Work with thought leaders and academic experts in Applied Psychology

Companies can benefit from working with someone whose expertise is in the field of Applied Psychology in several ways. Applied Psychology researchers can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, helping companies understand their target audience and develop effective marketing strategies. They can also assist in improving employee well-being and performance through the implementation of evidence-based practices. Additionally, Applied Psychology experts can contribute to the development of organizational policies and procedures that promote a positive work environment and enhance productivity. Collaborating with an academic researcher in Applied Psychology can lead to improved customer satisfaction, increased employee engagement, and overall business success.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in Applied Psychology include Laura Giurge, Dr. Pantaleon Fassbender, Yunzi (Rae) Tan, Ph.D., Dr. Charles Lassiter, Ph.D., Christopher Hawk, Joel T. Nadler, Tyler Ransom, Dr. Katherine Thompson, Ph.D., Dr. H. Colleen Sinclair, YingFei Héliot, Kostadin Kushlev, and Karina van de Voorde.

Laura Giurge

Assistant Professor at the London School of Economics and Researcher at the Wellness Research Centre
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (10)
Behavioral Neuroscience
Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
Social Psychology
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Sociology and Political Science
And 5 more
Laura Giurge is an organizational scholar and behavioral scientist. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She earned a Ph.D. in Management from Erasmus University Rotterdam and two cum laude master’s degrees in economics and business and in human resources management from the University of Groningen. Prior to joining LSE, Dr. Giurge was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Cornell University and at London Business School, as well as a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Business School. Her research seeks to make work better and enable all individuals to thrive and achieve their potential. <br> Giurge’s research has been published in top journals such as Organizational Behavioral and Human Decision Processes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Human Behavior, and The Leadership Quarterly. She also publishes popular press articles in outlets such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. In 2020, one of her papers received the Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management. At LSE, Dr. Giurge is part of the teaching team for the Executive MSc in Behavioral Science. At LBS, she connects with MBA and Executive MBAs in teaching elective courses on negotiations, well-being, productivity, and the future of work. Dr. Giurge regularly engages in corporate consulting and executive coaching and serve as an academic partner and advisor. Occasionally, she leads interactive and science-backed workshops, lectures, and keynote talks aligned with her expertise. Her most recent talk has been at the University of Cambridge. As a side hobby, Dr. Giurge enjoys creating powerful images that connect us to our planet and inner happiness.
Most Relevant Publications (2+)

12 total publications

You don’t need to answer right away! Receivers overestimate how quickly senders expect responses to non-urgent work emails

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes / Nov 01, 2021

Giurge, L. M., & Bohns, V. K. (2021). You don’t need to answer right away! Receivers overestimate how quickly senders expect responses to non-urgent work emails. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 167, 114–128.

Does power corrupt the mind? The influence of power on moral reasoning and self-interested behavior

The Leadership Quarterly / Aug 01, 2021

Giurge, L. M., van Dijke, M., Zheng, M. X., & De Cremer, D. (2021). Does power corrupt the mind? The influence of power on moral reasoning and self-interested behavior. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(4), 101288.

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Dr. Pantaleon Fassbender

Gainesville, Florida, United States of America
Highly experienced global leadership and corporate health management advisor
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (7)
Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
Human-Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence
And 2 more
With over 25 years of experience in corporate health management, talent management, and crisis management consulting, I am passionate about helping leaders and organizations overcome challenges and achieve their goals. As a Managing Director at Twisters Management Consulting LLC, I leverage my expertise in evidence-based management, applied psychology, data storytelling, and analytical skills to provide innovative and effective solutions for my clients. One of my unique offerings is horse-assisted coaching, which is a powerful and experiential method to enhance personal and professional development. By working with a horse and a coach on the ground, clients can gain insights into their body language, communication style, emotional intelligence, and leadership presence. I also specialize in personality assessment-at-a-distance, which is a valuable tool for due diligence, ghost negotiation, fraud investigation, and other high-stakes situations. Additionally, I have a strong background in investigative psychology and forensics, which enables me to apply behavioral analysis and profiling techniques to various security contexts.
Most Relevant Publications (1+)

6 total publications

Some Personality Correlates of Business White‐Collar Crime

Applied Psychology / Feb 28, 2006

Blickle, G., Schlegel, A., Fassbender, P., & Klein, U. (2006). Some Personality Correlates of Business White‐Collar Crime. Applied Psychology, 55(2), 220–233. Portico.

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Yunzi (Rae) Tan, Ph.D.

Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Social-Organizational Psychologist | Educator, Researcher, and Consultant Specializing in DEI and Conflict Management in the Workplace
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (11)
Team Conflict Management
Organizational Conflict
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dynamical Systems
Social Psychology
And 6 more
I am a social-organizational psychologist by training, and have over 20 years of professional experience in higher education, organizational change and development, marketing, as well as diversity and inclusion in private and nonprofit sectors. As a researcher, I'm most curious about topics that intersect conflict management, diversity, equity, and inclusion at group and organizational levels. As a tertiary educator, I teach social science research designs and methods to help my students explore and address important conflict issues they care about. I also teach organizational conflict management systems to cultivate students' understanding and design of complex conflict management dynamics and processes in teams and organizations. Last but not least, I am actively involved in providing research-based advice and expertise to support organizations in advancing diversity, inclusion, and other pursuits of organizational excellence. My Top 5 StrengthsFinder Signature Themes: Analytical \| Restorative \| Responsibility \| Focus \| Discipline
Most Relevant Publications (1+)

9 total publications

Goal interdependence, subgroup formation, and conflict in Teams

International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior / Apr 01, 2017

Tan, (Rae) Yunzi. (2017). Goal interdependence, subgroup formation, and conflict in Teams. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 20(4), 519–543.

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Dr. Charles Lassiter, Ph.D.

Spokane, Washington, United States of America

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Christopher Hawk

Sammamish, Washington, United States of America
Associate Professor of Psychology, DigiPen Institute of Technology
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (6)
Social Psychology
Violent Media
And 1 more
I hold a Ph.D. in Applied Social Psychology from Brigham Young University and a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Cleveland State University. As an Associate Professor, my expertise lies in statistics and research methods, subjects I routinely teach passionately. I have published articles focusing on examining the effects of media violence on aggression. I am dedicated to bridging the gap between academia and real-world applications, offering a wealth of knowledge and experience to businesses seeking expert insights. Let's connect and explore the possibilities at the intersection of psychology, research, and practical solutions.
Most Relevant Publications (2+)

7 total publications

Is It Only the Violence?

Journal of Media Psychology / Jul 01, 2021

Hawk, C. E., & Ridge, R. D. (2021). Is It Only the Violence?: The Effects of Violent Video Game Content, Difficulty, and Competition on Aggressive Behavior. Journal of Media Psychology, 33(3), 134–144.

“It Doesn’t Affect Me!” – Do Immunity Beliefs Prevent Subsequent Aggression After Playing a Violent Video Game?

Journal of Media Psychology / Jul 01, 2023

Ridge, R. D., Hawk, C. E., McCombs, L. D., Richards, K. J., Schultz, C. A., Ashton, R. K., Hartvigsen, L. D., & Bartlett, D. (2023). “It Doesn’t Affect Me!” – Do Immunity Beliefs Prevent Subsequent Aggression After Playing a Violent Video Game? Journal of Media Psychology, 35(4), 234–240.

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Joel T. Nadler

Bloomfield , Indiana, United States of America
Former Professor of Psychology, SIUE: Senior Consultant PDRI
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (18)
Industrial Organizational Psychology
Gender Studies
Social Psychology
Business and International Management
Strategy and Management
And 13 more
Joel T. Nadler is Senior Consultant at PDRI and an adjunct faculty member at the University of Indiana. He was a formerly at Aon Assessment Solutions and a Professor of I/O psychology at SIUE. Dr. Nadler has taught classes including Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development, Employee Selection, Test and Measures, graduate and undergraduate Research Design and Statistics, Social Psychology, Group Dynamics, Organizational Behavior, and Psychology of Gender. ​ Dr. Nadler has in the past actively worked as an independent consultant and as a co-founder of AOA Consulting and has consulted with organizations on areas such as assessment validation, organizational climate and culture, survey development, performance appraisal, program evaluation, needs assessment, organizational change and development, and study design and methodology. Dr. Nadler research interests include gender bias in selection and performance appraisal, sexual harassment, organizational attractiveness, adverse impact (EEO law), and assessing inclusive diversity practices.  Additionally, Dr. Nadler has expertise in advanced measurement, design and statistical techniques. His research has been published in journals such as Industrial Organizational Psychology: *Perspectives on Science and Practice, Sex Roles, Social Issues and Policy Review,  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, American Journal of Evaluation, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.*   Dr. Nadler enjoys cycling, traveling, horseback riding, motorcycling, music, science fiction, and collecting bourbon and scotch when he is not busy consulting and conducting research.
Most Relevant Publications (6+)

47 total publications


Personnel Psychology / Sep 01, 1977


Situating Sexual Harassment in the Broader Context of Interpersonal Violence: Research, Theory, and Policy Implications

Social Issues and Policy Review / Mar 01, 2012

Stockdale, M. S., & Nadler, J. T. (2012). Situating Sexual Harassment in the Broader Context of Interpersonal Violence: Research, Theory, and Policy Implications. Social Issues and Policy Review, 6(1), 148–176. Portico.

