Natalia Lucía Yarza

Integrated Master in Biology with publication on invasive species. Currently training AI on biology topics.

Buenos Aires

Research Expertise

Invasive species
Fish larvae


``` I currently have the position of Biology Expert at the software development company Outlier (USA). I recently defended and approved my bachelor's thesis in Biological Sciences, carried out at the "Bernardino Rivadavia" Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences, Hydrobiology laboratory. I studied the impact of the invasive mollusk Limnoperna fortunei on the diet of fish larvae in the Lower Paraná River, using traditional fish identification techniques and molecular tools. I am part of the PIP 2021-2023 GI research project (no. 0252) in the Hydrobiology laboratory within the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences "Bernardino Rivadavia"-CONICET. The line of research consists of evaluating the physiological and ecological plasticity of the invasive freshwater mollusk Corbícola fluminea under conditions of environmental stress. I'm a Chemical Technician graduated in 2016, E.T N°27 Hipólito Yrigoyen. ```


Planktonic larvae of the invasive bivalves Dreissena spp. and Limnoperna fortunei: review of their effects on freshwater communities

Hydrobiologia / Apr 11, 2024

Paolucci, E. M., Burlakova, L. E., Yarza, N., Correa, N., Boltovskoy, D., & Karatayev, A. Y. (2024). Planktonic larvae of the invasive bivalves Dreissena spp. and Limnoperna fortunei: review of their effects on freshwater communities. Hydrobiologia.


University of Buenos Aires

Degree in Biology / April, 2024

Buenos Aires

Tech, Chemistry / December, 2016

Buenos Aires



Biology Expert / March, 2024Present

Artificial Intelligence training on biology topics.

Museo Argentina de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia

Thesis student / December, 2021April, 2024

I studied the larvae fish morphology in Paraná, regarding their diet. Specially focusing on the presence of Limnoperna fortunei.

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