Work with thought leaders and academic experts in Gender Studies

Companies can benefit from working with Gender Studies experts in several ways. These experts can provide valuable insights into gender dynamics, diversity, and inclusion, helping companies enhance their policies, practices, and marketing strategies. They can conduct research on gender-related issues, helping companies understand the impact of gender on various aspects of their business. Gender Studies experts can also provide training and workshops to educate employees on gender equality and create a more inclusive work environment. Additionally, they can assist in developing gender-responsive products and services that cater to diverse customer needs.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in Gender Studies include Elizabeth Löwe Hunter, Keith Edwards, Bernadette Marie Calafell, Ph.D., Sasha Zhou, Ph.D., Dr. H. Colleen Sinclair, Kimberly Fairchild, Joel T. Nadler, Cory Young, Jo Boaler, Ryan Howell, Stefan Groschl, and C. Malik Boykin, Ph.D..

Bernadette Marie Calafell, Ph.D.

Spokane, Washington, United States of America
Chair and Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Gonzaga University
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Gender Studies
Other Research Expertise (5)
Performance Studies
Queer of Color Critique
Cultural Studies
I am the inaugural Chair and Professor of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at Gonzaga University and Editor of the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. I was Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Denver from 2006-2019. I served as department chair, associate chair, and director of graduate studies at the University of Denver.  <br> In 2003 I graduated from the Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with an emphasis in Performance Studies, and a secondary concentration in queer Latina/o literature and performance.  Prior to earning my doctorate at UNC-CH, I finished undergraduate and master's degrees in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication and Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University. I have published articles in several journal including Text and Performance Quarterly, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies, The Communication Review, Communication, Culture, and Critique, Journal of Communication Inquiry, Voces: A Journal of Chicana and Latina Studies (Now Chicana/Latina Studies), Latino Studies, Review of Communication, and the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. My book Latina/o Communication Studies: Theorizing Performance was published by Peter Lang in 2007 as part of the series on Critical Intercultural Communication edited by Dr. Thomas Nakayama. In 2015 I published Monstrosity, Performance, and Race in Contemporary Culture. I have also co-edited several books. I was awarded the 2009 Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Research in Oral Interpretation and Performance by the National Communication Association. In 2009 I was presented with the Out Through the Mind Award for tenure track faculty at the 4th Annual LGBTQIA Gala at the University of Denver.  In 2010, I was selected by the Latina/o Communication Studies Division and La Raza Caucus of NCA as the Latina/o Communication Studies Scholar of the Year. The same year I was also given the Outstanding Faculty Award by the Center for Multicultural Excellence at the University of Denver. In 2014 I was awarded the Provost's Champion of Change Award for my Social Activism and Advocacy for Inclusive Excellence at the University of Denver. I received the Lambda Award for outstanding contributions to the LGBTQ community from the Caucus on Gay and Lesbian Concerns of the National Communication Association in November 2017. I received the Francine Merritt Award from the Women's Caucus on NCA in November 2018. I received the 2018 Outstanding Article Award, Feminist and Women’s Studies Division of the National Communication Association for “From Failure to Allyship to Feminist Solidarities: Negotiating Our Privileges and Oppressions Across Borders,” a Presidential Citation for Exceptional Commitment to Social Justice and Activism within the National Communication Association, and the 2018 Monograph of the Year Award, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communication Studies Division of National Communication Association for “Queer Utopias and a (Feminist) Iranian Vampire: A Critical Analysis of Resistive Monstrosity in A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night,” co-authored with Shadee Abdi and published in Critical Studies in Media Communication. In November 2019 I received the Faculty Mentorship Award from the Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division of the National Communication Association.
Most Relevant Publications (9+)

65 total publications

Contesting Neoliberalism Through Critical Pedagogy, Intersectional Reflexivity, and Personal Narrative: Queer Tales of Academia

Journal of Homosexuality / Aug 01, 2012

Jones, R. G., & Calafell, B. M. (2012). Contesting Neoliberalism Through Critical Pedagogy, Intersectional Reflexivity, and Personal Narrative: Queer Tales of Academia. Journal of Homosexuality, 59(7), 957–981.

“Did It Happen Because of Your Race or Sex?”: University Sexual Harassment Policies and the Move against Intersectionality

Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies / Jan 01, 2014

Calafell, B. M. (2014). “Did It Happen Because of Your Race or Sex?”: University Sexual Harassment Policies and the Move against Intersectionality. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 35(3), 75–95.

Queer Intercultural Communication: The Intersectional Politics of Belonging In and Across Differences

Women's Studies in Communication / Jan 02, 2022

Huang, S. (2022). Queer Intercultural Communication: The Intersectional Politics of Belonging In and Across Differences. Women’s Studies in Communication, 45(1), 119–121.

