Work with thought leaders and academic experts in Human Rights

Companies can benefit from working with someone whose expertise is in the field of Human Rights in several ways. Firstly, they can enhance their social impact and corporate social responsibility initiatives by incorporating human rights principles into their policies and practices. Secondly, they can gain valuable insights and guidance on ethical decision-making, ensuring compliance with international human rights standards. Thirdly, companies can improve their reputation and brand image by demonstrating a commitment to human rights. Additionally, collaborating with a human rights expert can help companies navigate complex legal and regulatory frameworks related to human rights issues. Lastly, companies can leverage the expertise of human rights researchers to conduct impact assessments and develop strategies for addressing human rights risks in their supply chains and operations.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in Human Rights include Mark Ryan, Dr. Jermaine McCalpin, Michaela Jamelska, Ariel Kalil, Martin Brauch, Yosra Kourda, Regine Bendl, Robert Ostergard, Dr. Sergey Kornilov, Marian Grendar, Ph.D., Stephen Inrig, Michael Morgan, and Michael Elliott.

Dr. Jermaine McCalpin

Chair, African and African American Studies at New Jersey City University
Research Expertise (7)
Truth Commissions
Political Science and International Relations
And 2 more
I am an academic thought leader, author, internationally recognized expert and consultant on transitional justice, genocides, reparations, and truth commissions. I have travelled to Ghana, South Africa, Cambodia, and Armenia and across the US and Canada presenting on the Armenian genocide, reparations for slavery and Native American genocides. I have written several articles, book chapters and co-edited volumes on truth commissions, restorative justice, genocides and reparations. I have also authored two books in grief and loss. I am currently Associate Professor and Chair of the African and African American Studies Program at New Jersey City University. I was previously Associate Director of the Centre for Caribbean Thought and Lecturer of Transitional Justice in the Department of Government, University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona (2007-2016). I attended the distinguished Calabar High School ( Jamaica) from 1989 -1996. I received his B.Sc. in Political Science and International Relations (First Class Honours) in 1999 and M.Sc. (2002) from The University of the West Indies, Mona. I was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Graduate Fellowship between 2000-2002. I later earned his M.A. (2002) and Ph.D. in Political Science in 2006 from Brown University. For stellar contributions to academia, in 2021 I was awarded The UWI Pelican Award, the highest accolade commended by the UWI Alumni Association to a fellow alumni for global distinction in his field of expertise. In December 2021 I awarded the Distinguished Educator Award by the Union of Jamaican Alumni Association USA for stellar contributions to the field of education in the diaspora. I have a passion for education, social justice, and mentoring. And I help to mold the lives of many young men at Calabar, UWI and across Jamaica. I serve as Academic Affairs Coordinator for the Calabar Old Boys’ Association in Jamaica and the Director of Academic Enrichment for the Calabar Alumni NY Chapter. I am 2nd Vice President of the Community Education Council of District 29 in New York City. I am Chairman of the Each One Reach One Foundation. I am a frequent contributor to current affairs programmes in Jamaica, the UK, Canada, Armenia, and the United States

See Full Profile

Example Human Rights projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on Human Rights?

Developing Human Rights Policies and Practices

A company in the technology industry can collaborate with a human rights researcher to develop comprehensive human rights policies and practices. This includes conducting human rights impact assessments, implementing grievance mechanisms, and ensuring compliance with international human rights standards. By doing so, the company can enhance its reputation and demonstrate a commitment to ethical business practices.

Supply Chain Due Diligence

A company in the fashion industry can work with a human rights expert to conduct supply chain due diligence and identify potential human rights risks. The researcher can help develop strategies to address these risks, such as implementing supplier codes of conduct, conducting audits, and providing training to suppliers. This collaboration can help the company ensure ethical sourcing practices and avoid negative publicity related to human rights violations.

Human Rights Training and Education

A company in the finance sector can collaborate with a human rights researcher to provide training and education on human rights issues to its employees. This can include workshops, seminars, and online courses that raise awareness about human rights principles and their application in the business context. By investing in human rights education, the company can foster a culture of respect for human rights and promote responsible business practices.

Impact Assessment and Reporting

A company in the energy industry can partner with a human rights expert to conduct impact assessments and develop human rights reports. The researcher can help identify potential human rights impacts of the company's operations and recommend measures to mitigate these impacts. This collaboration can enhance the company's transparency and accountability, as well as contribute to its sustainability goals.

Advocacy and Policy Engagement

A company in the pharmaceutical sector can collaborate with a human rights researcher to engage in advocacy and policy initiatives related to human rights and public health. The researcher can provide expertise on human rights frameworks and help the company develop positions and strategies to promote access to medicines, ethical clinical trials, and responsible marketing practices. This collaboration can contribute to the company's social impact and reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.