Sampling in Industrial–Organizational Psychology Research: Now What?

Industrial and Organizational Psychology / Jun 01, 2015

Fisher, G. G., & Sandell, K. (2015). Sampling in Industrial–Organizational Psychology Research: Now What? Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8(2), 232–237.

Allies From Within: I-O Practitioners in Organizations

Industrial and Organizational Psychology / Dec 01, 2018

Lowery, M., Nadler, J., & Putka, D. J. (2018). Allies From Within: I-O Practitioners in Organizations. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 11(4), 582–585.

Fifty Years After the Civil Rights Act: Diversity-Management Practices in the Field

Industrial and Organizational Psychology / Dec 01, 2013

Bartels, L. K., Nadler, J. T., Kufahl, K., & Pyatt, J. (2013). Fifty Years After the Civil Rights Act: Diversity-Management Practices in the Field. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6(4), 450–457.

Research on the Discrimination of Marginalized Employees: Fishing in Other Ponds

Industrial and Organizational Psychology / Mar 01, 2013

Nadler, J. T., Bartels, L. K., Sliter, K. A., Stockdale, M. S., & Lowery, M. (2013). Research on the Discrimination of Marginalized Employees: Fishing in Other Ponds. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6(1), 66–70.

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Tyler Ransom

Norman, Oklahoma, United States of America
Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Oklahoma
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (14)
Labor Economics
Economics of Education
Urban Economics
Applied Microeconomics
And 9 more
Tyler Ransom is an associate professor of economics at the University of Oklahoma. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Duke University in 2015. His research interests include labor economics, economics of education, urban economics, and machine learning applications. He has published papers in leading journals such as the Journal of Labor Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, and the Journal of Econometrics. He is also an associate editor of the Annals of Economics and Statistics and a research affiliate of IZA and GLO. He has taught courses on econometrics, data science, and economics of education at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He has received several awards and fellowships for his research and teaching, such as the OU Dodge Family College of Arts & Sciences Irene Rothbaum Outstanding Assistant Professor Award in 2022. He is proficient in various coding languages such as Matlab, Stata, R, Julia, Bash, Git, and LaTeX. He also has advanced language skills in Japanese.
Most Relevant Publications (1+)

15 total publications

Instrumental variables estimation: Assumptions, pitfalls, and guidelines

The Leadership Quarterly / Feb 01, 2023

Bastardoz, N., Matthews, M. J., Sajons, G. B., Ransom, T., Kelemen, T. K., & Matthews, S. H. (2023). Instrumental variables estimation: Assumptions, pitfalls, and guidelines. The Leadership Quarterly, 34(1), 101673.

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Dr. H. Colleen Sinclair

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States of America
Research Professor overseeing multiple applied research grants with experience in wide array of topics (e.g., destructive leadership, interdisciplinary teams, DEIA)
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (11)
Health (social science)
Pathology and Forensic Medicine
Social Psychology
Gender Studies
And 6 more
Dr. H. Colleen Sinclair is a highly educated and experienced psychologist with a passion for understanding human behavior and relationships. She received her PhD in Psychology from the University of Minnesota in 2004, after completing a triple major at the University of Colorado Boulder in 1996. Throughout her career, Dr. Sinclair has held various academic positions, including Research Professor at Louisiana State University and tenured Associate Professor at Mississippi State University. She has also served as a Research Associate at Carnegie Mellon University, where she conducted research on human-computer interaction. Dr. Sinclair's research interests are broad. She applies the scientific method to help make the world a better place. She maintains a successful research portfolio exceeding $160 million in funding including being a part of a team to receive the biggest NSF grant in history to improve collaborations between industry and academia to shape the future of energy. She has published numerous articles and has been invited to present her research around the world. In addition to her academic work, Dr. Sinclair is also a sought-after consultant and speaker, providing expertise on topics such as communication skills, conflict resolution, and relationship building. She is known for her engaging and dynamic presentations (see TED talk), which draw upon her extensive research and personal experiences. Dr. Sinclair is committed to using her knowledge and expertise to help individuals and organizations tacke the problems of today to make for a better tomorrow. With her impressive education and experience, she continues to make significant contributions to the field of psychology and the understanding of human behavior.
Most Relevant Publications (1+)

