Tyler Ransom

Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Oklahoma

Norman, Oklahoma, United States of America

Research Expertise

Labor Economics
Economics of Education
Urban Economics
Applied Microeconomics
Economics and Econometrics
Industrial relations
Applied Mathematics
Management of Technology and Innovation
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
Statistics and Probability
Sociology and Political Science
Applied Psychology
Business and International Management


Tyler Ransom is an associate professor of economics at the University of Oklahoma. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Duke University in 2015. His research interests include labor economics, economics of education, urban economics, and machine learning applications. He has published papers in leading journals such as the Journal of Labor Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, and the Journal of Econometrics. He is also an associate editor of the Annals of Economics and Statistics and a research affiliate of IZA and GLO. He has taught courses on econometrics, data science, and economics of education at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He has received several awards and fellowships for his research and teaching, such as the OU Dodge Family College of Arts & Sciences Irene Rothbaum Outstanding Assistant Professor Award in 2022. He is proficient in various coding languages such as Matlab, Stata, R, Julia, Bash, Git, and LaTeX. He also has advanced language skills in Japanese.


Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: It is not who you teach, but how you teach

Economics Letters / May 01, 2021

Orlov, G., McKee, D., Berry, J., Boyle, A., DiCiccio, T., Ransom, T., Rees-Jones, A., & Stoye, J. (2021). Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: It is not who you teach, but how you teach. Economics Letters, 202, 109812. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2021.109812

College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation

Jun 01, 2016

Arcidiacono, P., Aucejo, E., Maurel, A., & Ransom, T. (2016). College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation. https://doi.org/10.3386/w22325

Legacy and Athlete Preferences at Harvard

Journal of Labor Economics / Jan 01, 2022

Arcidiacono, P., Kinsler, J., & Ransom, T. (2022). Legacy and Athlete Preferences at Harvard. Journal of Labor Economics, 40(1), 133–156. https://doi.org/10.1086/713744

Understanding migration aversion using elicited counterfactual choice probabilities

Journal of Econometrics / Nov 01, 2022

Koşar, G., Ransom, T., & van der Klaauw, W. (2022). Understanding migration aversion using elicited counterfactual choice probabilities. Journal of Econometrics, 231(1), 123–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.07.056

Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences

Journal of Labor Economics / Oct 01, 2021

Ashworth, J., Hotz, V. J., Maurel, A., & Ransom, T. (2021). Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences. Journal of Labor Economics, 39(4), 931–964. https://doi.org/10.1086/711851

Labor Market Frictions and Moving Costs of the Employed and Unemployed

Journal of Human Resources / Mar 09, 2021

Ransom, T. (2021). Labor Market Frictions and Moving Costs of the Employed and Unemployed. Journal of Human Resources, 57(S), S137–S166. https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.monopsony.0219-10013r2

Has the college wage premium continued to rise? Evidence from multiple U.S. surveys

Economics of Education Review / Apr 01, 2019

Ashworth, J., & Ransom, T. (2019). Has the college wage premium continued to rise? Evidence from multiple U.S. surveys. Economics of Education Review, 69, 149–154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2019.02.003

Divergent: The Time Path of Legacy and Athlete Admissions at Harvard

Journal of Human Resources / Jan 13, 2022

Arcidiacono, P., Kinsler, J., & Ransom, T. (2022). Divergent: The Time Path of Legacy and Athlete Admissions at Harvard. Journal of Human Resources, 0421-11641R1. https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0421-11641r1

Instrumental variables estimation: Assumptions, pitfalls, and guidelines

The Leadership Quarterly / Feb 01, 2023

Bastardoz, N., Matthews, M. J., Sajons, G. B., Ransom, T., Kelemen, T. K., & Matthews, S. H. (2023). Instrumental variables estimation: Assumptions, pitfalls, and guidelines. The Leadership Quarterly, 34(1), 101673. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2022.101673

What the Students for Fair Admissions Cases Reveal About Racial Preferences

Apr 01, 2022

Arcidiacono, P., Kinsler, J., & Ransom, T. (2022). What the Students for Fair Admissions Cases Reveal About Racial Preferences. https://doi.org/10.3386/w29964

Recruit to reject? Harvard and African American applicants

Economics of Education Review / Jun 01, 2022

Arcidiacono, P., Kinsler, J., & Ransom, T. (2022). Recruit to reject? Harvard and African American applicants. Economics of Education Review, 88, 102255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2022.102255

Asian American Discrimination in Harvard Admissions

European Economic Review / May 01, 2022

Arcidiacono, P., Kinsler, J., & Ransom, T. (2022). Asian American Discrimination in Harvard Admissions. European Economic Review, 144, 104079. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104079

Selective Migration, Occupational Choice, and the Wage Returns to College Majors

Annals of Economics and Statistics / Jan 01, 2021

Ransom. (2021). Selective Migration, Occupational Choice, and the Wage Returns to College Majors. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 142, 45. https://doi.org/10.15609/annaeconstat2009.142.0045

Do Foreigners Crowd Natives out of STEM Degrees and Occupations? Evidence from the US Immigration Act of 1990

ILR Review / Jan 06, 2020

Ransom, T., & Winters, J. V. (2020). Do Foreigners Crowd Natives out of STEM Degrees and Occupations? Evidence from the US Immigration Act of 1990. ILR Review, 74(2), 321–351. https://doi.org/10.1177/0019793919894554

Do high school sports build or reveal character? Bounding causal estimates of sports participation

Economics of Education Review / Jun 01, 2018

Ransom, M. R., & Ransom, T. (2018). Do high school sports build or reveal character? Bounding causal estimates of sports participation. Economics of Education Review, 64, 75–89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2018.04.002


Duke University

PhD, Economics / May, 2015

Durham, North Carolina, United States of America

Brigham Young University

B.A., Economics / May, 2009

Provo, Utah, United States of America


University of Oklahoma

Assistant Professor / August, 2017July, 2022

Associate Professor of Economics / August, 2022Present

Duke University

Postdoctoral Associate / July, 2015June, 2017

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