., Deichert, G., Diwan, M. V., Dolinski, M. J., Erickson, A., Foust, B. T., Gaison, J. K., Galindo-Uribarri, A., … Gilbert, C. E. (2021). Improved short-baseline neutrino oscillation search and energy spectrum measurement with the PROSPECT experiment at HFIR. Physical Review D, 103(3). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevd.103.032001

Nonfuel antineutrino contributions in the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR)

Physical Review C / May 14, 2020

Balantekin, A. B., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bowden, N. S., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Classen, T., Conant, A. J., Deichert, G., Diwan, M. V., Dolinski, M. J., Erickson, A., Foust, B. T., Gaison, J. K., Galindo-Uribarri, A., Gilbert, C. E., … Hackett, B. T. (2020). Nonfuel antineutrino contributions in the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). Physical Review C, 101(5). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevc.101.054605

A low mass optical grid for the PROSPECT reactor antineutrino detector

Journal of Instrumentation / Apr 29, 2019

Ashenfelter, J., Balantekin, A. B., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bowden, N. S., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Cherwinka, J. J., Classen, T., Conant, A. J., Davee, D., Dean, D., Deichert, G., Detweiler, A. E., Diwan, M. V., Dolinski, M. J., Erickson, A., … Zhang, X. (2019). A low mass optical grid for the PROSPECT reactor antineutrino detector. Journal of Instrumentation, 14(04), P04014–P04014. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/14/04/p04014

Lithium-loaded liquid scintillator production for the PROSPECT experiment

Journal of Instrumentation / Mar 26, 2019

Ashenfelter, J., Balantekin, A. B., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bignell, L. J., Bowden, N. S., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Reyes, C. C., Campos, S., Cherwinka, J. J., Classen, T., Conant, A. J., Davee, D., Dean, D., Deichert, G., Perez, R. D., … Zhang, X. (2019). Lithium-loaded liquid scintillator production for the PROSPECT experiment. Journal of Instrumentation, 14(03), P03026–P03026. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/14/03/p03026

Measurement of the Antineutrino Spectrum from U235 Fission at HFIR with PROSPECT

Physical Review Letters / Jun 28, 2019

Ashenfelter, J., Balantekin, A. B., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bowden, N. S., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Cherwinka, J. J., Classen, T., Conant, A. J., Cox, A. A., Davee, D., Dean, D., Deichert, G., Diwan, M. V., Dolinski, M. J., … Erickson, A. (2019). Measurement of the Antineutrino Spectrum from <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">U</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts/><mml:none/><mml:mrow><mml:mn>235</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math> Fission at HFIR with PROSPECT. Physical Review Letters, 122(25). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.122.251801

The PROSPECT reactor antineutrino experiment

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment / Apr 01, 2019

Ashenfelter, J., Balantekin, A. B., Baldenegro, C., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bignell, L. J., Bowden, N. S., Boyle, J., Bricco, J., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Telles, A. B., Cherwinka, J. J., Classen, T., Commeford, K., Conant, A. J., Cox, A. A., … Zhao, M. (2019). The PROSPECT reactor antineutrino experiment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 922, 287–309. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2018.12.079

The radioactive source calibration system of the PROSPECT reactor antineutrino detector

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment / Nov 01, 2019

Ashenfelter, J., Balantekin, A. B., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bowden, N. S., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Cherwinka, J. J., Classen, T., Conant, A. J., Dean, D., Deichert, G., Diwan, M. V., Dolinski, M. J., Erickson, A., Febbraro, M., Foust, B. T., … Zhang, X. (2019). The radioactive source calibration system of the PROSPECT reactor antineutrino detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 944, 162465. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2019.162465

Three-step resonance ionization of zirconium with Ti:Sapphire lasers

Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy / Aug 01, 2019

Liu, Y., Romero-Romero, E., Garand, D., Lantis, J. D., Minamisono, K., & Stracener, D. W. (2019). Three-step resonance ionization of zirconium with Ti:Sapphire lasers. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 158, 105640. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sab.2019.105640

