Work with thought leaders and academic experts in sociology

Companies can greatly benefit from collaborating with sociology experts. These professionals bring a deep understanding of human behavior, social dynamics, and cultural trends. By leveraging their expertise, companies can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and social impact. Sociology researchers can conduct in-depth studies, analyze data, and provide evidence-based recommendations to inform business strategies. They can also help companies navigate complex social issues, promote diversity and inclusion, and develop socially responsible practices. With their interdisciplinary approach, sociology experts can contribute to various areas such as marketing, product development, organizational culture, and community engagement.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in sociology include YingFei Héliot, Kostadin Kushlev, Marybeth Gasman, Dr. Charles Lassiter, Ph.D., Victoria Mattingly, PhD, Christos Makridis, Karina van de Voorde, Tyler Ransom, Elizabeth Löwe Hunter, and Laura Giurge.

Marybeth Gasman

Philadelphia , Pennsylvania, United States of America
Expert on race and class in the United States, with particular expertise related to Minority Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Philanthropy, and Faculty Hiring
Research Expertise (7)
And 2 more
Marybeth Gasman is the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Endowed Chair in Education, a Distinguished Professor, and the Associate Dean for Research in the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University. She also serves as the Executive Director of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Institute for Leadership, Equity & Justice and the Executive Director of the Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions. Marybeth is the Chair of the Rutgers University, New Brunswick Faculty Council. Prior to joining the faculty at Rutgers, Marybeth was the Judy & Howard Berkowitz Endowed Professor in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. Her areas of expertise include the history of American higher education, Minority Serving Institutions (with an emphasis on Historically Black Colleges and Universities), racism and diversity, fundraising and philanthropy, and higher education leadership. She is the author or editor of 33 books, including *Educating a Diverse Nation*(Harvard University Press, 2015 with Clif Conrad), *Envisioning Black Colleges* (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007), *Making Black Scientists* (Harvard University Press, 2019 with Thai-Huy Nguyen), and her most recent book *Doing the Right Thing: How to End Systemic Racism in Faculty Hiring* (Princeton University, 2022). Marybeth has written over 250 peer-reviewed articles, scholarly essays, and book chapters. She has penned over 450 opinion articles for the nation’s newspapers and magazines and is ranked by *Education Week* as one of the most influential education scholars in the nation. Marybeth has raised over $23 million in grant funding to support her research and that of her students, mentees, and MSI partners. She has served on the board of trustees of The College Board as well as historically Black colleges – Paul Quinn College, Morris Brown College, and St. Augustine College. She considers her proudest accomplishment to be receiving the University of Pennsylvania’s Provost Award for Distinguished Ph.D. Teaching and Mentoring.

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Victoria Mattingly, PhD

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Author, Speaker, and CEO of Mattingly Solutions, a workplace inclusion consulting firm
Research Expertise (0)
Victoria Mattingly, PhD (Dr. V) is founder and CEO of Mattingly Solutions, a workplace inclusion consulting firm. Her life mission is to use organizational science to improve the human experience at work, especially for underrepresented and historically excluded groups. Dr. V is a published author, an academic researcher, has taught in business schools globally, and is an esteemed speaker thought leader in the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) field. She earned her PhD in Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology from Colorado State University, specializing in the science of workplace behavior change interventions. As an organizational psychologist, she turns otherwise abstract concepts like inclusion and allyship into quantifiable metrics. Dr. V is currently focused on bringing more scientific rigor to the DEI space, enabling organizations to better track and assess progress toward reaching their goals. To this end, she recently co-authored (alongside her biz bestie, Sertrice Grice) the book, Inclusalytics: How Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leaders Use Data to Drive Their Work. A leader within the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology, Dr. V currently hosts SIOP's Conversation Series Livestreamed Podcast. Dr. V founded Mattingly Solutions in August 2019 on the belief that DEI training alone is never enough to make a real impact on DEI outcomes. DEI done right is embedded in the fabric of a company’s culture, its overall strategy, and considered in every business decision—at all levels of the organization. Before starting Mattingly Solutions, Dr. V worked as and DEI and L&D external consultant at and DDI and Mind Gym, building products that are still being sold and implemented to this day. She also worked on Amazon’s talent assessment team, building innovative training solutions for more inclusive hiring programs, with an emphasis on fair hiring practices and candidate experiences.

