Work with thought leaders and academic experts in Gastroenterology
Companies can greatly benefit from collaborating with academic researchers in the field of Gastroenterology. These experts can provide valuable insights, research, and expertise to enhance various aspects of a company's operations. Here are some ways companies can collaborate with Gastroenterology researchers:
Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in Gastroenterology include Gwendolyn Thomas, Ph.D., CSCS, USAW-L1, Dr. Everson A Nunes, Ph.D., Dr. Shilpa Patil, Ph.D, R. Alan Harris, Ph.D., Giuliana Noratto, Mounika Gudeppu, Carissa Pardamean, PhD, Elee Shimshoni, Dr. Abbas Poorhashemi, Luke Connelly, and Roshonda Jones.
Gwendolyn Thomas, Ph.D., CSCS, USAW-L1
Resistance Exercise Physiologist/Performance Enhancement/Optimizing RE Prescription
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (30)
Most Relevant Publications (1+)
51 total publications
Implementation of a Postoperative Screening and Treatment Guidance for the Low Anterior Resection Syndrome: Preliminary Results
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum / Sep 01, 2019
van der Heijden, J. A. G., van Heinsbergen, M., Thomas, G., Caers, F., Slooter, G. D., & Maaskant-Braat, A. J. G. (2019). Implementation of a Postoperative Screening and Treatment Guidance for the Low Anterior Resection Syndrome: Preliminary Results. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 62(9), 1033–1042.
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Dr. Everson A Nunes, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow at McMaster University | former Associate Professor - Physiological Sciences
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (39)
Most Relevant Publications (1+)
97 total publications
Effects of Prebiotic and Synbiotic Supplementation on Inflammatory Markers and Anthropometric Indices After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology / Mar 01, 2016
Fernandes, R., Beserra, B. T. S., Mocellin, M. C., Kuntz, M. G. F., da Rosa, J. S., de Miranda, R. C. D., Schreiber, C. S. O., Fröde, T. S., Nunes, E. A., & Trindade, E. B. S. M. (2016). Effects of Prebiotic and Synbiotic Supplementation on Inflammatory Markers and Anthropometric Indices After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: A Randomized, Triple-blind, Placebo-controlled Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 50(3), 208–217.
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Dr. Shilpa Patil, Ph.D
PhD & Postdoc level expertise in Cancer Research
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (11)
Most Relevant Publications (5+)
20 total publications
Cell Type of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Origin: Implications for Prognosis and Clinical Outcomes
Visceral Medicine / Dec 27, 2021
Patil, S., Dou, Y., & Kopp, J. L. (2021). Cell Type of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Origin: Implications for Prognosis and Clinical Outcomes. Visceral Medicine, 38(1), 4–10. Portico.
NFATc1 Is a Central Mediator of EGFR-Induced ARID1A Chromatin Dissociation During Acinar Cell Reprogramming
Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology / Jan 01, 2023
Zhang, Z., Wang, X., Hamdan, F. H., Likhobabina, A., Patil, S., Aperdannier, L., Sen, M., Traub, J., Neesse, A., Fischer, A., Papantonis, A., Singh, S. K., Ellenrieder, V., Johnsen, S. A., & Hessmann, E. (2023). NFATc1 Is a Central Mediator of EGFR-Induced ARID1A Chromatin Dissociation During Acinar Cell Reprogramming. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 15(5), 1219–1246.
EZH2 controls PDAC plasticity by regulating differentiation genes
Pancreatology / Jun 01, 2019
Patil, S., Najafova, Z., Kari, V., Wang, X., Bohnenberger, H., Kopp, W., Spitalieri, J., Neesse, A., Ellenrieder, V., Johnsen, S., & Hessmann, E. (2019). EZH2 controls PDAC plasticity by regulating differentiation genes. Pancreatology, 19, S11.
Impact of cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A on chemotherapeutic resistance in pancreatic cancer
Pancreatology / Jun 01, 2018
Patzak, M. S., Hessmann, E., Kari, V., Kitz, J., Patil, S., Richards, F. M., Jodrell, D. I., Johnsen, S. A., Ellenrieder, V., & Neesse, A. (2018). Impact of cytosolic 5’-nucleotidase 1A on chemotherapeutic resistance in pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology, 18(4), S91.
Role of oncogenic EZH2 histone methyltransferase activity in PDAC cellular plasticity
Pancreatology / Jul 01, 2017
Patil, S., Witte, H., Neesse, A., Johnsen, S., Ellenrieder, V., & Hessmann, E. (2017). Role of oncogenic EZH2 histone methyltransferase activity in PDAC cellular plasticity. Pancreatology, 17(3), S41.