First Search for Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations at HFIR with PROSPECT

Physical Review Letters / Dec 19, 2018

Ashenfelter, J., Balantekin, A. B., Baldenegro, C., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bignell, L. J., Bowden, N. S., Bricco, J., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Bykadorova Telles, A., Cherwinka, J. J., Classen, T., Commeford, K., Conant, A. J., Cox, A. A., … Davee, D. (2018). First Search for Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations at HFIR with PROSPECT. Physical Review Letters, 121(25). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.121.251802

Performance of a segmented 6Li-loaded liquid scintillator detector for the PROSPECT experiment

Journal of Instrumentation / Jun 29, 2018

Ashenfelter, J., Balantekin, A. B., Band, H. R., Bass, C. D., Bergeron, D. E., Berish, D., Bowden, N. S., Brodsky, J. P., Bryan, C. D., Telles, A. B., Cherwinka, J. J., Classen, T., Commeford, K., Conant, A., Davee, D., Deichert, G., Diwan, M. V., Dolinski, M. J., Erickson, A., … Zhang, X. (2018). Performance of a segmented 6Li-loaded liquid scintillator detector for the PROSPECT experiment. Journal of Instrumentation, 13(06), P06023–P06023. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/13/06/p06023

Initial Results from the Majorana Demonstrator

Journal of Physics: Conference Series / Sep 01, 2017

Elliott, S. R., Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Caldwell, T. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Chu, P.-H., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Dunagan, C., Efremenko, Yu., Ejiri, H., … Zhitnikov, I. (2017). Initial Results from the Majorana Demonstrator. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 888, 012035. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/888/1/012035

Muon flux measurements at the davis campus of the sanford underground research facility with the majorana demonstrator veto system

Astroparticle Physics / Jul 01, 2017

Abgrall, N., Aguayo, E., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Chu, P.-H., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Dunagan, C., Efremenko, Yu., Ejiri, H., … Zhitnikov, I. (2017). Muon flux measurements at the davis campus of the sanford underground research facility with the majorana demonstrator veto system. Astroparticle Physics, 93, 70–75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.astropartphys.2017.01.013


Physics of Particles and Nuclei / Jan 01, 2017

Vasilyev, S., Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Balderrot-Barrera, C. X., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Efremenko, Yu., … Zhitnikov, I. (2017). Status of the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 48(1), 27–33. https://doi.org/10.1134/s1063779616060253


Particle Physics at the Year of Light / Apr 20, 2017

Barabash, A. S., Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Chu, P.-H., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Dunagan, C., Efremenko, Yu., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., … Zhitnikov, I. (2017). THE MAJORANA DOUBLE BETA DECAY EXPERIMENT: PRESENT STATUS. In Particle Physics at the Year of Light (pp. 61–65). WORLD SCIENTIFIC. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789813224568_0009

High voltage testing for the Majorana Demonstrator

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment / Jul 01, 2016

Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Chu, P.-H., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Doe, P. J., Dunagan, C., Efremenko, Yu., … Yumatov, V. (2016). High voltage testing for the Majorana Demonstrator. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 823, 83–90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2016.04.006

Search for Pauli exclusion principle violating atomic transitions and electron decay with a p-type point contact germanium detector

The European Physical Journal C / Nov 01, 2016

Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Chu, P.-H., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Dunagan, C., Efremenko, Yu., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., … Zhitnikov, I. (2016). Search for Pauli exclusion principle violating atomic transitions and electron decay with a p-type point contact germanium detector. The European Physical Journal C, 76(11). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4467-0

The Majorana Demonstrator radioassay program

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment / Aug 01, 2016

Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Back, H. O., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Boswell, M., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Chu, P.-H., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Dunmore, J. A., … Zhitnikov, I. (2016). The Majorana Demonstrator radioassay program. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 828, 22–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2016.04.070

