Work with thought leaders and academic experts in Blockchain

Companies can benefit from working with academic researchers in the field of Blockchain in several ways. Firstly, researchers can provide valuable insights and expertise to help companies understand the potential applications of Blockchain technology in their industry. They can also assist in the development of Blockchain-based solutions, such as smart contracts and decentralized applications, to improve efficiency and security. Additionally, academic researchers can contribute to the advancement of Blockchain technology through their research and publications, which can enhance a company's reputation and attract investors. Collaborating with academic researchers can also foster partnerships with universities and access to funding opportunities for joint projects. Overall, companies can leverage the knowledge and expertise of Blockchain academic researchers to drive innovation, solve complex business challenges, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in Blockchain include Govind Mohan, Dr. Gina C. Pieters, Christos Makridis, Stefano De Angelis, Ph.D., ENG. BRYAN ASEGA, Catherine Tucker, Konstantinos Tsavdaridis, Christophe Schinckus, Pratima Sharma, Bernd Stahl, Tim Cvetko, and Garrick Hileman.

Christos Makridis

Nashville, TN
Web3 and Labor Economist in Academia, Entrepreneurship, and Policy
Research Expertise (16)
Economics and Econometrics
Pharmacology (medical)
And 11 more
Christos A. Makridis holds academic appointments at Columbia Business School, Stanford University, Baylor University, University of Nicosia, and Arizona State University. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Manhattan Institute, senior adviser at Gallup, and senior adviser at the National AI Institute in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Christos is the CEO/co-founder of [Dainamic](, a technology startup working to democratize the use and application of data science and AI techniques for small and mid sized organizations, and CTO/co-founder of [Living Opera](, a web3 startup working to bridge classical music and blockchain technologies. Christos previously served on the White House Council of Economic Advisers managing the cybersecurity, technology, and space activities, as a Non-resident Fellow at the Cyber Security Project in the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, as a Digital Fellow at the Initiative at the Digital Economy in the MIT Sloan School of Management, a a Non-resident Research Scientist at Datacamp, and as a Visiting Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Christos’ primary academic research focuses on labor economics, the digital economy, and personal finance and well-being. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed research papers in academic journals and over 170 news articles in the press. Christos earned a Bachelor’s in Economics and Minor in Mathematics at Arizona State University, as well a dual Masters and PhDs in Economics and Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University.

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Stefano De Angelis, Ph.D.

Ph.D. computer scientist with interest in blockchains, cyber security, and applied cryptography. Strong expertise in secure protocols design and assessment, wirh publications on blockchains and distributed consensus security.
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (7)
Distributed Systems
Computer Networks and Communications
And 2 more
Dr. Stefano De Angelis is a computer scientist with interest in distributed systems, blockchain, security, and verifiable computing. Currently, he is a visiting researcher at the University of Southampton, working on formal verification methods for smart contracts, and a researcher at the University of Salerno, working on privacy-preserving solutions for blockchain applications. Over his career, Dr. De Angelis worked for NATO HQ as security research scientist and for Algorand, a layer-1 blockchain, as principal scientist and solution architect. He holds a PhD in Computer Science and Cyber Security awarded in 2022 from the University of Southampton, with a thesis about methodologies and benchmarking procedures for assessing blockchain-based systems in realistic adversarial environments, and an MSc in Engineering of Computer Science awarded in 2018 from the University “Sapienza” of Rome. He is the author of several research papers in the field of blockchain and security published in peer-reviewed journals, international conferences and workshops.

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Pratima Sharma

Blockchain Doctorate
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (18)
Information Security
Cloud Computing
Theoretical Computer Science
Information Systems and Management
And 13 more
I am pleased to confirm that I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Delhi Technological University, India. I completed my doctoral degree in December, 2021 and received official notification of completion by May, 2022. My research focused on Blockchain Technology and Computer Security, providing me with a strong foundation in the theoretical and practical aspects of computer science. Throughout my academic career, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to teaching excellence. As an assistant professor at different institutions, I designed and delivered lectures, led discussions, and mentored students in various computer science courses. Additionally, I have received positive feedback from both students and faculty regarding my teaching effectiveness, which further validates my potential for success in teaching at the college level. My research endeavors have resulted in several publications in reputable peer-reviewed journals and conferences within the field of computer science. I have actively contributed to advancing knowledge in areas such as information security, distributed systems, and information security, demonstrating my potential for continued success in research, scholarly, and creative activities. I am deeply committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students. In my previous roles as a teaching assistant and mentor, I have worked with students from diverse backgrounds and actively promoted diversity and inclusion in the classroom. I firmly believe that diversity enriches the learning experience and am dedicated to supporting the success of all students, regardless of their background or circumstances.

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Example Blockchain projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on Blockchain?

Supply Chain Transparency

A company in the manufacturing industry can collaborate with a Blockchain academic researcher to develop a supply chain transparency solution. By leveraging Blockchain technology, the company can track and verify every step of the supply chain, ensuring authenticity and reducing the risk of counterfeit products.

Identity Management

A financial institution can partner with a Blockchain academic researcher to create a secure and decentralized identity management system. This system can enable customers to have full control over their personal data, reducing the risk of identity theft and improving customer trust.

Healthcare Data Sharing

A healthcare organization can collaborate with a Blockchain academic researcher to develop a secure and interoperable platform for sharing patient data. By utilizing Blockchain technology, the organization can ensure data privacy, integrity, and seamless data exchange between different healthcare providers.

Digital Rights Management

An entertainment company can work with a Blockchain academic researcher to create a decentralized digital rights management platform. This platform can enable artists and content creators to have more control over their intellectual property, ensuring fair compensation and reducing piracy.

Energy Trading

An energy company can partner with a Blockchain academic researcher to develop a peer-to-peer energy trading platform. By utilizing Blockchain technology, the company can enable direct energy trading between producers and consumers, reducing the reliance on centralized intermediaries and promoting renewable energy sources.