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Christos Makridis

Nashville, TN
Web3 and Labor Economist in Academia, Entrepreneurship, and Policy
Research Expertise (16)
Economics and Econometrics
Pharmacology (medical)
And 11 more
Christos A. Makridis holds academic appointments at Columbia Business School, Stanford University, Baylor University, University of Nicosia, and Arizona State University. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Manhattan Institute, senior adviser at Gallup, and senior adviser at the National AI Institute in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Christos is the CEO/co-founder of [Dainamic](, a technology startup working to democratize the use and application of data science and AI techniques for small and mid sized organizations, and CTO/co-founder of [Living Opera](, a web3 startup working to bridge classical music and blockchain technologies. Christos previously served on the White House Council of Economic Advisers managing the cybersecurity, technology, and space activities, as a Non-resident Fellow at the Cyber Security Project in the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, as a Digital Fellow at the Initiative at the Digital Economy in the MIT Sloan School of Management, a a Non-resident Research Scientist at Datacamp, and as a Visiting Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Christos’ primary academic research focuses on labor economics, the digital economy, and personal finance and well-being. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed research papers in academic journals and over 170 news articles in the press. Christos earned a Bachelor’s in Economics and Minor in Mathematics at Arizona State University, as well a dual Masters and PhDs in Economics and Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University.

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Laura Giurge

Assistant Professor at the London School of Economics and Researcher at the Wellness Research Centre
Research Expertise (11)
Behavioral Neuroscience
Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
Social Psychology
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Applied Psychology
And 6 more
Laura Giurge is an organizational scholar and behavioral scientist. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She earned a Ph.D. in Management from Erasmus University Rotterdam and two cum laude master’s degrees in economics and business and in human resources management from the University of Groningen. Prior to joining LSE, Dr. Giurge was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Cornell University and at London Business School, as well as a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Business School. Her research seeks to make work better and enable all individuals to thrive and achieve their potential. <br> Giurge’s research has been published in top journals such as Organizational Behavioral and Human Decision Processes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Human Behavior, and The Leadership Quarterly. She also publishes popular press articles in outlets such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. In 2020, one of her papers received the Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management. At LSE, Dr. Giurge is part of the teaching team for the Executive MSc in Behavioral Science. At LBS, she connects with MBA and Executive MBAs in teaching elective courses on negotiations, well-being, productivity, and the future of work. Dr. Giurge regularly engages in corporate consulting and executive coaching and serve as an academic partner and advisor. Occasionally, she leads interactive and science-backed workshops, lectures, and keynote talks aligned with her expertise. Her most recent talk has been at the University of Cambridge. As a side hobby, Dr. Giurge enjoys creating powerful images that connect us to our planet and inner happiness.

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Example sociology projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on sociology?

Consumer Behavior Analysis

A sociology expert can conduct research to understand consumer behavior patterns, preferences, and motivations. This can help companies tailor their marketing strategies, product offerings, and customer experiences to better meet the needs and desires of their target audience.

Market Research and Trend Analysis

Sociology researchers can analyze social trends, cultural shifts, and demographic changes to provide valuable insights for market research. This can help companies identify emerging opportunities, anticipate consumer demands, and stay ahead of competitors in a rapidly evolving market.

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Collaborating with a sociology expert can help companies develop and implement effective diversity and inclusion initiatives. These experts can conduct assessments, provide training, and offer guidance on creating inclusive work environments that foster innovation, creativity, and employee satisfaction.

Social Impact Assessment

Sociology researchers can assess the social impact of company policies, practices, and initiatives. They can help companies understand the potential positive and negative consequences of their actions on various stakeholders, communities, and the environment. This information can guide decision-making and support the development of socially responsible business practices.

Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility

Sociology experts can assist companies in developing effective community engagement strategies and corporate social responsibility programs. They can help identify community needs, build partnerships, and design initiatives that align with the company's values and goals. This can enhance the company's reputation, strengthen relationships with stakeholders, and contribute to sustainable social impact.