A Dark Matter Search with MALBEK

Physics Procedia / Jan 01, 2015

Giovanetti, G. K., Abgrall, N., Aguayo, E., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Boswell, M., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Combs, D. C., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Doe, P. J., Efremenko, Yu., Egorov, V., … Yumatov, V. (2015). A Dark Matter Search with MALBEK. Physics Procedia, 61, 77–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2014.12.014

Analysis techniques for background rejection at the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR

AIP Conference Proceedings / Jan 01, 2015

Cuesta, C., Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Baldenegro-Barrera, C. X., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Detwiler, J. A., Efremenko, Yu., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., … Zhitnikov, I. (2015). Analysis techniques for background rejection at the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. AIP Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4928022

Background Model for the Majorana Demonstrator

Physics Procedia / Jan 01, 2015

Cuesta, C., Abgrall, N., Aguayo, E., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Boswell, M., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Combs, D. C., Detwiler, J. A., Doe, P. J., Efremenko, Yu., Egorov, V., Ejiri, H., … Yumatov, V. (2015). Background Model for the Majorana Demonstrator. Physics Procedia, 61, 821–827. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2015.06.001

Ion source development for ultratrace detection of uranium and thorium

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms / Oct 01, 2015

Liu, Y., Batchelder, J. C., Galindo-Uribarri, A., Chu, R., Fan, S., Romero-Romero, E., & Stracener, D. W. (2015). Ion source development for ultratrace detection of uranium and thorium. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361, 267–272. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2015.04.081

Low Background Signal Readout Electronics for the Majorana Demonstrator

Journal of Physics: Conference Series / May 01, 2015

Guinn, I., Abgrall, N., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Efremenko, Y., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., Galindo-Uribarri, A., … Giovanetti, G. K. (2015). Low Background Signal Readout Electronics for the Majorana Demonstrator. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 606, 012009. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/606/1/012009

Low background signal readout electronics for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR

AIP Conference Proceedings / Jan 01, 2015

Guinn, I., Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Baldenegro-Barrera, C. X., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Efremenko, Yu., Ejiri, H., … Zhitnikov, I. (2015). Low background signal readout electronics for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. AIP Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4927982

MAJORANA Collaboration's Experience with Germanium Detectors

Journal of Physics: Conference Series / May 01, 2015

Mertens, S., Abgrall, N., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Efremenko, Y., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., Galindo-Uribarri, A., … Giovanetti, G. K. (2015). MAJORANA Collaboration’s Experience with Germanium Detectors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 606, 012005. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/606/1/012005

Status of the Majorana Demonstrator

AIP Conference Proceedings / Jan 01, 2015

Cuesta, C., Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Baldenegro-Barrera, C. X., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Chu, P.-H., Detwiler, J. A., Efremenko, Yu., Ejiri, H., … Zhitnikov, I. (2015). Status of the Majorana Demonstrator. AIP Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4934894

Status of the Majorana Demonstrator

Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings / Aug 01, 2015

Cuesta, C., Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Detwiler, J. A., Efremenko, Yu., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., Galindo-Uribarri, A., Giovanetti, G. K., … Yumatov, V. (2015). Status of the Majorana Demonstrator. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, 265–266, 70–72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.06.019

Status of the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR: A search for neutrinoless double-beta decay

International Journal of Modern Physics A / Apr 28, 2015

Efremenko, Yu., Abgrall, N., Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Baldenegro-Barrera, C. X., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Bradley, A. W., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Ejiri, H., … Elliott, S. R. (2015). Status of the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR: A search for neutrinoless double-beta decay. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 30(12), 1530032. https://doi.org/10.1142/s0217751x1530032x

Testing the Ge Detectors for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR

Physics Procedia / Jan 01, 2015

Xu, W., Abgrall, N., Aguayo, E., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Boswell, M., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Combs, D. C., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Doe, P. J., Efremenko, Yu., Egorov, V., … Yumatov, V. (2015). Testing the Ge Detectors for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. Physics Procedia, 61, 807–815. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2014.12.104