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R. Alan Harris, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (18)
Most Relevant Publications (4+)
92 total publications
DNA Methylation Profiling in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Provides New Insights into Disease Pathogenesis
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis / Sep 28, 2015
McDermott, E., Ryan, E. J., Tosetto, M., Gibson, D., Burrage, J., Keegan, D., Byrne, K., Crowe, E., Sexton, G., Malone, K., Harris, R. A., Kellermayer, R., Mill, J., Cullen, G., Doherty, G. A., Mulcahy, H., & Murphy, T. M. (2015). DNA Methylation Profiling in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Provides New Insights into Disease Pathogenesis. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 10(1), 77–86.
Genome-wide peripheral blood leukocyte DNA methylation microarrays identified a single association with inflammatory bowel diseases
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases / Dec 01, 2012
Harris, A. R., Nagy-Szakal, D., Pedersen, N., Opekun, A., Bronsky, J., Munkholm, P., Jespersgaard, C., Andersen, P., Melegh, B., Ferry, G., Jess, T., & Kellermayer, R. (2012). Genome-wide peripheral blood leukocyte DNA methylation microarrays identified a single association with inflammatory bowel diseases. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 18(12), 2334–2341.
Serial Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Alters Mucosal Gene Expression in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis
American Journal of Gastroenterology / Apr 01, 2015
Kellermayer, R., Nagy-Szakal, D., Harris, A. R., Luna, R. A., Pitashny, M., Schady, D., Mir, S. A. V., Lopez, M. E., Gilger, M. A., Belmont, J., Hollister, E. B., & Versalovic, J. (2015). Serial Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Alters Mucosal Gene Expression in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 110(4), 604–606.
Tu1192 Clinical, Epigenetic, and Metagenomic Responses to Serial Fecal Microbiome Transplants in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis
Gastroenterology / May 01, 2014
Kellermayer, R., Nagy-Szakal, D., Harris, R. A., Hollister, E. B., Mir, S., Luna, R. A., Pitashny, M., Schady, D., Lopez, M. E., Gilger, M. A., & Versalovic, J. (2014). Tu1192 Clinical, Epigenetic, and Metagenomic Responses to Serial Fecal Microbiome Transplants in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology, 146(5), S-780.
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Mounika Gudeppu
Ph.D. holder in Pharmacology and Toxicology, holded an SME position in HCL Tech Medical device Biocompatibility domain
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (12)
Most Relevant Publications (1+)
16 total publications
The Successful Use of N-Acetyl-cysteine to Treat Sorafenib-Induced Hepatotoxicity
American Journal of Gastroenterology / Oct 01, 2017
Hasan, M., Alukal, J., Tarsitano, J., & Choi, E. (2017). The Successful Use of N-Acetyl-cysteine to Treat Sorafenib-Induced Hepatotoxicity: 2261. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 112, S1243.
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Carissa Pardamean, PhD
Scientific writer and linguist with a wide variety of experiences, including bench science and data analytics. Have worked in research on smoking cessation and nicotine metabolism, colorectal cancer risk, virology, and RNA biology.
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (16)
Most Relevant Publications (1+)
8 total publications
Changing colorectal cancer trends in Asians
International Journal of Colorectal Disease / Mar 29, 2016
Pardamean, B., Baurley, J. W., Pardamean, C. I., & Figueiredo, J. C. (2016). Changing colorectal cancer trends in Asians. International Journal of Colorectal Disease, 31(8), 1537–1538.
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Elee Shimshoni
Postdoctoral Associate at MIT working on complex human cell models for drug discovery
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (17)
Most Relevant Publications (1+)
9 total publications
ECM remodelling in IBD: innocent bystander or partner in crime? The emerging role of extracellular molecular events in sustaining intestinal inflammation
Gut / Nov 21, 2014
Shimshoni, E., Yablecovitch, D., Baram, L., Dotan, I., & Sagi, I. (2014). ECM remodelling in IBD: innocent bystander or partner in crime? The emerging role of extracellular molecular events in sustaining intestinal inflammation. Gut, 64(3), 367–372.
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Dr. Abbas Poorhashemi
Dr. Poorhashemi is the President of the Canadian Institute for International Law Expertise (CIFILE). He is an academic and expert in international law.
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (12)
Most Relevant Publications (1+)
4 total publications
Accéder aux publications académiques et à votre profil de citations en utilisant Google Scholar
Management et ingénierie de l'innovation / Dec 01, 2014
DOU, H. (2014). Accéder aux publications académiques et à votre profil de citations en utilisant Google Scholar. Management et Ingénierie de l’innovation.
