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MY PASSION is to explore augmented reality’s strategic potential for marketing: I published the first-ever conceptual article on AR marketing, which won Article of the Year award and is one of the most-cited publications about this topic. I have taught AR since 2015 as part of my social media and digital marketing courses at Cal Poly. At Brock University, I developed and teach the world’s first dedicated Augmented Reality Marketing courses for undergraduate as well as MBA students.
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MY RESEARCH combines ethnographic methods with socio-cultural frameworks to cut through the complexities of marketing and consumption: I explore how augmented reality can deepen consumer/brand relationships, how it helps customers feel more competent and autonomous, how Pokémon GO players co-create and transport into hybrid-realities, how managers can deploy AR initiatives, and how various types of augmented realities offer different strategic opportunities for brands. My social media research explores how marketers can build their brands in today’s polarized and tribal societies by fighting back against online critics.
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I LOVE building bridges between academia and the broader business community: I'm a member of Adweek's Academic Council and serve on the advisory board of Schulich’s Future of Marketing Institute. I regularly publish research-driven insights in Adweek, MKTGsquad, and other AR-specific publications. I provide expertise for marketing agencies and consult wine, CPG and technology companies in the US and Canada on branding and augmented reality marketing. I decipher the babel and help people see the big picture.
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Dr. Joachim Scholz
The world's first Augmented Reality Marketing professor
Research Expertise
How Consumers Consume Social Media Influence
Journal of Advertising / Oct 20, 2021
Scholz, J. (2021). How Consumers Consume Social Media Influence. Journal of Advertising, 50(5), 510–527. https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2021.1980472
Strategic approaches to augmented reality deployment by luxury brands
Journal of Business Research / Nov 01, 2021
Javornik, A., Duffy, K., Rokka, J., Scholz, J., Nobbs, K., Motala, A., & Goldenberg, A. (2021). Strategic approaches to augmented reality deployment by luxury brands. Journal of Business Research, 136, 284–292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.07.040
Branding in the age of social media firestorms: how to create brand value by fighting back online
Journal of Marketing Management / Jun 24, 2019
Scholz, J., & Smith, A. N. (2019). Branding in the age of social media firestorms: how to create brand value by fighting back online. Journal of Marketing Management, 35(11–12), 1100–1134. https://doi.org/10.1080/0267257x.2019.1620839
Toward a processual theory of transformation
Journal of Business Research / Jul 01, 2019
Murray, J. B., Brokalaki, Z., Bhogal-Nair, A., Cermin, A., Chelekis, J., Cocker, H., Eagar, T., McAlexander, B., Mitchell, N., Patrick, R., Robinson, T., Scholz, J., Thyroff, A., Zavala, M., & Zuniga, M. A. (2019). Toward a processual theory of transformation. Journal of Business Research, 100, 319–326. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.025
We ARe at home: How augmented reality reshapes mobile marketing and consumer-brand relationships
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services / Sep 01, 2018
Scholz, J., & Duffy, K. (2018). We ARe at home: How augmented reality reshapes mobile marketing and consumer-brand relationships. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 44, 11–23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2018.05.004
Augmented reality: Designing immersive experiences that maximize consumer engagement
Business Horizons / Mar 01, 2016
Scholz, J., & Smith, A. N. (2016). Augmented reality: Designing immersive experiences that maximize consumer engagement. Business Horizons, 59(2), 149–161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2015.10.003
Myth Busting: Living in Harmony with Nature is Less Harmonic than it Seems
Research in Consumer Behavior / Jan 01, 2012
Scholz, J. (2012). Myth Busting: Living in Harmony with Nature is Less Harmonic than it Seems. Research in Consumer Behavior, 297–313. https://doi.org/10.1108/s0885-2111(2012)0000014019
Queen's University
Ph.D., Marketing / January, 2014
University of Exeter
M.Sc. with Distinction, Economic and Consumer Psychology / July, 2007
M.A., Business Science and Management / July, 2004
Brock University
Assistant Professor of Marketing / July, 2019 — Present
I launched the world's first dedicated AR Marketing courses for undergraduate and MBA students in 2019/2020.
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Assistant Professor of Marketing / July, 2014 — June, 2019
Developed ‘Digital Marketing and New Media’ course and ‘Integrated Marketing Communications’ minor. Started teaching about AR Marketing in 2014, as part of my Digital Marketing and New Media course.
Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI)
CCOVI Research Scholar and Fellow / May, 2020 — Present
Focus on augmented reality and brand storytelling via social media for the wine industry.
Future of Marketing Institute (FOMI), Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, ON
Advisory Board Member / January, 2019 — Present
Academic Council Member / November, 2019 — Present
Queen's University
Teaching Fellow / July, 2007 — June, 2014
I taught classes on Integrated Marketing Communications, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research, and Introduction to Marketing.
Royal Military College of Canada
Sessional Lecturer / July, 2013 — June, 2014
I taught courses on Marketing Principles (MBA), Consumer Behavior (MBA), and Introduction to Marketing (UG)
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