Work with thought leaders and academic experts in optics

Companies can greatly benefit from working with someone whose expertise is in the field of optics. Optics researchers can provide valuable insights and solutions to various challenges. They can help improve product design and development, optimize manufacturing processes, enhance quality control, and innovate new technologies. Their expertise can also be applied in fields such as telecommunications, medical imaging, defense, and renewable energy. By collaborating with optics experts, companies can stay at the forefront of technological advancements and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in optics include Mesut Balaban, Daniel Milej, Ph.D., Alperen Saltik, Ben Bartlett, Dr. Ekaterina Ponizovskaya Devine, Mengying Li, Lee Weinstein, Mohand Saed, Deep Jariwala, Arny Leroy, and Andrii Golovin.

Dr. Ekaterina Ponizovskaya Devine

University of California, Davis
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (3)
Quantum communication
I am interested in new technology in optics, photonics, and quantum systems. I am motivated to find new solutions and develop new applications, constantly learning and improving my skills. I have a strong background in Physics and experience solving Multiphysics problems numerically with commercial software and using in-house code. I have experience with experimental equipment and automation. • Optics and Photonics. Design, modeling, and theoretical simulations and experiments for photonics components from UV to IR (high-speed photodetectors, metasurface structures, APD, SPAD, laser, VCSEL, lenses, interconnectors, sensors, fibers) for communications, sensors, image sensors, and quantum applications. Signal and image processing, temporal and special noise, stochastic process, stochastic resonance. Digital holography, wavefront reconstruction. Digital holography. Multi-physics simulation, non-linear optics. • Numerical methods (Monte-Carlo, FDTD, FEM, FFT, RCWA, BPM, TMM) for modeling complex multi-physics simulations, sparse matrices, ordinary and partial differential equations. Signal processing algorithms, machine learning, optimization, modeling probability distribution, time-dependent density functional theory, non-equilibrium Green’s functions. C++, Python, Matlab , Commercial software: Lumerical, Comsol, Zemax, Silvaco, LabVIEW, computer clusters parallel coding with CPU, parallel programming with CUDA and GPU. • New materials: quantum dots, photonic crystals, 2D materials, negative index materials, chirality, broken RT-symmetry, and non-Hermitian structures. Si, Ge, and III-V semiconductors. Turbulence, Mie and Raman scattering. • Quantum communication and quantum computing. Quantum to a classical interface. Quantum networks and Quantum Key Distribution system with noise and crosstalk. Quantum communication protocoles. • Experience with optical lab equipment, experiment automation, experimental setup, and alignment, data processing. Electrical and optical testing and data analysis. • Automation of a variety of systems, optical, cryogenic fuel loading, and storage systems. Physics-based models for a variety of physical systems (optics, photonics, fluid and gas dynamics, two-phase flow, cavitation). Prognostics for automated systems for NASA, using machine learning in combination with physics-based models. • Patents and publications in peer-reviewed journals: over 150 publications, conferences presentations at IEEE, APS, Optics • Supervising students

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Example optics projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on optics?

Optical System Design for High-Speed Data Transmission

An optics expert can design and optimize optical systems for high-speed data transmission, enabling companies to achieve faster and more reliable communication networks.

Optical Inspection and Quality Control in Manufacturing

By leveraging optics expertise, companies can improve inspection and quality control processes in manufacturing, ensuring higher product quality and reducing defects.

Optical Imaging for Medical Diagnostics

Collaborating with an optics researcher can lead to the development of advanced optical imaging techniques for medical diagnostics, enabling early disease detection and improved patient care.

Optical Sensors for Environmental Monitoring

Optics experts can contribute to the development of optical sensors for environmental monitoring, helping companies track and analyze various parameters such as air quality, water pollution, and climate change.

Optical Design for Solar Energy Systems

Working with an optics specialist can result in the design and optimization of optical systems for solar energy generation, increasing efficiency and reducing costs in renewable energy production.