Work with thought leaders and academic experts in Marketing Research

Companies can benefit from working with someone whose expertise is in the field of Marketing Research in several ways. Firstly, an academic researcher can provide valuable insights and analysis on consumer behavior, market trends, and competitor analysis. This can help companies understand their target audience better and develop effective marketing strategies. Secondly, academic researchers have access to advanced research methodologies and tools, allowing them to conduct in-depth market research and gather reliable data. This data can be used to make data-driven decisions and optimize marketing campaigns. Additionally, collaborating with an academic researcher can lead to innovative ideas and solutions for business challenges. Researchers often bring fresh perspectives and can help companies think outside the box. Lastly, academic researchers are well-versed in conducting rigorous research and can provide evidence-based recommendations. This can help companies validate their marketing strategies and improve overall performance.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in Marketing Research include Dr. V Kumar, and James Roberts.

Dr. V Kumar

A Marketing Legend who has published over 300 scholarly papers , 35 books and received over 20 Lifetime Achievement Awards
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Marketing Research
Other Research Expertise (2)
Customer Relationship Management
V. Kumar (VK) is the Professor of Marketing, and the Goodman Academic-Industry Partnership Professor, Goodman School of Business, Brock University, ON, Canada. He has held/holds several Distinguished Endowed Faculty Positions in the U.S., and Distinguished Fellowships across universities worldwide, including being the *Chang Jiang Scholar*, HUST, Wuhan, China; and the *Hagler Fellow,* Texas A&M University, USA.  VK has also been honored as a *Legend in Marketing* through the 10-Volume Legends in Marketing series published by Sage Publications with commentaries from scholars worldwide. Professor Kumar has published over 300 papers in scholarly journals including the *Harvard Business Review*, *Sloan Management Review* and the *California Management Review*, and over 30 books including the three most recent – Valuing Customer Engagement, Transformative Marketing (with Phil Kotler) and International Marketing Research; received over 20 Lifetime Achievement Awards including the *Charles Coolidge Parlin Award, the Paul Converse Award, Distinguished Marketing Educator Award* from the Academy of Marketing Science, the *Mahajan Award*, the Robert B. Clarke Award, and the *Churchill Award* for his contributions to diverse areas of marketing; and over 25 Research and Teaching Excellence Awards including the *Don Lehmann Award*, the *Paul Root Award*, the *Robert Buzzell Award*, the *Sheth Award,* and the *Davidson Award*. Professor Kumar has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the *Journal of Marketing* (2014-2018) and serves/served as the Department Editor of *POM*, and as the Consulting Editor of *JIBS*. He also serves on the Editorial Review Board of many scholarly journals in marketing and serves as a senior consultant editor for Elsevier Publishers. Global Fortune 500 firms have implemented many of VK’s ideas and models in multiple areas of marketing and operations, which have resulted in gains of over multi-billion dollars. Dr. Kumar has been inducted into the *Analytics Hall of Fame* for his contributions to marketing analytics practice. Dr. Kumar was awarded the *Gary Lilien Practice Prize Award* for the best implementation of marketing model to solve business problems for a firm by INFORMS/ISMS*.*  VK has mentored over 40 doctoral students across the world.  To honor his commitments to the doctoral student mentorship, the American Marketing Association has instituted the “V. Kumar Doctoral Student Mentorship Award” which is given out to recognize academics in the field of marketing who are productive scholars and who have been instrumental in developing doctoral students in marketing.  VK spends his “free” time visiting business leaders to identify challenging problems to solve. He plays tennis and basketball to relieve his stress arising out of being in academics. Dr. Kumar obtained his B. Tech (Hons.) and M. Tech (with Distinction) degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, India and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. (URL: []( and []( )

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Example Marketing Research projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on Marketing Research?

Consumer Behavior Analysis

An academic researcher can conduct a comprehensive analysis of consumer behavior, including purchasing patterns, decision-making processes, and brand preferences. This can help companies understand their target audience's motivations and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

Market Segmentation Study

By collaborating with an academic researcher, companies can conduct a market segmentation study to identify distinct customer segments based on demographics, psychographics, and buying behavior. This can help companies target their marketing efforts more effectively and personalize their messaging.

Competitor Analysis

An academic researcher can analyze the competitive landscape and provide insights on competitors' strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. This can help companies identify opportunities and develop competitive marketing strategies.

Brand Perception Research

Collaborating with an academic researcher can help companies assess their brand perception among consumers. Through surveys, focus groups, and data analysis, researchers can provide valuable insights on how the brand is perceived and suggest strategies for improving brand image.

Product Development Research

Academic researchers can assist companies in conducting research on product development, including concept testing, market demand analysis, and product positioning. This can help companies optimize their product offerings and ensure they meet customer needs.