“Feeling Brown, Feeling Down”: Honoring the Life and Legacy of José Esteban Muñoz

QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking / Oct 01, 2014

Calafell, B. M. (2014). “Feeling Brown, Feeling Down”: Honoring the Life and Legacy of José Esteban Muñoz. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 1(3), 133–137.

Queer Relationalities, Impossible: The Politics of Homonationalism and Failure in LOGO’s Fire Island

Journal of Homosexuality / Jul 29, 2022

Eguchi, S., & Calafell, B. M. (2022). Queer Relationalities, Impossible: The Politics of Homonationalism and Failure in LOGO’s Fire Island. Journal of Homosexuality, 70(1), 149–167.

Cisnormativity, Whiteness, and the Fear of Contagion in Academia

QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking / Feb 01, 2020

Calafell, B. M. (2020). Cisnormativity, Whiteness, and the Fear of Contagion in Academia. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 7(1), 68–74.

Narrative Authority, Theory in the Flesh, and the Fight over The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson

QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking / Jun 01, 2019

Calafell, B. M. (2019). Narrative Authority, Theory in the Flesh, and the Fight over The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 6(2), 26–39.

The Future of Feminist Scholarship: Beyond the Politics of Inclusion

Women's Studies in Communication / Sep 02, 2014

Calafell, B. M. (2014). The Future of Feminist Scholarship: Beyond the Politics of Inclusion. Women’s Studies in Communication, 37(3), 266–270.

“Did It Happen Because of Your Race or Sex?”: University Sexual Harassment Policies and the Move against Intersectionality

Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies / Jan 01, 2014

Bernadette Marie Calafell. (2014). “Did It Happen Because of Your Race or Sex?”: University Sexual Harassment Policies and the Move against Intersectionality. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 35(3), 75.

See Full Profile

Sasha Zhou, Ph.D.

Ann Arbor
Assistant Professor in Public Health
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Gender Studies
Other Research Expertise (13)
mental health
race and ethnicity
health disparities
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Psychiatry and Mental health
And 8 more
Dr. Zhou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health at Wayne State's CLAS. Her research uses mixed methods to understand and address the mental health needs of emerging adults and college student populations with particular focus on underserved populations, including students of color, international students, and sexual and gender minorities. Dr. Zhou’s broader research portfolio combines varied methodological approaches to identify the mechanisms that perpetuate mental health disparities, including in-depth qualitative work and large-scale epidemiological surveys.  Dr. Zhou is also a co-investigator of the [Healthy Minds Network](, a research-to-practice network dedicated to improving the mental and emotional wellbeing of young people through innovative, multidisciplinary scholarship. She received her Ph.D. in Health Services Organization and Policy at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, where she was a Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture, and Health (CRECH) Scholar. <br> <br>
Most Relevant Publications (2+)

46 total publications

An Application of the Minority Stress Model in a Non-Western Context: Discrimination and Mental Health Among Sexual and Gender Minorities in Macedonia

Sexuality Research and Social Policy / Sep 09, 2017

Stojanovski, K., Zhou, S., King, E., Gjorgjiovska, J., & Mihajlov, A. (2017). An Application of the Minority Stress Model in a Non-Western Context: Discrimination and Mental Health Among Sexual and Gender Minorities in Macedonia. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 15(3), 367–376.

Sexual Minority Status and Psychotic Experiences Among Young Adult College Students in the United States

Journal of Homosexuality / Nov 01, 2022

Oh, H. Y., Jacob, L., Smith, L., Leaune, E., Zhou, S., Shin, J. I., & Koyanagi, A. (2022). Sexual Minority Status and Psychotic Experiences Among Young Adult College Students in the United States. Journal of Homosexuality, 1–18.