33 total publications

Stalking, Threatening, and Attacking Public Figures: A Review

Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology / May 14, 2009

Sinclair, H. C. (2009). Stalking, Threatening, and Attacking Public Figures: A Review: Stalking, Threatening, and Attacking Public Figures: A Psychological and Behavioral Analysis Edited by J. Reid Meloy, Lorraine Sheridan, and Jens Hoffman, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2008. 474 pp. $65.00 (Hardcover) ISBN: 978-0-19-532638. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 24(2), 139–140.

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YingFei Héliot

Faith identity and working in the NHS
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (11)
Management of Technology and Innovation
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Strategy and Management
Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
And 6 more
I am Senior Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at University of Surrey in the UK. My research is focused on identity and its impact on wellbeing in people’s working lives; impact of multiple social identities on well-being and performance; social identity dynamics in leadership; role of identity in knowledge sharing behaviour; and evidence-based management. My wide variety of experience derived not only from academia but also from industry: voluntary work with non-governmental organisations in Africa and Europe, head of sales and marketing in Asia, business consultant in the UK and project lead in establishing University partnership between University of Surrey and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China. I am currently leading and researching a number of impactful and exciting projects, such as religious identity and working for the NHS, identity conflict and complementarity in a wide range of organisations (banking, law, education, business, and healthcare) and leadership in church organisations in the UK and the USA.
Most Relevant Publications (1+)

19 total publications

Religious identity in the workplace: A systematic review, research agenda, and practical implications

Human Resource Management / Jul 19, 2019

Héliot, Y., Gleibs, I. H., Coyle, A., Rousseau, D. M., & Rojon, C. (2019). Religious identity in the workplace: A systematic review, research agenda, and practical implications. Human Resource Management, 59(2), 153–173. Portico.

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Kostadin Kushlev

Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America

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Karina van de Voorde

Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences at Tilburg University
Most Relevant Research Expertise
Applied Psychology
Other Research Expertise (11)
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Management of Technology and Innovation
Strategy and Management
Business and International Management
Industrial relations
And 6 more
Karina van de Voorde's research is focused on aligning the Organizational Behavior/Occupational Health Psychology orientation towards the topic of organizational performance. Karina was the lead author of the publication "Employee Well-Being and the HRM - Organizational Performance Relationship: A Review of Quantitative Studies"
Most Relevant Publications (3+)

20 total publications

Relationships between work unit climate and labour productivity in the financial sector: A longitudinal test of the mediating role of work satisfaction

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology / Oct 12, 2012

Van De Voorde, K., Van Veldhoven, M., & Paauwe, J. (2012). Relationships between work unit climate and labour productivity in the financial sector: A longitudinal test of the mediating role of work satisfaction. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(2), 295–309.

How changes in subjective general health predict future time perspective, and development and generativity motives over the lifespan

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology / Jan 24, 2011

Kooij, D., & Van De Voorde, K. (2011). How changes in subjective general health predict future time perspective, and development and generativity motives over the lifespan. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84(2), 228–247.

Cross‐level effects of high‐performance work practices on burnout

Personnel Review / Jul 31, 2009

Kroon, B., van de Voorde, K., & van Veldhoven, M. (2009). Cross‐level effects of high‐performance work practices on burnout. Personnel Review, 38(5), 509–525.

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Example Applied Psychology projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on Applied Psychology?

Consumer Behavior Analysis

An Applied Psychology researcher can conduct a comprehensive analysis of consumer behavior, helping companies understand the factors that influence purchasing decisions. This information can be used to develop targeted marketing campaigns and improve product design.

Employee Engagement and Motivation

By applying psychological theories and techniques, an Applied Psychology expert can help companies enhance employee engagement and motivation. This can result in increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a positive work culture.

Leadership Development

Collaborating with an Applied Psychology researcher can assist companies in developing effective leadership programs. These programs can help identify and nurture future leaders, improve team dynamics, and enhance overall organizational performance.

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

An Applied Psychology expert can provide guidance on creating inclusive work environments that value diversity. This can lead to improved employee satisfaction, creativity, and innovation.

Stress Management and Well-being

Companies can benefit from the expertise of an Applied Psychology researcher in developing stress management programs and promoting employee well-being. This can result in reduced absenteeism, improved job satisfaction, and better overall mental health.