The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR for 0νββ: Current Status and Future Plans

Physics Procedia / Jan 01, 2015

Green, M. P., Abgrall, N., Aguayo, E., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Boswell, M., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Combs, D. C., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Doe, P. J., Efremenko, Yu., Egorov, V., … Yumatov, V. (2015). The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR for 0νββ: Current Status and Future Plans. Physics Procedia, 61, 232–240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2014.12.038

The Majorana Demonstrator: A Search for Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay of76Ge

Journal of Physics: Conference Series / May 01, 2015

Xu, W., Abgrall, N., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Buuck, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Efremenko, Y., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., Galindo-Uribarri, A., … Giovanetti, G. K. (2015). The Majorana Demonstrator: A Search for Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay of76Ge. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 606, 012004. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/606/1/012004

The Majorana Low-noise Low-background Front-end Electronics

Physics Procedia / Jan 01, 2015

Abgrall, N., Aguayo, E., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Boswell, M., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Combs, D. C., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Doe, P. J., Efremenko, Yu., Egorov, V., Ejiri, H., … Yumatov, V. (2015). The Majorana Low-noise Low-background Front-end Electronics. Physics Procedia, 61, 654–657. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2014.12.066

The Majorana Parts Tracking Database

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment / Apr 01, 2015

Abgrall, N., Aguayo, E., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Byram, D., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Combs, D. C., Cuesta, C., Detwiler, J. A., Doe, P. J., Efremenko, Yu., Egorov, V., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., … Zhitnikov, I. (2015). The Majorana Parts Tracking Database. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 779, 52–62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2015.01.001

The use of aluminum nitride to improve Aluminum-26 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry measurements and production of Radioactive Ion Beams

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms / Oct 01, 2015

Janzen, M. S., Galindo-Uribarri, A., Liu, Y., Mills, G. D., Romero-Romero, E., & Stracener, D. W. (2015). The use of aluminum nitride to improve Aluminum-26 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry measurements and production of Radioactive Ion Beams. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361, 281–287. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2015.05.037

Status of the Majorana Demonstrator experiment

AIP Conference Proceedings / Jan 01, 2014

Martin, R. D., Abgrall, N., Aguayo, E., Avignone III, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Bertrand, F. E., Boswell, M., Brudanin, V., Busch, M., Caldwell, A. S., Chan, Y.-D., Christofferson, C. D., Combs, D. C., Detwiler, J. A., Doe, P. J., Efremenko, Yu., Egorov, V., Ejiri, H., Elliott, S. R., … Yumatov, V. (2014). Status of the Majorana Demonstrator experiment. AIP Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4883459


The University of Tennessee Knoxville

PhD, Physics / December, 2019

Knoxville, Tennessee, United States of America

The University of Tennessee Knoxville

PhD, Physics / December, 2019

Knoxville, Tennessee, United States of America


Ametek (United States)

Senior Detector Scientist / October, 2023April, 2024

Senior Detector Scientist / October, 2023April, 2024

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Postdoc / February, 2020November, 2022

Postdoc / February, 2020November, 2022

The University of Tennessee Knoxville

August, 2012December, 2019

August, 2012December, 2019

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For academic researchers such as professors, post-docs, and Ph.D.s, NotedSource provides tools to discover and connect to your colleagues with messaging and news feeds, in addition to the opportunity to be paid for your collaboration with vetted partners.

Expert Institutions
NotedSource has experts from Stanford University
Expert institutions using NotedSource include Oxfort University
Experts from McGill have used NotedSource to share their expertise
University of Chicago experts have used NotedSource
MIT researchers have used NotedSource
Proudly trusted by
Microsoft uses NotedSource for academic partnerships
Johnson & Johnson academic research projects on NotedSource
ProQuest (Clarivate) uses NotedSource as their industry academia platform
Slamom consulting engages academics for research collaboration on NotedSource
Omnicom and OMG find academics on notedsource
Unilever research project have used NotedSource to engage academic experts