See Full Profile

Dr. H. Colleen Sinclair

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States of America
Research Professor overseeing multiple applied research grants with experience in wide array of topics (e.g., destructive leadership, interdisciplinary teams, DEIA)
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Gender Studies
Other Research Expertise (11)
Health (social science)
Pathology and Forensic Medicine
Social Psychology
Developmental and Educational Psychology
And 6 more
Dr. H. Colleen Sinclair is a highly educated and experienced psychologist with a passion for understanding human behavior and relationships. She received her PhD in Psychology from the University of Minnesota in 2004, after completing a triple major at the University of Colorado Boulder in 1996. Throughout her career, Dr. Sinclair has held various academic positions, including Research Professor at Louisiana State University and tenured Associate Professor at Mississippi State University. She has also served as a Research Associate at Carnegie Mellon University, where she conducted research on human-computer interaction. Dr. Sinclair's research interests are broad. She applies the scientific method to help make the world a better place. She maintains a successful research portfolio exceeding $160 million in funding including being a part of a team to receive the biggest NSF grant in history to improve collaborations between industry and academia to shape the future of energy. She has published numerous articles and has been invited to present her research around the world. In addition to her academic work, Dr. Sinclair is also a sought-after consultant and speaker, providing expertise on topics such as communication skills, conflict resolution, and relationship building. She is known for her engaging and dynamic presentations (see TED talk), which draw upon her extensive research and personal experiences. Dr. Sinclair is committed to using her knowledge and expertise to help individuals and organizations tacke the problems of today to make for a better tomorrow. With her impressive education and experience, she continues to make significant contributions to the field of psychology and the understanding of human behavior.
Most Relevant Publications (6+)

33 total publications

Gender Rules: Same- and Cross-Gender Friendships Norms

Sex Roles / Jan 12, 2012

Felmlee, D., Sweet, E., & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Gender Rules: Same- and Cross-Gender Friendships Norms. Sex Roles, 66(7–8), 518–529.

Cycle of Blame or Just World

Psychology of Women Quarterly / Dec 01, 1998

Sinclair, H. C., & Bourne, L. E. (1998). Cycle of Blame or Just World: Effects of Legal Verdicts on Gender Patterns in Rape-Myth Acceptance and Victim Empathy. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 22(4), 575–588.

When Courtship Persistence Becomes Intrusive Pursuit: Comparing Rejecter and Pursuer Perspectives of Unrequited Attraction

Sex Roles / Jun 01, 2005

Sinclair, H. C., & Frieze, I. H. (2005). When Courtship Persistence Becomes Intrusive Pursuit: Comparing Rejecter and Pursuer Perspectives of Unrequited Attraction. Sex Roles, 52(11–12), 839–852.

Searching for the Psychology in The Handbook of Women, Psychology and the Law

Sex Roles / Jun 30, 2007

Sinclair, H. C. (2007). Searching for the Psychology in The Handbook of Women, Psychology and the Law: The Handbook of Women, Psychology and the Law Edited by Andrea Barnes, San Francisco, California, Jossey-Bass, 2005. 448 pp. $60.00 (Hardcover) ISBN: 0787970603. Sex Roles, 57(5–6), 467–469.

An Introduction to Issues of Gender in Stalking Research

Sex Roles / Dec 31, 2011

Lyndon, A. E., Sinclair, H. C., MacArthur, J., Fay, B., Ratajack, E., & Collier, K. E. (2011). An Introduction to Issues of Gender in Stalking Research. Sex Roles, 66(5–6), 299–310.

Stalking Myth-Attributions: Examining the Role of Individual and Contextual Variables on Attributions in Unwanted Pursuit Scenarios

Sex Roles / Aug 13, 2010

Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Stalking Myth-Attributions: Examining the Role of Individual and Contextual Variables on Attributions in Unwanted Pursuit Scenarios. Sex Roles, 66(5–6), 378–391.

See Full Profile

Joel T. Nadler

Bloomfield , Indiana, United States of America
Former Professor of Psychology, SIUE: Senior Consultant PDRI
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Gender Studies
Other Research Expertise (18)
Industrial Organizational Psychology
Social Psychology
Business and International Management
Strategy and Management
Management Science and Operations Research
And 13 more
Joel T. Nadler is Senior Consultant at PDRI and an adjunct faculty member at the University of Indiana. He was a formerly at Aon Assessment Solutions and a Professor of I/O psychology at SIUE. Dr. Nadler has taught classes including Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development, Employee Selection, Test and Measures, graduate and undergraduate Research Design and Statistics, Social Psychology, Group Dynamics, Organizational Behavior, and Psychology of Gender. ​ Dr. Nadler has in the past actively worked as an independent consultant and as a co-founder of AOA Consulting and has consulted with organizations on areas such as assessment validation, organizational climate and culture, survey development, performance appraisal, program evaluation, needs assessment, organizational change and development, and study design and methodology. Dr. Nadler research interests include gender bias in selection and performance appraisal, sexual harassment, organizational attractiveness, adverse impact (EEO law), and assessing inclusive diversity practices.  Additionally, Dr. Nadler has expertise in advanced measurement, design and statistical techniques. His research has been published in journals such as Industrial Organizational Psychology: *Perspectives on Science and Practice, Sex Roles, Social Issues and Policy Review,  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, American Journal of Evaluation, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.*   Dr. Nadler enjoys cycling, traveling, horseback riding, motorcycling, music, science fiction, and collecting bourbon and scotch when he is not busy consulting and conducting research.
Most Relevant Publications (7+)

47 total publications

Stuck in the Middle: The Use and Interpretation of Mid-Points in Items on Questionnaires

The Journal of General Psychology / Apr 02, 2015

Nadler, J. T., Weston, R., & Voyles, E. C. (2015). Stuck in the Middle: The Use and Interpretation of Mid-Points in Items on Questionnaires. The Journal of General Psychology, 142(2), 71–89.