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Luke Connelly
Professor of Health Economics, The University of Queensland, CBEH
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (42)
Most Relevant Publications (1+)
105 total publications
Economic evaluation of fecal microbiota transplantation for the treatment of recurrentClostridium difficileinfection in Australia
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology / Nov 29, 2016
Merlo, G., Graves, N., Brain, D., & Connelly, L. B. (2016). Economic evaluation of fecal microbiota transplantation for the treatment of recurrentClostridium difficileinfection in Australia. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 31(12), 1927–1932. Portico.
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Roshonda Jones
Bioinformatics research scientist using computational and statistical techniques to examine the relationship between diet, health and microbes
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Other Research Expertise (23)
Most Relevant Publications (5+)
43 total publications
Mouse Paneth cell antimicrobial function is independent of Nod2
Gut / Mar 19, 2013
Shanahan, M. T., Carroll, I. M., Grossniklaus, E., White, A., von Furstenberg, R. J., Barner, R., Fodor, A. A., Henning, S. J., Sartor, R. B., & Gulati, A. S. (2013). Mouse Paneth cell antimicrobial function is independent of Nod2. Gut, 63(6), 903–910.
High intake of dietary fructose in overweight/obese teenagers associated with depletion of Eubacterium and Streptococcus in gut microbiome
Gut Microbes / Apr 16, 2019
Jones, R. B., Alderete, T. L., Kim, J. S., Millstein, J., Gilliland, F. D., & Goran, M. I. (2019). High intake of dietary fructose in overweight/obese teenagers associated with depletion of Eubacterium and Streptococcus in gut microbiome. Gut Microbes, 10(6), 712–719.
Early life gut microbiota is associated with rapid infant growth in Hispanics from Southern California
Gut Microbes / Jan 01, 2021
Alderete, T. L., Jones, R. B., Shaffer, J. P., Holzhausen, E. A., Patterson, W. B., Kazemian, E., Chatzi, L., Knight, R., Plows, J. F., Berger, P. K., & Goran, M. I. (2021). Early life gut microbiota is associated with rapid infant growth in Hispanics from Southern California. Gut Microbes, 13(1).
Lactose-reduced infant formula with added corn syrup solids is associated with a distinct gut microbiota in Hispanic infants
Gut Microbes / Sep 04, 2020
Jones, R. B., Berger, P. K., Plows, J. F., Alderete, T. L., Millstein, J., Fogel, J., Iablokov, S. N., Rodionov, D. A., Osterman, A. L., Bode, L., & Goran, M. I. (2020). Lactose-reduced infant formula with added corn syrup solids is associated with a distinct gut microbiota in Hispanic infants. Gut Microbes, 12(1), 1813534.
Sa1801 Local Environmental Conditions Override NOD2-Mediated Regulatory Effects on Mouse Intestinal Microbial Composition
Gastroenterology / May 01, 2013
Carroll, I. M., Shanahan, M. T., Barner, R., Fodor, A. A., Sartor, R. B., & Gulati, A. S. (2013). Sa1801 Local Environmental Conditions Override NOD2-Mediated Regulatory Effects on Mouse Intestinal Microbial Composition. Gastroenterology, 144(5), S-309.
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Example Gastroenterology projects
How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on Gastroenterology?
New Product Development
Collaborating with a Gastroenterology researcher can help companies develop new products related to digestive health. These researchers can provide valuable insights into the needs and preferences of patients, leading to the development of innovative and effective solutions.
Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Gastroenterology researchers can play a crucial role in conducting clinical trials and research studies for companies. Their expertise in designing and implementing studies, analyzing data, and interpreting results can contribute to the development of new treatments, medications, and diagnostic tools.
Consulting and Advisory Services
Companies can benefit from the consulting and advisory services of Gastroenterology researchers. These experts can provide guidance on regulatory compliance, market trends, and strategic decision-making, helping companies navigate the complex landscape of the healthcare industry.
Data Analysis and Insights
Gastroenterology researchers are skilled in analyzing large datasets related to digestive health. By collaborating with these experts, companies can gain valuable insights into patient demographics, treatment outcomes, and disease patterns, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve their products and services.
Educational and Training Programs
Companies can collaborate with Gastroenterology researchers to develop educational and training programs for healthcare professionals. These programs can enhance the knowledge and skills of medical practitioners, leading to improved patient care and better outcomes.