Paradigmatic Assumptions of Disciplinary Research on Gender Disparities: The Case of Occupational Sex Segregation

Sex Roles / Oct 14, 2012

Stockdale, M. S., & Nadler, J. T. (2012). Paradigmatic Assumptions of Disciplinary Research on Gender Disparities: The Case of Occupational Sex Segregation. Sex Roles, 68(3–4), 207–215.

Marital status, gender, and sexual orientation: Implications for employment hiring decisions.

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity / Sep 01, 2014

Nadler, J. T., & Kufahl, K. M. (2014). Marital status, gender, and sexual orientation: Implications for employment hiring decisions. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(3), 270–278.

Gender roles and organizational citizenship behaviors: effects on managerial evaluations

Gender in Management: An International Journal / Nov 04, 2013

M. Cameron, S., & T. Nadler, J. (2013). Gender roles and organizational citizenship behaviors: effects on managerial evaluations. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(7), 380–399.

Aversive discrimination in employment interviews: Reducing effects of sexual orientation bias with accountability.

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity / Dec 01, 2014

Nadler, J. T., Lowery, M. R., Grebinoski, J., & Jones, R. G. (2014). Aversive discrimination in employment interviews: Reducing effects of sexual orientation bias with accountability. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(4), 480–488.

Navigating through a historical exploration of queer cinema: A review of Queer cinema: Schoolgirls, vampires, and gay cowboys.

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity / Mar 01, 2014

Nadler, J. T., & Kufahl, K. (2014). Navigating through a historical exploration of queer cinema: A review of Queer cinema: Schoolgirls, vampires, and gay cowboys. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(1), 86–87.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell and Other LGB Civil Rights Issues: Effects of Terminology on Public Opinion

Journal of Gay &amp; Lesbian Social Services / Oct 01, 2012

Nadler, J. T., Will, K., Lowery, M. R., & Smith, K. (2012). Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and Other LGB Civil Rights Issues: Effects of Terminology on Public Opinion. Journal of Gay &amp; Lesbian Social Services, 24(4), 331–345.

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Stefan Groschl

Full-time Research Professor in the Department of Management at the ESSEC Business School, Paris-Singapore.
Research Expertise (1)
I am a Professor in the Department of Management and the Co-founder of the Chair of Leadership and Diversity at the ESSEC Business, Paris-Singapore. My previous full-time academic posts include assignments in Canada and the UK. For ESSEC I have been teaching in a wide range of graduate and executive management programs in France and Germany. Much of my expertise and interests are in areas of responsible leadership, diversity management, international human resources management, and organizational behavior. I have shared my experiences in a wide range of academic and public arenas, and I have published several books on responsible leadership, diversity management, and international human resources management related aspects. My research has also been published in numerous book chapters and articles in both the international trade and academic press. My teaching assignments have brought me to a wide range of academic institutions in Mexico, Taiwan, Spain, New Zealand, Germany, Bahrain, Peru, Panama, Canada, USA and Cambodia. I am an editorial board member and reviewer for numerous international academic management journals. I have served as a member of the Observatoire de la diversité et de la parité at the French Interior Ministry, and I have developed and conducted company training programs for firms in France and internationally.

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Example Gender Studies projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on Gender Studies?

Gender Pay Gap Analysis

A Gender Studies expert can analyze your company's pay structure to identify and address any gender pay gaps. This analysis can help ensure fair compensation practices and promote gender equality in the workplace.

Diversity and Inclusion Training

Gender Studies experts can develop and deliver training programs to educate employees on diversity and inclusion. These programs can help create a more inclusive work environment and foster collaboration among employees from diverse backgrounds.

Market Research on Gender Preferences

A Gender Studies expert can conduct market research to understand the gender preferences of your target audience. This research can help tailor your products, services, and marketing strategies to better meet the needs and preferences of different genders.

Gender-Inclusive Language Audit

Gender Studies experts can review your company's communication materials, including website content, marketing materials, and internal documents, to ensure they use gender-inclusive language. This audit can help create a more inclusive and respectful brand image.

Policy Development for Gender Equality

Gender Studies experts can assist in developing policies and guidelines that promote gender equality within your organization. These policies can address issues such as parental leave, flexible work arrangements, and equal opportunities for career advancement.